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Commuter's Chavrusah Series 08 Vayikra Set

Commuter's Chavrusah Series 08 Vayikra Set
Commuter's Chavrusah Series 08 Vayikra Set
8 Lectures: A Unique Erev Pesach & Its Broader Implications ■ Pesach: Eating Matzo: How Fast? ■ Sefiras Ha'omer ■ The Microscope in Halacha ■ Mipnei Seiva Takum: Honoring the Elderly ■ The Kohain and the Divorcee ■ Sh'mita and the Heter Mechira ■ Humility vs. Self-Esteem -- Is There a Conflict?
Book Attributes
AuthorsRabbi Yissocher Frand
BindingAudio Cassette
Date Published02/01/95
PublisherYad Yechiel Institute

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  • Weight: 1.20lb
  • SKU: FC083