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Jewish Thought

Model: TFYS
Volume 1 - Introduction and Chapters 1-9 The Maharal of Prague (HaRav Yeuda Loew): Translation and Commentary  By Rabbi Ramon Widmonte The famed Maharal of Prague, a 16th-century mystic, is known for the legend of the Golem, but his Torah scholarship has remained a clo..
In Search of Torah Wisdom
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Model: ISTW
Many frum people observe mitzvos and yet seem to be lacking a sense of inner spiritual connection. Others seek understanding and depth of meaning, but have no Rebbe, no trusted mentor, to whom they can ask their questions. Still others have become tired, jaded, apathetic or cynical – and suspect tha..
Model: ZRSM
Zera Shimshon. Come for the segulah. Stay for the Torah.People looking for shidduchim. People waiting for the blessing of children. People struggling financially. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, have discovered the power of the Zera Shimshon's promise:"... [those who learn my Torah] will see ..
Model: WIF
What if... a child born during the Holocaust is given one name by his parents at his bris, and another by Jews who hid him and saved his life. When his parents return to take him back at the end of the war, which name should he use?What if.... a thief feels sorry for his victim, a widow about t..
Model: JR-1
Discussions in this unique work include: How is our understanding of Torah guided by philosophy? Can Jewish tradition combat Bible criticism? Why does God permit evil? Did Rabbi Akiva reject the Torah’s death penalty? Rabbinic law vs. the spirit of halachah Ramb..
Model: DEHR-1
Written by the famous Talmudist and Halachist R' Nissim ben Ruvein (Ran) in the fourteenth century, Derashos HaRan is a collection of homilies (Derashos) that are a classic exposition of the fundamentals of the Jewish religion. This work is newly translated, with explanatory footnotes and cross-refe..
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Model: IB-1
iBelieve follows a captivating conversation between a brother and sister, Max and Amy, which takes place after Max becomes religiously observant. They discuss everything from: Is there a G-d? Where is G-d? Free choice, Jewish meditation, Everything is for the best, the Rebbe and much more...
Model: SWHA-1
After having one child or more, most couples are able to consider having another. Life-changing decisions like these should be educated and well-informed ones. It is no secret that Jewish tradition encourages a Jew to continue having children should the opportunity arise. In today’s society, this po..
Model: UENL-1
The United States Congress President in 1991 endorsed a set of seven universal ethical principles, known as the Noahide Laws, as the "bedrock of society since the dawn of civilization" and as values "upon which our great nation was founded." Associated with the name of Noah, with whom this moral cod..
Model: IRLA-1
According to tradition, after his exile from Spain for his defense of Judaism, the great Ramban (Nachmanides) sent this letter to his son. The letter which many recite weekly gives a blueprint for an ethical life as timely today as it was then. This book presents it as the basis for a beautiful coll..
Model: WEMH-1
What is the secret of the Tanya? How has it become a cornerstone of every Jewish library? Is this method relevant to our modern life? AS SOON AS RABBI SHNEUR ZALMAN of Liadi (the Baal Hatanya) formulated his method of self-mastery, more than two hundred years ago, it spread like wildfire. Within a f..
Model: POTW-1
In people of the word, we gain insight into fifty key Hebrew words that have been mistranslated and misunderstood for centuries. Each chapter takes the reader on an etymological journey into the big ideas that continue to shape Jewish thought, values, and culture to this day. A growing body of resea..
Model: SPARKS-1
“Barber’s rich second collection of writings and teachings from 18th-century Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeshitz continues the project of offering the English world its first translations of the work of the storied Kabbalist. . . . Illuminating and engaging, a user-friendly collection . . . more suited to bro..
Model: SPARKS-1
Peek Inside!For all the enthusiasts clamoring for more—as well as for the earnest newcomers in search of inspiration—Rabbi Buddy Berkowitz, master mechanech, is back with a second volume of fresh and illuminating Torah insights.How do we understand Hashem’s promise to Avraham that his..
Model: QESTB-1
We all have questions about our faith. Often, however, we are given overly simple answers that remain unsatisfying. In this original and thought-provoking work, Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum responds to twelve challenging questions that confront the Torah today. These are questions about the veracity of i..
Showing 1 to 24 of 24 (1 Pages)