Model: EJME-2
Model: 1578195756
Dr. Abraham S. Abraham is a world renowned physician who has lectured at medical conferences in many countries. In addition, he is one of the world's leading experts on the halachic ramifications of modern medicine. He was exceptionally close to the great gaon and posek Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach,..
Model: 1578197120
Dr. Abraham S. Abraham is a world renowned physician who has lectured at medical conferences in many countries. In addition, he is one of the world's leading experts on the halachic ramifications of modern medicine. He was exceptionally close to the great gaon and posek Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach,..
Model: 1578193680
Dr. Abraham S. Abraham is a world renowned physician who has lectured at medical conferences in many countries. In addition, he is one of the world's leading experts on the halachic ramifications of modern medicine. He was exceptionally close to the great gaon and posek Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach,..
Model: 142260067X
The Sages teach that visiting the sick is one of the mitzvos that offer benefit in both this world and the World to Come. And which one of us hasn't felt better after a visit from a friend? Especially if he or she knew what to say to put us at ease. However, few have really studied the laws of this..
Model: MPSB
Translated from the popular Refuat HaShabbat, this invaluable guide covers all aspects of the halachos of medical care on Shabbos: categories of illnesses; guidelines for caring for adults, children, the elderly, and expectant and nursing mothers; the laws of taking medication and performing co..
Model: EJME-3
Ethical issues in modern medicine are of great concern and interest to all physicians and health-care providers throughout the world, as well as to the public at large. Judaism is unique among modern ethical systems in that it comprises a continuum of recorded deliberations and decisions dating back..
Model: MHR
Model: MDHR
Model: IPOM-1
Model: HIHC-1
The questions start with 'What is permissible or not on Shabbos' but don't end there. This incredible work - the fruit of years of specialization in the area by Rabbi Micah Cohn - cover areas such as Shabbos, Yom Tov, endangering oneself to help others, shidduchim, pregnancy and birth, end..
Model: MDHR-1
A guide for end-of-life and other complex medical dilemmas
The world of medical ethics is often a slippery slope, which, if not governed by halachah, can lead to grave sins - including that of murder itself. The issues surrounding end of life, as well as other life-and-death questions, have bec..
Model: 9781952370199
How should doctors ration ventilators during a pandemic - who gets priority?
How to perform circumcision during the pandemic?
Can one inform authorities about his neighbor who is violating a social-distancing ordinance?
What are the parameters of fasting on Yom Kippur and Tishah B’Av during a..
Model: RAWM-1
With his mastery of halachah, leadership, and open heart and door to every Jew who needs him, Rav Asher Weiss, shlita, has quickly become known as one of the leaders of our generation.In this compendium of Rav Weiss’s maamarim and teshuvos, numerous medical halachic issues are addressed.So..
Model: MHAT-1
Written by experts in the field, this journal is an exploration of the intersection of halachah, medical ethics, and contemporary medical issues, and offers insights into the application of halachic principles to complex medical situations.ForewordAlan Kadish, MDEditor’s PrefaceEdward Lebovics,..
Model: MHR6-1
Model: MHR8-1
Model: MHR4-1
Model: MHR5-1
Model: HIH-1
The discussions begin with “What are the parameters of the obligation to guard health?” but don’t end there. This incredible work ― the fruit of years of specialization in medical halachah by Rabbi Micha Cohn ― covers a wide range of topics, such as preserving health and safety, mental health, techn..
Model: MHA-1
Model: HAR-1
It is not an exaggeration to say that the halachic sheilos that come up in a hospital setting number in the thousands. And the sheilos are as varied as they are numerous.There are the many Shabbos concerns: how to call a nurse on Shabbos, adjust an electric bed, walk through auto..
Model: RAWMI-1
This fascinating collection of teachings from one of contemporary Judaism's greatest halachic authorities includes questions such as:What are the parameters of the mitzvah to heal the sick?How does one pray for a sick person?What are the personal halachic obligations of medical professionals?What is..
Showing 1 to 24 of 24 (1 Pages)