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Encyclopedia of the Taryag Mitzvoth
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Model: EOTM-1
The stunning Torah breakthrough that began with the Encyclopedia of the Taryag Mitzvos, as well as the Mitzvah Cards, has ascended yet another rung on the ladder of Torah scholarship with the publication of each stand-alone volume of specific categories of mitzvos.   Taryag’..
Model: 0899061850
Includes a comprehensive history of the period; Chanah and her seven sons; the story of the Kohen Gadol's daughter; and the complete candle-lighting service...
Model: 1578190584
In an age of ever widening interest in contemporary halachah, this work represents the first comprehensive guide to the laws of Chol HaMoed ever published for the English-speaking public. Within these pages, the authors present the laws of Chol HaMoed in a clear, smooth-flowing style with special em..
Model: 0899060234
Rabbi Yosef Stern has distilled the profound, scintillating, pithy, incredibly rich discourses of the great Sfas Emes, Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Alter of Ger, into enlightening and inspiring English essays. This book opens the portals to some of the loftiest and most enlightening thought of the last centu..
Days Of Joy: Sfas Emes
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Model: 0899066348
Rabbi Yosef Stern has distilled the profound, scintillating, pithy, incredibly rich discourses of the great Sfas Emes, Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Alter of Ger, into enlightening and inspiring English essays. This book opens the portals to some of the loftiest and most enlightening thought of the last centu..
Model: 0899069177
Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin was renowned in the first half of this century as a Talmudic encyclopedist and halachist. Now available in English, his fascinating halachic discussion on aspects of the festivals trace the development and application of the holiday laws through the Talmudic and Rabbinic com..
Model: 1578191874
Rabbi Yisroel Miller delves into the lessons of Pesach, Shavuos, Succos, Chanukah, and Purim, and shows how they have things to say to everyone, every day. One reads this book with interest and a smile. One puts it down reluctantly and with the feeling that it's as fine a Gift for Yom Tov as one has..
Model: 1422614689
A concise and clear summary of all the laws of Purim, in a wonderfully convenient pocket size (4""x6"") The halachos are written in a readable, easy-to-follow style, while extensive source notes make this a valuable resource for further, in-depth study. Includes Birchas HaMazon - A unique gift to gi..
Model: 1602040125
Apisdorf has done it again. The long-awaited sequel to the Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Survival Kit is here. Whether this is your third Rosh Hashanah or your thirtieth, Beyond Survival will take you on a journey to new vistas of insight and inspiration. This book does more than just explain concepts, i..
Model: 1602040001
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The Days of Awe. The High Holy Days. The Yomim Noraim. This time of year has become synonymous with a unique, and in fact, awe inspiring spiritual aura. Yet, at times, it can be difficult to access the potential of these holidays. Inspiring Days is a collection of writi..
Model: 1602040036
The light of Jewish wisdom, and of an authentic Jewish world view, shines on Chanukah, perhaps, as on no other holiday. The holiday of Chanukah was born out of a clash between two civilizations and two fundamentally different ways of looking at man, at life, and indeed all of reality: This was the ..
Model: 1602040117
If you, or someone you know, spends the High Holy Day Services looking for the nearest exit - this is the book you have been looking for. Imagine having a knowledgeble friend sitting right next to you in synagogue who could explain the meaning of what is going on in clear, enjoyable, and inspiring l..
Model: 1578191629
Rabbi Cohen's works of practical halachah have earned him a following in the thousands. He has the exceptional ability to clarify the underlying principles of the halachah, so that the reader understands how they are applied to new situations and modern appliances. Included are the rulings of such a..
Model: 157819380X
Selecting Arba Minim, the Four Species, can be a satisfying privilege or frustrating task. The difference between confidence and confusion lies in how well prepared you are to judge between kosher and posul, and if you can discern a true mehudar. This handbook will teach you how to make these imp..
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Model: 0899064477
The meaning and purpose of Pesach; a fascinating collection of ideas and anecdotes on the Festival of our Freedom and laws of the Festival...
Model: 1422600270
Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov Pam was one of the most beloved Torah personalities of our time. Revered for his scholarship, cherished for his warmth, venerated for his leadership, Rav Pam taught generations of Jews the meaning of a Torah life.Thousands of talmidim in Mesivta Torah Vodaath were privilege..
Model: 0899066070
A bonanza of Purim treats, this book will add new and deeper meaning and understanding to everyone's celebration of this festive holiday...
Model: 0899061958
Rosh Hashanah inaugurates the Days of Awe. We seek to know what is asked of us and how to improve ourselves and our world...
Model: 0899068529
The Jewish religious calendar contains a kaleidoscope of intellectual and emotional stimuli - from the solemnity of the Days of Awe with their introspective fasting and shofar call of repentance to the merriment and indulgence of Purim; from the freedom and vicarious deliverance of the Passover Sede..
Model: 1578199255
Rabbi Yosef Stern has distilled the profound, scintillating, pithy, incredibly rich discources of the great Sfas Emes, Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Alter of Ger, into enlightening and inspiring English essays. These books open the portals to some of the loftiest and most enlightening thought of the last cent..
Model: 1422600149
For nearly a century, Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Alter of Ger' s classic Sfas Emes has been the challenging and provocative fare of outstanding scholars. But the concise and complex language and thought process of this classic were daunting to all but a select few. But Rabbi Yosef Stern has distilled these..
Model: 0899066011
A Jew's link to Creation and his Creator. A semblance of the World to Come. A day of joy and spiritual renewal. Here, the Sabbath is presented as never before in the English language through stories, parables, comments and interpretations...
Model: 0899066259
This book takes us back to those thrilling days at Sinai, to the Sefirah days of counting, to the delirious joy and suspended sunset of Lag B'Omer. Complete with an Overview and a wealth of beautiful insights and stories, and the Book of Ruth...
Model: 0899063179
The twin festival of Shemini Atzeres / Simchas Torah is the climax of the holiday month that swings like a roller coaster from judgment to joy...
Model: 0899061664
The significance of Succos; the lessons of the Four Species; the lessons of leaving a comfortable home for the chill of a flimsy booth...
Model: 1578192838
In this new book, Rabbi Raphael Pelcovitz, translator and annotator of Sforno's commentaries on the Torah and Pirkei Avos, offers a lifetime of learning and ideas on the weekly Torah readings. He shares with us his unusual ability to relate the thoughts of the Sages and commentators - including his ..
Model: 1578194954
“Someday my little children will want to go to Eretz Yisrael. What would I show them and how would I explain its history to them?” Mrs. Tsivia Yanofsky asked herself that question and decided to share her answers with the rest of us in this beautiful book. It is a very special kind of travelogue. I..
Model: 0899064299
Rabbi Yosef Stern has distilled the profound, scintillating, pithy, incredibly rich discourses of the great Sfas Emes, Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Alter of Ger, into enlightening and inspiring English essays. This book opens the portals to some of the loftiest and most enlightening thought of the last centu..
The Jewish Calendar
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Model: 157819346X
When the Syrian-Greeks - in the time of Chanukah - wanted to undermine and eventually destroy Jewish life, one of the three commandments they tried to abolish was the proclamation of Rosh Chodesh. They knew that without a calendar as ordained by the Torah, the festivals could not be observed and maj..
Model: 0899066097
The Ninth of Av - On this black day in history, both the First and Second Holy Temples of Jerusalem were destroyed and the surviving Jews brutally sent into exile. Tishah B'Av became a day of repeated tragedies. How was the Jewish nation meant to endure this phase of its history, the stage intended ..
Model: 1578195802
Join Bina, Benny and their winged friend, Chaggai the holiday dove, in these fun-filled adventures explaining the background and observance of the Jewish holidays. Illustrated in full color by Liat Benyaminy Ariel...
Model: 1422607097
Join Bina, Benny and their winged friend, Chaggai the holiday dove, in these fun-filled adventures explaining the background and observance of the Jewish holidays. Illustrated in full color by Liat Benyaminy Ariel...
Model: 0899062164
How to accomplish repentance and atonement; Israel's eternal bond to G-d and to one another. A full explanation of the Yizkor service...
Model: 1578191556
Minor holidays? What's minor about days that are so enjoyable and have so much to teach? When Bina and Benny - and their favorite talking holiday dove - get to work, every special day in the calendar is interesting and exciting. So let's hurry inside the covers of this book and see where they take u..
Model: YYS-10
Berachos. 3 Vol. (456) Hanukka (16) Pesah (11) Purim (17) Sefirat Ha'omer  Yom Tov (12) Sukkot, Arba'at Haminim (15) Ta`aniot  Tish`a Be`Av (13) Tefillin 2 vol. Tzitit (2) Yamim Nora'im (14) Shabb..
Model: 1422600270
Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov Pam was one of the most beloved Torah personalities of our time. Revered for his scholarship, cherished for his warmth, venerated for his leadership, Rav Pam taught generations of Jews the meaning of a Torah life. Thousands of talmidim in Mesivta Torah Vodaath were privileged to..
Model: KIK
Finally--the book the cook (and all other family members!) has long awaited. This question-and-answer guide takes the guesswork out of kashrus. With clear, authoritative answers to real-life questions, you'll feel that the author has been listening in on your kitchen when you read this comprehensive..
Model: ACHG-1
Shmuel Blitz and his brilliant children's books never cease to amaze, this is his seventh book -- and they just seem to get better and better. This time, he puts his talents to the task of creating a Children's Haggadah, and the result is one that will be enjoyed by child and grown-up alik..
Model: 9781422627266
The Torah Conversation Continues... On Yom Tov!The What If..? series has become a beloved part of our Shabbos table conversation. With its interesting scenarios and clear halachic explanations, it's a fantastic conversation starter for young and old alike.When first published, What If on t..
Model: TFOS-1
Each autumn we celebrate Sukkos anew, and with it many unusual and intriguing Mitvos, including the Mitzvah of gathering the Four Species. The Arba Minim, or Four Species, have inspired countless commentaries and traditions and intrigued scholars and mystics alike. With their rich symbolism they inv..
Model: PHOYT-1
From the author of the popular Pathway to Prayer Series comes a concise guide of practical Yom Tov halachos that is a pleasure to study and perfect for reference or quick review; also includes challenging review questions to test your knowledge. A volume no Jewish home should be without!..
Model: THSHO-1
Peek Inside!“The art of blowing the shofar is a knowledge-based skill.”(Siddur Rav Hertz Sheliach Tzibbur)With the publication of this sefer, the halachos, hanhagos, eitzos, and mesorah related to tekias shofar are now available to the English-speaking readers..
Model: THOS-1
Succos is Z'man Simchaseinu, the time of our joy. The mitzvah to live in a succah is one that is both revered and beloved by Jews everywhere. A Yom Tov meal in a beautifully decorated succah has a unique capacity to elate and to elevate.An entire masechta of Gemara and a number of simanim in Sh..
Showing 1 to 47 of 47 (1 Pages)