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Dating & Marriage

Model: MNO-1
Is your marriage on the rocks? Do you feel like your relationship with your spouse is on a downward spiral leading only to bleakness and despair – and divorce? All is not lost—there is still hope for you! In Marriage 911, marriage counselors and psychotherapists Rabbi Simcha and Chaya Feue..
Model: 1422602206
If finding your bashert is frustrating to you, you're not alone. There is so much confusion and angst, with everyone giving contradictory advice. Finally, there is somewhere to turn that walks you through the entire dating process step-by-step. Shidduch Secrets is filled with true stories of real p..
Model: 1578192889
Rabbi Eliyohu Goldschmidt was a prominent yeshivah educator and a master of human nature, especially with regard to how it effects marriage, child rearing and home life. In this wise, loving, and provocative book, the author shares his years of experience, counsel, and Torah-saturated outlook with h..
Model: 1578194261
Rabbi Eliyahu Goldschmidt was a man who made enormous differences in countless lives. He was a respected Torah scholar, an enormously successful yeshivah educator, a profound student of human nature, a man totally dedicated to the service of G-d and to helping people, a man who was admired and respe..
Model: 1578194326
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski's powerful insights and skilled practicality once again come to the fore as he speaks to couples embarking on their first year of marriage. How strange it is, he remarks in his introduction, that countless hours are spent making arrangement for the wedding and so little ..
Model: 1422609464
Don't believe all those old jokes: In-laws DO NOT have to be outlaws! Few things in our lives are more valuable than our family relationships — and few things are more complex. And when those relationships begin, not at birth, but at marriage, there can be some challenging adjustments to be made. Th..
Model: 1578192730
Hundreds of families rely on him to guide them through the shoals and rapids of life. Now, let him enhance your marriage. A wise and sensitive guide to making any marriage even better! Lots of the happy children and adults in the Holy City and lots of rejuvenated marriages are living testimony to Ra..
Model: 1578197198
Stop here if you've ever wanted to improve daily life in your family! Using a straightforward, upbeat "Driver's Manual" format, Chaya Ginsburg counsels you on relationships in marriage, with your siblings, your parents and children. Her premise is that interpersonal situations should trigger "dri..
Model: 0899066402
Rabbi Pinchas Stolper, one of our generation's inspirational leaders, turns his talented pen to discuss one of life's most delicate areas: love, dating, and marriage. With the illumination of the Torah's rich and positive teachings, he brings new meaning, purpose and elevation to our lives. He offer..
Model: 1422600254
It's a time of joy and a time of doubt - finding a match and building a Jewish home: finding the basherte, shaping a marriage, perpetuating harmony, handling problems. In this ArtScroll Judaiscope® book, a broad array of gedolim and professionals meet these challenges head on, offering Torah per..
Model: 1578193923
Even if your marriage is great, it can be better. And working on it 10 minutes a day is all it takes. Improving communication between you and your spouse is the key to enhance your relationship. Dr. Meir Wikler, one of the Orthodox community’s leading family counselors, shows how effective communica..
Model: 0899066488
How many times have you had to speak at a Sheva Brachos and did not have what to say? Fear not! Salvation is here in this collection of messages, tied to the weekly parashah, by a who's who of rabbis and laymen. Compiled by Dr. Mandell I. Ganchrow, president of the Orthodox Union and one of Orthodox..
Model: 142261378X
A collection of inspirational essays, relevant customs and laws, magnificent illumination, for the most meaningful time in a couple's life. •Customs through the Ages •The Chattan, Kallah and Har Sinai •A Personal Yom Kippur •Loving through Giving •The Mezinka Tantz •Foundations of Holiness •Sheva Be..
Model: JJH
Throughout history, the Jewish home has been the strength of our people. And today? Today, we face a "shidduch crisis." Swiftly rising divorce rates. An epidemic of shalom bayis problems.Who can help us build -- or rebuild -- our homes?  For inspiration and advice on how to fix troubled ..
Model: JML-1
Based on the wisdom of our Sages and the author’s years of experience working with couples, this fascinating book serves as a guide for couples who want to travel the path toward greater closeness and deeper love. The Jewish wedding ceremony teaches us about the dynamics of a relationship between hu..
Model: TAL-1
Appearing in the pages of Ami Magazine for over seven years, "Ask Rabbi Shais Taub" has gained a wide and dedicated following who return weekly seeking his astute guidance, clarity, inspiration, and deep faith.Rabbi Taub’s trademark style of answering the questioner and not just the q..
Model: TWWM-1
A win-win marriage? Yes, you can.Are you ready for an eye-opening, step-by-step program that teaches you how to have a fulfilling, harmonious, and happy marriage without having to change your wife?The Win-Win Marriage book can empower anyone—and this includes you—to turn the page on the past and get..
Model: 10RD-1
Finally!The straight-talking marriage book that Klal Yisrael has been waiting for.Every smart young couple starts their marriage with the same dreams, goals, and ideals. They’re one hundred percent sure that they will live in married bliss forever.Until they aren’t.Until the bickering, fighting, and..
Model: LEOS-1
Bring Serenity to Shidduchim – With Emunah!Rabbi David Ashear, originator and author of the Living Emunah series, brings his unforgettable emunah insights and stories to one of the most important – and often most stressful – parts of our lives: finding a shidduch for our children or for ou..
Model: TLIVMA-1
The Living Marriage is a translation and upgraded version of the Hebrew Book, Binyan HaBayis, which has helped tens of thousands of couples enhance their marriage over the past two decades. A couple's intimacy is of the central foundations of a vibrant relationship, and when approached properly it c..
Model: FARST-1
For more than four decades, renowned author and speaker Rabbi Manis Friedman has been counseling and teaching about marriage, love, and intimacy, empowering men and women to create healthy, long-lasting relationships. Now, in Fast Acting, Long Lasting, he focuses on how to navigate the often ch..
Model: TEMB-1
Stories, Anecdotes, And InsightsOn Shalom BayisThe Raavad explains had woman been created that from the earth as was man, they would have gone their separate and independent ways. Instead, Hashem created one from the other to demonstrate the need for them to live together as a single unit...
Model: SOACM-1
A great marriage is about connection.In this book, world-renowned speaker Rebbetzin Debbie Greenblatt shares her decades of wisdom and experience and reveals the secrets that can make an ordinary marriage extraordinary...
Model: TCGTDFM-1
In The Complete Guidebook to Dating for Marriage, Rabbi Reuven Epstein provides a thorough and practical handbook for individuals navigating the journey of dating for marriage. This book is designed for singles, and those supporting singles through this process, covering everything from the initial ..
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