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The Family Midrash Says: The Book of Ezra - Nechemya

The Family Midrash Says: The Book of Ezra - Nechemya
The Family Midrash Says: The Book of Ezra - Nechemya
The Family Midrash Says: The Book of Ezra - Nechemya
The Family Midrash Says: The Book of Ezra - Nechemya
The Family Midrash Says: The Book of Ezra - Nechemya
The Family Midrash Says: The Book of Ezra - Nechemya
The Family Midrash Says: The Book of Ezra - Nechemya

This volume describes a crucial period at the end of the Babylonian exile. Groups of Jews are returning to Eretz Yisrael with the aim of building a second Bais Hamikdash. They are led by wonderful tzaddikim: first Zerubavel and Yehoshua, and then by the outstanding Torah Sage Ezra, later joined by Nechemya.

With Heavenly assistance, the second Bais Hamikdash is constructed, and the walls of Yerushalayim are repaired, despite conditions of grinding poverty and often, acute danger to life, because of enemy plots.

As usual,Midrashim enliven the narrative, and readers will carry away practical lessons how to view the circumstance then, as well as our situation today, through the lens of the Torah.

This volume is recommended for ages 12 through adult.

Explanation of Cover Picture: In Nechemya's time, heroic Jews rebuild the walls around Yerushalayim. Many workers hold a weapon in one hand, and guards are on alert, because the enemies are lying in wait to kill every Jew involved in the project, so as to stop it.
Book Attributes
AuthorsRabbi Moshe Weissman
Date Published12/14/2022

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  • Weight: 2.20lb