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Model: EIS-1
A Complete Buyer’s Guide “GROUNDBREAKING.” “REVOLUTIONARY.” “AN EYE-OPENER.” There is virtually no other major purchase in which one is so reliant upon the seller. Here an insider takes us behind the scenes of Sta”m purchasing and maintenance. Because an educated consumer is the best mitzvah ..
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Model: DY-1
What is the source for all the widely-diverging times for Tzais HaKochavim, and what was the custom in earlier generations? Why do some luchos have multiple times for Alos HaShachar? What are “degrees”? When is Misheyakir? Can sunrise be calculated to the precise second? Can I rely on the listed tim..
Model: TLOE-1
A groundbreaking new sefer! Years of research, hundreds of color, computer-generated 3D images, and a knack for accuracy and clarity have resulted in this first-of-its-kind, authoritative, comprehensive and practical guide which will be an invaluable resource in every beis medrash and every Jewish h..
Model: TFC-1
Honoring parents is an enigmatic mitzvah. On one hand the Sages suggest that proper fulfillment is almost unattainable; on the other hand the Torah, in a place no less prominent than the Ten Commandments, teaches that this mitzvah holds the key to long life in this world and the ..
Model: CQHH-1
Discussions of Common Dilemmas in Daily Life   For an author to write an effective book of halachah, Jewish law, the gift of clarity is indispensable. To set forth hashkafah, the Torah perspective on l..
Model: 142261431X
Renowned posek and author Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen continues to illuminate and enrich our lives in this, his seventh volume on the laws of Shabbos observance. In The Aura of Shabbos Rabbi Cohen examines the laws relating to Erev Shabbos, Shabbos preparations, and how we should remember Shabbos even ..
Model: 1422605477
Torah Judaism, while founded on matters of faith, equally encompasses very complex matters of business. That is profoundly illustrated in those sections of the Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law) which carefully scrutinize all manner of business relationships and transactions.This important boo..
Model: 1422614573
Sefer HaChinuch is one of the great classics of the 13th Century. Although the anonymous author states that he wrote it for his son and the youth of his time to learn on Sabbath afternoons, it was embraced by the entire nation as a masterpiece.The author lists all 613 Commandments following the..
Model: 1422611892
Sefer HaChinuch is one of the great classics of the 13th Century. Although the anonymous author states that he wrote it for his son and the youth of his time to learn on Sabbath afternoons, it was embraced by the entire nation as a masterpiece.The author lists all 613 Commandments following the..
Model: 1422613135
Sefer HaChinuch is one of the great classics of the 13th Century. Although the anonymous author states that he wrote it for his son and the youth of his time to learn on Sabbath afternoons, it was embraced by the entire nation as a masterpiece.The author lists all 613 Commandments following the..
Model: 1422613607
Sefer HaChinuch is one of the great classics of the 13th Century. Although the anonymous author states that he wrote it for his son and the youth of his time to learn on Sabbath afternoons, it was embraced by the entire nation as a masterpiece.The author lists all 613 Commandments following the..
Model: 1422614905
Sefer HaChinuch is one of the great classics of the 13th Century. Although the anonymous author states that he wrote it for his son and the youth of his time to learn on Sabbath afternoons, it was embraced by the entire nation as a masterpiece.The author lists all 613 Commandments following the..
Model: 0899061974
The traditions, laws and customs of this momentous occasion presented by a leading Mohel. Includes explanations and backgrounds; a section answering many questions concerning the naming of a child; laws pertaining to adoptions; medical causes for postponement; a Bris on the Sabbath and Festivals, et..
Model: 1578195985
You sat down on someone’s glasses and broke them. Must you pay? You set a trap for a trespasser and caught him -- but he was injured. Are you liable? Someone spoke a shidduch and it worked! How much must you pay? This is just a small sample of the everyday questions that are answered by Ra..
Model: 1578194571
Study Sefer Chofetz Chaimin 128 daily segments, according to the schedule established by the venerable Manchester Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Yehudah Zev Segal, z""tl.The Chofetz Chaim's influence continues to grow, as thousands upon thousands adopt his message that the tongue can be a priceless tool or a ..
Model: 0899066119
This book takes the mystery out of the halachic responsibilities involved in raising children. It is clear, easy-to-use, and documented. All pertinent halachic details regarding children and Kashrus, Tznius, Yomim Tovim, Berachos, Shabbos, and more are included in this masterpiece...
Model: 1578190584
In an age of ever widening interest in contemporary halachah, this work represents the first comprehensive guide to the laws of Chol HaMoed ever published for the English-speaking public. Within these pages, the authors present the laws of Chol HaMoed in a clear, smooth-flowing style with special em..
Model: 1422611388
For an author to write an effective book of halachah, Jewish law, the gift of clarity is indispensable. To set forth hashkafah, the Torah perspective on life, an author must possess the ability to inspire and enlighten. In Contemporary Questions in Halachah and Hashkafah, Rabbi Yosef Viener offers ..
Model: 1422608999
The Daily Halacha is a thoroughly original and thought-provoking new book by one of the Syrian community's most dynamic and inspiring young leaders, Rabbi Eli J. Mansour. Written in the style of the renowned Ben Ish Hai, the book features a brief, yet powerful, discourse on each week's parasha. Tak..
Model: 1578191912
Honoring Parents laws, insights, stories and ideas. May parents insist that their children pray with them? May a daughter attend an Israeli seminary if her parents object? May a surgeon operate on his parents? How binding are parental instructions left in a last will? When is disobedience permitted?..
Model: 142260960X
The ""shemiras halashon revolution"" that swept the Torah world showed us how important - and, yes, how possible - it is for us to speak in accordance with the laws of proper speech. But how can we present those laws, with their many details and rules, in a way that is enjoyable reading for all ages..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Husbands at Childbirth ■ Inducing Labor ■ Baby Naming ■ Caesarean Section Births..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Hilchos Brochos--Ikar Ve'Tofel ■ The Bracha for Kings and Presidents ■ Birchas Hamotzi ■ Desserts--Do They Require a Bracha..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Burying on Yom Tov Sheini ■ Postponing a Funeral ■ Mitzvah of Burial ■ Purchasing a Burial Plot..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Chanukah Licht on Erev Shabbos ■ Chanukah Issues ■ Chanukah Issues II ■ Women and Chanukah Licht..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Lighting Neiros in Shul ■ Third Night of Chanukah But Only Two Candles ■ Miracle Products and Other Chanukah Issues ■ Ner Chanukah: Where,When and Other Issues..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Must a Kallah Cover Her Hair at the Chasuna? ■ Leaving a Chasuna Before Benching ■ Shana Reshona--The First Year of Marriage ■ Marriage and the Birchas Airusin..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: G'neivas Da'as: Deception & Your Fellow Man ■ The Prohibition Against Revealing Secrets ■ The Prohibition Against Flattery ■ Reading Other's Mail & Other Privacy Issues..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Changing Nusach: Ashkenaz vs. Sephard ■ The Gartel: To Wear or Not to Wear ■ The Minyan: Who Counts? ■ Tefilla B'Tzibur: Is it Mandatory?..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Hallel On Yom Ha'atzma'ut ■ Davening Towards Mizrach ■ V'sain Tal U'matar ■ Maariv..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Tachanun ■ Makom Kavuah and Other Davening Issues ■ Tefilas Tashlumim - Making Up a Missed Davening ■ Must Mincha Have a "Chazoras Hashatz"?..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Establishing Time of Death ■ Tombstones-Halachic Questions & Answers ■ Writing a Halachically Sanctioned Will ■ The Laws and Customs of the Hesped..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Embalming, Autopsies and Cremation ■ Exhumation--When Is It Permitted? ■ Yahrtzeit ■ Funerals in Halacha..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Yerushalayim in Halacha ■ Rending Garments on Seeing Yerushalayim ■ Americans in Israel-One Day or Two? ■ The Temple Mount Today..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Conversion (Geirus) ■ Conversion for Ulterior Motives ■ Sefer Rus and Its Halachic Implications ■ Geirus - Mitzvah, Reshus or Issur?..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Gelatin: Is It Kosher? ■ Honey - Why is it Kosher? ■ Is Turkey Kosher? ■ Kosher Cheese: What Is It?..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Xmas Eve in Halacha and Agadah  ■ Astrology: Is It For Us? ■ Christianity in Halacha ■ The Seven Noachide Laws..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: The Insects in Vegetables Controversy ■ The Tuna Fish Controversy ■ Waiting Between Meat and Milk ■ Cholov Yisroel in Modern America..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Grape Juice and Yayin Mevushal ■ "Chamar Medinah"- What Can Be Used for Kiddush ■ Kiddush Shabbos Morning ■ Eating Before Kiddush..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Can Kohanim Visit Graves of Tzadikim? ■ Are Our Kohanim Really Kohanim? ■ Birchas Kohanim ■ Kohanim in Hospitals--A Real Problem..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Birchas Kohanim - Who Can Who Can't ■ The Kohain and the Divorcee ■ The Mitzvah of Ve'Kidashto - Honoring Kohanim ■ The Ba'alas Teshuva and the Kohain..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Learning in Kollel ■ Learning on Shabbos - A Good Idea? ■ Learning Kabbalah  ■ Learning and Davening on the Road..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: The Fearless Judge: A Difficult Task ■ Polygraph in Halacha ■ Turning an Offender Over to the Secular Authorities ■ Circumstancial Evidence..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Mixed Seating at Weddings ■ Marriage Between Relatives ■ Reconciling Divergent Customs in Marriage ■ Weddings in Shuls: Is There a Problem?..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Katlanis-The Twice Widowed Woman ■ Is Marriage a Mitzvah? ■ Pilegesh-An Alternative to Marriage? ■ The Laws & Customs of the Chupah Ceremony..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Milah and the Yellow Baby ■ Bris Milah: The Metzitzah Controversy ■ The Sandik ■ The Bris Milah Seudah..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Mohel and Baby - Who Goes to Whom? ■ Bris Milah that Causes Chilul Shabbos ■ Anesthesia During Milah ■ Sandik - Can You Change Your Mind..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Rationing Medical Care ■ Malpractice ■ Withholding Medical Treatment ■ Euthanasia..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Kidney Donations-Endangering Oneself  ■ Elective Surgery and Milah on Thursday ■ Experimental Medical Treatment ■ Unethical Medical Research..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Calling a Shomer Shabbos Doctor ■ Dealing With Illness on Shabbos ■ Returning From a Medical Emergency ■ Taking Medication on Shabbos..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: The Melacha of Carrying ■ The Melacha of Writing ■ The Melacha of Dyeing ■ The Melacha of Memachek..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: The Tzava'ah (Last Will & Testament) of Rabbeinu Yehuda Hachasid ■ Superstition In Halacha ■ Dreams In Halacha & Hashkafa ■ Dreams In Halacha II..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: The Mitzvah of Daled Kosos ■ Daled Kosos: Another Look ■ Women and Daled Kosos ■ Netilas Yodayim for Karpas..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Rabbonim & Roshei Yeshiva--Do Sons Inherit? ■ S'char Shabbos: How Do We Pay Rabbonim? ■ Can One Charge for Teaching Torah? ■ Teaching Torah to Non-Jews..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Adoption: Problems & Solutions ■ The Abortion Controversy ■ Artificial Insemination ■ The Childless Couple In Halacha..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Sterilization: Is It Permitted? ■ Abortion to Save A Baby ■ Artificial Insemination Before Chemotherapy ■ Choices in Marriage Partners..
8 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Sefiras Ha'omer ■ Minhagim of the Days of Sefira ■ Lag B'omer ■ Sefiras Ha'omer, Shavuos & the International Dateline ■ Sefer Rus and Its Halachic Implications ■ Bathing on Shabbos and Yom Tov ■ Shavuous Issues- Late Maariv - Lea..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Amirah L'Akum: The "Shabbos Goy" ■ Kiddush: To Sit or Not to Sit ■ Candle Lighting/Havdalah: How Early & Late? ■ The Melacha of Tying Knots..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Making Ice on Shabbos ■ Fax Machines on Shabbos ■ Umbrella on Shabbos ■ Wearing a Watch on Shabbos..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Melacha Before Havdalah ■ The Mitzvah of Kiddush for Men and Women ■ Making Shabbos Early ■ Lechem Mishna..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: The Microphone On Shabbos ■ Living Above a Shul ■ Shalosh Seudos in Shuls: Is There a Problem? ■ Selling a Shul..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: The Chol HaMoed Trip and other Succos Issues Is Building a Succah a Mitzvah? Does Eating Mezonos Require a Succah? Succos - The Mitzvah of Lulav; What exactly is it?..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Does it Cover Only Married Men? ■ Techeiles Today ■ Donning a Tallis for the Amud ■ Tallis-- Bringing it Home on Shabbos..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Obligation to Give Maaser ■ Allocating Your Tzedaka Dollar ■ The Pushka in Halacha ■ Accepting Tzedaka From Women..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Sheitel-Woman's Obligation to Cover Her Hair ■ Teaching Torah to Women ■ Female Vocalists: The Problem of Kol Isha ■ Women and Daled Kosos..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: May A Daughter Say Kaddish? ■ Women's Testimony in Hilchos Niddah ■ Sa'ar B'isha Ervah ■ Women and Tzitzis..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Candle Lighting on Friday Night ■ Conditional Licht Benching ■ Women and the Laws of Tznius ■ Must Women Daven?..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: The Prohibition of Yichud ■ Sotah: The Case of the Unfaithful Wife ■ Yichud and the Housekeeper ■ Yichud and the "Open Door Policy"..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Chanukah and Hidur Mitzvah ■ Purim Issues II ■ Is Shaving Permitted on Chol Hamoed? ■ Working On Chol Hamoed--Is it Permitted?..
CD One: The Neshama - Your Most Precious Asset There is a part of each of us that lives for all eternity - our neshamah, the indestructible soul that was loaned to us at birth. The strong spiritual light that guides our conscience, the neshamah is at the same time vulnerable and must be protected f..
Disc One: Teshuvah and Midas HaGevurah Jews are strong. If we weren't, we would have disappeared centuries ago. How can we harness this strength to lift ourselves to the level of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - and to stay there all year? We can't do everything at once - but we can do something at o..
Disc One: It's Not My Fault Teshuva - it seems simple enough - saying I'm sorry. But that requires accepting responsibility, and that's not so simple. Rabbi Frand helps us understand the dynamics involved in this important process, helping us learn how to come closer both to man and G-d. Disc Two: ...
Disc One: Sefer Yonah: Painting your masterpiece In the waning hours of Yom Kippur we read the dramatic story of Yonah HaNavi. Our sages revealed that this small sefer contains a fundamental message not only for this one holy day, but for life in general. Listen as Rabbi Frand uncovers the potent le..
Rabbi Yissocher Frand is deservedly one of the most respected and popular lecturers of our time. Let him improve the quality of your life - your spiritual, Jewish life - with two scintillating lectures. Teshuva 5771: Disc 1: Shabbos: The Key to a Lasting Teshuva Learn how to improve your Shabbos a..
Rabbi Yissocher Frand is deservedly one of the most respected and popular lecturers of our time. Let him improve the quality of your life - your spiritual, Jewish life - with two scintillating lectures. Teshuva 5772: Disc 1: Teshuvah: Reaching Up by Reaching Out All of us, specially in these days ..
Rabbi Yissocher Frand is deservedly one of the most respected and popular lecturers of our time. Let him include the quality of your life -- your spiritual, Jewish life -- with two scintillating lectures. This past year, 2009/5769 has been a trying time for Klal Yisroel and indeed the entire wo..
Disc One: U'teshuva U'tefillah Yom Kippur is the only time when Viduy is part of the Shemoneh Esrei--why? This most solemn of all days begins with the annulment of vows-- strange, isn't it? How can we fill our prayers with sincere meaning? And how should we react if Hashem's answer to our praye..
Rabbi Yissocher Frand is deservedly one of the most respected and popular lecturers of our time. Let him improve the quality of your life - your spiritual, Jewish life - with two scintillating lectures. Society at large has been plagued by a lack of tolerance towards anyone who has differing opini..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Singing During Davening Pro or Con? Standing During Davening Proper Attire For Davening Davening Out Loud?..
Rabbi Yissocher Frand is deservedly one of the most respected and popular lecturers of our time. Let him improve the quality of your life - your spiritual, Jewish life - with two scintillating lectures. Society at large has been plagued by a lack of tolerance towards anyone who has differing opini..
Four Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: My Father’s Chumros Can A Father Be Mochel? Can You Sue Your Father? Father or Grandfather-Who Do You Honor..
Four Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Standing Up While Doing Mitzvos Getting Paid For Mitzvos The Bracha on a Mitzva: When? Distractions When Performing A Mitzva..
Four Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Dishwashers on Shabbos A Manicure on Shabbos? Birthday Cakes on Shabbos Hairbrushes on Shabbos-Permitted or Not Permitted..
    What is our responsibility to others - especially our beleaguered brethren in Israel?     What can a single individual do to elevate the nation?     Rabbi Yissocher Frand addresses these questions with eloquence and wisdom. To listen to these lectures is to rise above the mundane and feel a ne..
    In just one hour on September 11, the whole world changed. President Bush mobilized the nation and alerted the world to declare war on terror.     But are military and political responses enough?     NO, says Rabbi Yissocher Frand! There is a spiritual Ground Zero, with a message for us all. ..
Model: 1578197481
A straightforward and practical guide, this handbook provides halachic procedures for funerals, burial, erecting a monument, and selected laws of mourning. Convenient for use by rabbis and laymen, the appropriate services include complete instructions, as well as the service in Hebrew and English. ..
Model: 1422614689
A concise and clear summary of all the laws of Purim, in a wonderfully convenient pocket size (4""x6"") The halachos are written in a readable, easy-to-follow style, while extensive source notes make this a valuable resource for further, in-depth study. Includes Birchas HaMazon - A unique gift to gi..
Model: 1578193753
Basic to every Jewish home is a practical, reader-friendly guide to Shabbos observance. In this final volume of his two-volume The Shabbos Home (and the last volume in his series on the laws of Shabbos), Rabbi Cohen addresses hundreds of real-life situations and questions.From flowerpots to foo..
Model: 0899063349
The practical aspects of Shabbos laws as they relate to the typical home, clarifying principles so the reader understands how they apply to new situations and appliances. Includes rulings by Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach...
Model: 1578197597
People sometimes overlook the fact that the Torah offers laws and guidelines for proper interpersonal relations that inform every aspect of our day.Rabbi Avrohom Ehrman, a distinguished Torah scholar, wrote Halichos Olam, to clarify and disseminate the frequently overlooked laws that regulate human ..
Model: 1578197600
People sometimes overlook the fact that the Torah offers laws and guidelines for proper interpersonal relations that inform every aspect of our day.Rabbi Avrohom Ehrman, a distinguished Torah scholar, wrote Halichos Olam, to clarify and disseminate the frequently overlooked laws that regulate human ..
Model: 0899065589
An authoritative yet practical guide to kashruth observance today, by one of the world's leading experts in a field that grows consistently more complex. This book explains many frequently used terms and contains a wealth of information that is not available anywhere else. Widely acclaimed by expert..
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