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Commuter's Chavrusah Series 15 Bereishis Set CD

Commuter's Chavrusah Series 15 Bereishis Set CD
Commuter's Chavrusah Series 15 Bereishis Set CD
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The Tefilah of Asher Yatzar ■ Noah: The Har Habayis - The Temple Mount in Halacha and Hashkafa ■ Lech Lecha: Sonei Matonos Yichye - Refusing Gifts ■ Vayeira: The Bris Milah Seudah - Fleishigs or Milchig? ■ Chayei Sarah: Getting Paid for Mitzvos ■ Toldos: Fascinating Insights into the Tefilah of Mincha ■ Vayeitzei: Lashon Aramis - Aramaic ■ Vayishlach: The Father of the Bride: His Responsibilities ■ Vayeishev: Birthdays - A Jewish Minhag? ■ Mikeitz: Davening for the Welfare of the Government ■ Vayigash: Learning and Davening on the Road ■ Vayechi: Belief in the Coming of Moshiach
Book Attributes
AuthorsRabbi Yissocher Frand
BindingAudio CD
Date Published09/20/02
PublisherYad Yechiel Institute

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  • SKU: FC151D