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Model: CJ-1
Chronological Index of Jewish History.  Covering 5,764 Years of  Biblical, Talmudic & post Talmudic History with Timelines, charts and Maps...
Model: HP-1
Interesting People, Events and Curiosities in Habad Hasidism - Volume 1..
Model: 0899064884
The closing years of the fifteenth century marked the beginning of a new era. The epoch of the Rishonim, the ""Early Commentators"" was over. Just as the era of the Mishnah had given way to that of the Talmud, and that of the Talmud had given way to that of the Geonim and Rishonim, so too a new era ..
Model: 1578190568
Based on LiKedoshim Asher Ba'aretz by Hacham David Laniado; Edited and expanded by Rabbi David Sutton; Translated by Isaac Kirzner Known since Biblical times as Aram Soba, the city of Aleppo, Syria was a scholarly and spiritual center for thousands of years. Hated, persecuted, and finally driven out..
Buy Green Bananas
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Model: 1578194768
The chapters in this book will amuse, enlighten, provoke and inspire. Don’t be left out, this book is a treat! " "Many of us go through life and see a lot, but perceive very little. Rabbi Wein observes a bunch of green bananas or two armfuls of loaded shopping bags and discerns a blueprint for more ..
Model: 1578190592
With typical modesty, the saintly tzaddik Grand Rabbi Aharon of Belz said, ""Every survivor must have been accompanied by malachim (angels) on every side."" If every survivor was saved by angels, the Rebbe was surely escorted by entire companies of angels. Even in an era of holy people, he was reve..
Model: 1578193567
He could save his life and lose his soul.Or he could save his soul and lose his life.This is but one of the many challenges that confronted Maier Cahan, a young man with phenomenal courage and quick wits. And it's just part of his great and exciting story, retold here in a can't-put-down book t..
Model: 1578193699
The young Slovakian businessman planned to join his wife in London, but the Nazis marched into Austria and life would never be the same. Mandated by his illustrious father to remain in Europe to help his people, R' Shmuel Binyomin (Wolf) Frey embarked on a saga of rescue and relief that had reverber..
Model: 1422611736
A most unlikely hero. A most unconventional memoir. Shepsel was a little Jewish boy cared for in a nurturing German home - until his Nazi ""father"" was killed fighting for the Third Reich and his foster mother handed him over to a death camp. (She gave him a stuffed bunny rabbit in parting.) After..
Model: 1422608867
When little Leibish was eight years old, his world came to an end.It had been a wonderful world, the secure and peaceful world of Chassidic Budapest. And now, in an instant, it was gone. The Nazis had arrived, and Leibish and his family were brutally thrust into a world where life hung in the b..
Model: 089906146X
The courageous story of Dr. Jacob Griffel. Though his family had been wiped out, he never stopped fighting to save Jews...
Model: 1578197929
Israel Cohen was a prisoner in a slave-labor hell during the Holocaust. More than once the thought that he was a footstep away from the end, but he was destined to survive - to start a new life, raise a proud family, and share his experiences with us. And his experiences are truly a gift, because Co..
Model: 0899063403
Rabbi Berel Wein has become a household word on six continents, as a foremost rosh yeshivah, rabbi, lecturer and historian. His scintillating presentations of Jewish history have won him a host of admirers - and deservedly so.Perceptively, wittily, wisely and accurately, he presents an ancient ..
Faith & Fate - Deluxe Gift Edition
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Model: 1578195934
Few authors are able to fuse facts with inner meaning like Berel Wein. For many thousands of people, he is the voice of Jewish history - better said, he is a wise and profound teacher who sees history not merely as a collection of events, but as a continuum from Creation leading to the final fulfill..
Model: 142261106X
A Monumental Work of Holocaust Scholarship -- and a Masterpiece of Torah Thought Under the direction of world-renowned Holocaust researcher Esther Farbstein, a team of scholars examined the preface of virtually every religious book published since the 1940s, looking for autobiographical material re..
Model: 1422609537
For millennia, the Jewish sages have shared their vast treasury of knowledge with us through their Torah works. Less well known, however, is the storehouse of wisdom available to us in letters that the great Torah scholars wrote to their families, disciples, and to the Jewish People. In this unique ..
Model: 1422611744
Voices you can hear through eternity: Great Jewish Speeches Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, the Ramban, addresses his congregation in Barcelona. Avraham ben Avraham, the ""righteous convert,"" publicly forgives the Jew who betrayed him. The Klausenberger Rebbe comforts 5,000 shattered survivors in a ..
Going Forward
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Model: 0899066151
Peska Friedman's inspiring odyssey begins in the home of a chassidic rebbe in Poland, continues through the Holocaust, and on to postwar America where she starts life anew...
Model: 1578193605
Discover how Orthodox Judaism rose from near oblivion to a significant influence in America! The story of Orthodox growth in twentieth century America is one of struggle and determination, setbacks and near-miraculous victories. To understand the Orthodoxy of today, examine the roots of its..
The World That Was: Ashkenaz - The Legacy of German Jewry 843-1945
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Model: 1422609642
From its humble beginnings in Mainz to its shockingly swift and brutal end at the blood-soaked hands of the Nazis, the Jewish communities of Ashkenaz were a vital link in the chain of Torah transmission, a vibrant and important part of Jewish life and thought that has influenced Jewry to this very d..
The World That Was: Hungary And Romania
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Model: 0963512099
Mountains, and Budapest. Their verve, scholarship, piety, and goodness are seen through the eyes and words of the survivors. • Survival in the Budapest Ghetto • From Munkacs and Auschwitz to Peoria and NCSY • An eishes chayil in a slave labor camp • The rebirth of Satmar Chassidus in America • A tho..
The World That Was: Lithuania
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Model: 0963512080
First-person accounts from such people as Rabbi Mordechai Gifter, Rabbi Nochum Zev Dessler, Rabbi Avigdor Miller, and Rebbetzin Zlota Ginsburg; histories of famous and little-known places, more than 100 photographs, stories, maps and statistics about the way it was and the people who shaped today's ..
The World That Was: Poland
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Model: 142260618X
The life and Torah consciousness of Jews in the shtetlach, towns, and cities of Poland. Through interviews, research, maps, pictures and charts, it conveys the life, inspiration, vitality, and achievements of pre-war Polish Jewry. A magnificent achievement...
Model: 142260814X
This New York Times bestseller is finally available in Hebrew! Yaffa Eliach's unforgettable collection of chassidic tales is a classic of both Holocaust literature and chassidic thought. These eighty-nine unforgettable stories are based on interviews with survivors. Forged in the fires of the Holoca..
Model: 0899062377
Through his hundreds of lectures, Rabbi Wein has brought the Torah perspective on history to thousands of listeners. In this original work, he paints a magnificent, panoramic picture of our people in the centuries that shaped us and our world. This major work has the touches of luxury you expect in ..
Model: 0899064604
From Switzerland Mrs. Recha Sternbuch and her husband operated a network that saved thousands of lives...
Model: 089906454X
For the first time, Jewish history is presented according to authentic Jewish sources; well researched and clearly illustrated with photos, charts, and maps. Vol. I: The Second Temple Era: The era of the Second Commonwealth from the Destruction of the First Temple to the Destruction of the Second...
Model: 089906499X
For the first time, Jewish history is presented according to authentic Jewish sources; well researched and clearly illustrated with photos, charts, and maps. Vol. II: From Yavneh to Pumbedisa: In this volume, we trace the history of the Jews from the destruction of the Second Temple through the era ..
Model: 1422614387
Her grandfather, youngest son of the revered Sanzer Rebbe, the Divrei Chaim, had promised her she would survive. Was it possible? Sima Halberstam Preiser grew up in a majestic chassidic household, related to many of the great Rebbes. ""Tell me a story of the Sanzer Zeideh"" she would beg, and then, ..
Model: 142260974X
See for yourself how easy it is to follow and understand the Megillah reading. Using the new interlinear format developed by ArtScroll, you view Hebrew and English simultaneously, to give you maximum comprehension with minimum effort...
Model: 0899064701
The moving odyssey of yeshivah students during the war...
Model: 0899068707
Growing up in Nazi Leipzig, 1933-1939...
Model: 1578197538
Rabbi Berel Wein once again exhibits his admirable talent for clear, lucid explanation in this highly informative work. Though each chapter is brief, the sweep of the book is broad – exploring life-cycle events from birth through death, the Jewish view of family life and values, character refinem..
Model: 1578193648
Yosef Deutsch's previous bestseller Let My Nation Live earned a following of avid readers eager to experience more great moments in Jewish history - moments that impact on us forever. With the expertise of a scholar and the pen of a novelist, he recreates the scenes and emotional climate of the era,..
Model: 1422613127
To survive the impossible - and to bring a blazing light into the deepest darkness ... The German army had successfully invaded Poland. Now, just a few days after the Nazi victory, a young yeshivah student silently handed the keys of the beautiful Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin building - built with so ..
Model: 1422601021
Includes Bircas HaMazon and Sheva Berachos See for yourself how easy it is to follow and understand the Megillah reading. Using the new patented interlinear format developed by ArtScroll, you view Hebrew and English simultaneously, to give you maximum comprehension of every word with minimum effort...
A Path Through The Ashes
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Model: 0899068561
Essays on the Holocaust from the pages of The Jewish Observer. This expanded edition includes 7 new articles on How to Teach Churban Europa...
Model: 1422613682
See for yourself how easy it is to follow and understand the Megillah reading. Using the new interlinear format developed by ArtScroll, you view Hebrew and English simultaneously, to give you maximum comprehension with minimum effort. ..
Model: 1422613690
See for yourself how easy it is to follow and understand the Megillah reading. Using the new interlinear format developed by ArtScroll, you view Hebrew and English simultaneously, to give you maximum comprehension with minimum effort. ..
Model: 0899064523
Biographical sketches of 300 prominent 10th-15th-century Rabbinic sages and leaders such as Rashi, Rambam, R' Gershom Meor HaGolah. Traces the beginnings of Jewish communities in each part of the continents...
Model: 0899060366
There is no more exciting story anywhere than the Jewish People's march through the menaces of history. It's a gripping, absorbing story, peopled by great names and arch-villains, full of courage and cowardice, and leavened with the conviction that the Chosen People must survive come what may. This ..
Model: 0899060374
There is no more exciting story anywhere than the Jewish People's march through the menaces of history. It's a gripping, absorbing story, peopled by great names and arch-villains, full of courage and cowardice, and leavened with the conviction that the Chosen People must survive come what may. This ..
Model: 1578191815
These articles and essays forced me to come to grips with myself and my beliefs. In all truth, this writing experience has touched me, my soul and being, in a way that I never foresaw. When Rabbi Berel Wein makes a statement like that, you know you are in for a remarkably enjoyable reading experienc..
Model: 0899064027
A Jewish perspective on tragedy in the context of the Holocaust...
Model: 0899064566
When Moshe Prager, safe in Palestine, learned that the soil of Europe was saturated with Jewish blood and its sky was black with the ashes of crematoria chimneys, he longed for his brother and sisters. He couldn’t wait to go back, to search, to learn. As soon as the war ended he was there, living in..
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Model: 0899068723
Gripping stories about Jews who overcame Nazi terror to survive the war and succeed...
Model: 1578194601
History can be a muddle of unrelated events - or it can be a template, a pattern that enables one understand not only the past, but the future. It depends on the person, on his wisdom and perceptiveness, and on the tradition through which he filters events.Rabbi David Cohen has a dazzling ability to..
Model: 0899068588
An explosive study of the Orthodox Jewish response to the Holocaust...
THE JEWISH EXPERIENCE: 2000 YEARS - The Teichman Family Edition
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Model: 1578194962
Did you know that: Rav Yosef Karo was a young child when Columbus discovered America? Rembrandt painted a portrait of the famous Dutch rabbi, Menasseh Ben Israel, whose family had escaped the Portuguese Inquisition? Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch was 53 years old when the American Civi..
Model: 1422612082
An important work of history. A vital book of hashkafah. Our gedolim have made it clear that we owe it to ourselves, to the generation that suffered under Nazi brutality and, perhaps most of all, to future generations, to study the Holocaust through the prism of Torah and emunah. Written by a reno..
Model: 0899064981
Through his hundreds of lectures, Rabbi Wein has brought the Torah perspective on history to thousands of listeners. In this original work, he paints a magnificent, panoramic picture of our people in the centuries that shaped us and our world. This major work has the touches of luxury you expect in ..
Model: 142260229X
Haven't you always wanted to visit the well-known Yeshivos of pre-war Europe? Rabbi Paysach Krohn takes you there in this magnificent new book! In Traveling With the Maggid, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, the American Maggid, transports you to the great Torah centers of yesteryear! Rabbi Krohn, the best selli..
Model: 1578192536
The warm, inspiring story of a family's joys, ordeals, and growth, from Hungary to Auschwitz to America. In it, a brave, resourceful, loyal woman tells how her family coped with hatred, how she survived and rebuilt, how herself near death from surgery and an automobile accident she saved her husband..
Model: 0899062024
Jews who maintained spiritual strength, dignity, and a moral grandeur that defies belief...
Model: 089906468X
Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl hatched imaginative plans to save millions of lives, but was thwarted by those who should have helped...
Model: 1578197848
A. Romi Cohen was a precocious, active 10-year old when the Nazis invaded Poland. Soon afterward, they and their puppet regime took over his native Czechoslovakia, and for the next five years he was a hunted fugitive and a valiant fighter with the partisans. This memoir is a roller coaster of excite..
Model: 0899063926
There is no more exciting story anywhere than the Jewish People's march through the menaces of history. It's a gripping, absorbing story, peopled by great names and arch-villains, full of courage and cowardice, and leavened with the conviction that the Chosen People must survive come what may. Compl..
Model: tyjh-1
Hold a large piece of Jewish history in your hand -- with this monumental volume. An eminently readable, historically precise account of Jewish history from the destruction of the Second Temple until the Twentieth Century, this book is the first of its kind. The author, a renowned educator and ..
Model: TEIY
The battlefields heroics, the strategy, the lightning action of the Six Day Arab-Israeli War - these are by now well documented. But what was it like on the home front? Here in the pages of an on-the-spot diary is the warm and human story of an American Jewish Family who lived through..
Model: 1422615111
World renowned historian and lecturer, Rabbi Berel Wein, paints a panoramic picture of our people from the Classical Era (350 BCE) through the Modern Era, from the end of the First Temple Era, through Cossack pogroms, from the rise of the Chassidic movement, to the rebirth of Torah in America.&..
ArtScroll Essential Library 1.0     ArtScroll Essential Library 1.0
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Model: 1422607267
Every Jewish person and Jewish home must have these six classic and essential books. These books have made us "The People of the Book" for thousands of years. They are so essential, functional, and necessary for Jewish Living that no "Jewish Home" is complete without them. Now ArtScro..
Model: LMND
Take yourself back in time, when Yaakov Avinu runs away from his wicked twin, Esav, only to end up in the hands of the trickster, Lavan. And the rest, as they say, is history, except that in this marvelous book, history is a living, breathing entity, brought to life by the talented author and his ma..
Model: DLD
Dor L'Dor is a comprehensive graphic chart in brilliant color, which accurately presents numerous eras and diverse dating systems; Yovel and Shemitah cycles; famous personalities and renowned events. Its year-by-year layout and unique format is pleasant, clear and concise. It instantly presents the ..
Model: ITSO-1
After years of Siberian agony and torment, a Jew comes back home to find that there is no longer a place for the children to study Torah. Without hesitation, he puts his life at risk again, and begins to teach.This book - a best seller in Israel in its Hebrew version - tells the story of eight ..
Hidden Treasures Volume 1
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Model: ABV1-1
Archaeology Discovers The Hebrew Bible..
Model: TWTWEY-1
With scrupulous attention to historical accuracy, profound understanding of Torah hashkafah, and its magnificent collection of photographs, charts and illustrations, The World That Was Eretz Yisrael is the latest addition to The World That Was series. These volumes have been hail..
Model: LRM-2
Publisher: Kehot Publication Society Author: Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneerson Translator: Nissan Mindel  Language: English Format: 6.5" x 9.5" Hardcover, 2 Volume Slipcased Set Tracing the orgins of the Lubavitch movementThis brand new edition of Memoirs..
Model: AKVL-1
This breathtaking, historical novel tells the story of the life and times of the great sage, Rabbi Akiva. It is a classic literary tapestry woven with the details of life in Eretz Yisrael after the Destruction of the Second Temple. Meticulously researched and beautifully written, this book will..
Model: TUDW-1
A Chronicle of Tears "A RARE TREASURE EMERGES IN HOLOCAUST LITERATURE" One of the only known wartime diaries written by an Orthodox Jew This diary was crafted as a memoir, complete with chapter titles and a table of contents, by its author, a gifted writer and brilliant Talmudic schol..
Model: 9781680252606
Welcome to the Romanisher Shul on Rivington Street, open since 1885. Come in and meet the Rav… Born into a distinguished rabbinic family, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Spiegel, after studying under Rav Aharon Kotler and Rav Moshe Feinstein, went on to forge his own greatness as a Torah leader, culminati..
Model: 9781598269154
One of the most fascinating chapters in Jewish history is the chronicle of the Conversos in Spain and Portugal. Outwardly, they were Christians; secretly, they were Jews, with a singular devotion to the faith of their fathers. If caught and exposed, they faced the terrors of the Inquisition, yet the..
Model: 9781598269925
Feldheim Publishers is pleased to publish an updated English edition of The Baal Shem of Michelstadt, enhanced with a variety of photographs. This small literary gem, written originally in German, recreates the loving, authentic Judaism of long ago, making it come vibrantly alive. In the series of h..
Model: 9781680252859
Reb Shayale of Kerestir. More than a name, it was a guarantee, a promise, an invitationHE WAS A TZADDIK - and Kerestirer a place to which Yidden were drawn with invisible cords of love and hope. He resolved unsolvable problems, healed the incurably ill, and warmed souls numb with cold..
Model: 9781598269802
Eight-year old Sori Bernfeld and her younger sister Ruti are enjoying a charmed childhood. Born into wealth and prominence, and raised by loving parents and close-knit extended family in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, they must suddenly run away to nearby Hungary in a desperate attempt to escape the Na..
Model: 9781583308424
Take a front seat in the debate arena as the sharpest minds debate on the fundamentals of religion, faith, and a diverse range of basic Jewish concepts. It took the esteemed 12th-century sage, Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi twenty years to complete this work. In its unique question-and-answer format it record..
Model: 9780873065979
From a tiny shtetl in Czarist Russia, Miriam Aronowitch is transported to the countryside of Victorian England, where she and her mother Anya begin to build a new life. But when Anya becomes critically ill, fifteen-year-old Miriam finds herself alone and at the mercy of the cruel Miss Grimshaw, matr..
Model: 9781680254525
The small Swedish island of Lidingo became a haven for the homeless, shattered girls saved from the ravages of the Holocaust. There they received the warmth, love, and Jewish education they so desperately needed in order to rebuild their lives. A beautifully written historical account of c..
Special Days Of Joy
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Model: 9781680254198
Naftali’s eyes grew dreamy. “These days are so beautiful!” he thought. “I’ll get to participate in Hakhel and watch the Kohanim bring the Sukkos korbanos and do nisuch ha-mayim. I’ll hear the magnificent singing of the Leviyim and watch the Kohanim working so speedily. I’ll even see torches being ju..
Model: 9781583308493
Seven Special Weeks is the second of the "Naftali in the Bais HaMikdash" series. Naftali experiences the weeks between Pesach and Shavuos in Yerushalayim during the time of the Second Bais HaMikdash. He joins a special learning group for boys from all over the Jewish world to study the laws rel..
Maimonides' Advice For The 21st Century
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Model: 9781946351326
Scholar. Physician. Astronomer. Philosopher. Leader.It is difficult for us to fathom the greatness of Maimonides, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Rambam). His many works are studied, daily, around the world, eight hundred years after he wrote them and considered pillars of Jewish Law - and thought. Ind..
Challenge Of Jewish History
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Model: 9781937887315
There is a well-known conundrum concerning Jewish history: The conventional chronology of the Western world - and academia - is in direct conflict with traditional Jewish sources over the history of — history. Incredibly, there is a gap of roughly 200 years: For instance, the Talmud says the Second ..
Model: 9781881939245
As Holocaust survivors become fewer and grow older, it is imperative that we not only remember those tragic events, but that we empower ourselves with the many lessons to be learned from those who endured the truly unspeakable. In Heroic Children, noted author Hanoch Teller vividly chronic..
Model: 9781583304709
There’s a reason this book is a classic bestseller—it touches the hearts of readers the world over, from a wide range of audiences and backgrounds. Now newly revised and expanded, this is the inspiring story of the life and impact of R' Yaakov Yosef Herman, a Torah pioneer in America, as told by his..
Model: 9781946351890
Modern science is the most accurate lens of reality that humanity has developed so far. Science is crucial to humanity’s health, safety, and development. Still, the lens of science only “sees” a thin slice of the totality of existence. Much of the human experience cannot be simply explained by stand..
Model: 9781680254624
“To Let the Next Generation Know…”Only someone living in Europe during WWII can describe it.In this captivating memoir, Rabbi Yaakov Friedrich relates the miracles and hashgachah pratis that accompanied him every step of the way in his unpredictable journey through Belgium, avoiding captur..
Model: 9781422619667
Many countries. Many lives. And one overwhelming love, for Hashem, His Torah and His People. Meet Shulamit Bitton-Blau. You're going to love her.One foggy day in northern England, a young woman danced into the relatively new girl's seminary that had been founded in Gateshead, wearing an enc..
Model: 9781614653295
Hungary in the 1950s is a difficult place for Jews to live. The country is run by communists who prevent the citizens from practicing religion. Revolutionaries are rising up in revolt, but their plans for the Jews are disturbing and frightening. Gyory and his family want to escape. But they can’t ge..
Model: 9789655729801
A man in white... A stranger at the Kotel...A mysterious doctor... A life-saving dream... The 57 stories in this volume are all about modern-day encounters with Elijah the Prophet - Eliyahu Hanavi. In a moment of need, a stranger appears, offers help, and then disappears, sometim..
Model: LLBA-1
How did the 21-year-old newlywed from Meah Shearim form an immediate bond with street kids, gangsters, and hardened prisoners? How did he transform a crime-ridden city into a place of hope, learning, and Torah? How did he begin with 18 boys who needed a home, and create a vast empire of ch..
Showing 1 to 100 of 155 (2 Pages)