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Sparks of Tanya Volume 1
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Model: SPOTN
By: Robert Kremnizer A simplified guide to knowing, understanding and applying Chabad philosophy The Tanya, the foundation of Chabad-Chasidic philosophy, has been termed the written Torah of Chasidut. It is endlessly deep and wide and answers all of l..
Model: TEX
True Existence - The Book This discourse revolutionizes the age-old notion of Monotheism, i.e., that there is no other god besides him. Culling from the Talmudic and Midrashic sources , the discourse makes the case that not only is there no other god besides him, there is nothing besides him-liter..
Model: JLSE-1
This unique compendium summarizes dozens of core Chabad teachings that explain and inspire Jewish faith and observance. Drawn from the vast body of works of the Rebbes of Chabad, it will engage, educate, and inspire readers from all backgrounds. A concise bottom-line, plus an extensive list of follo..
Model: OBO-1
One By One: From the acclaimed weekly Here's My Story Series. Sixty-six vividly diverse stories of guidance, perspective and encouragement from the  acclaimed weekly Here's My Story Series. The psychiatrist with a vision for change. The lonely yeshivah student. The young girl looking for di..
Social Vision: The Lubavitcher Rebbe's Transformative Paradigm for the World
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Model: SVLR-1
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, was one of the most influential personalities of the 20th century and the only rabbi ever awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. Despite wide recognition of Schneerson's impact, this is the first volume to seriously explore..
on the Essence of Chasidus - Chasidic Heritage series   /   ענינה של תורת החסידות
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Model: EOC-1
A Chasidic discourse Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson the Lubavitcher RebbeIn this landmark discourse, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, explores the contribution of chasidus to a far deeper and expanded understanding of Torah. The Rebbe analyzes the relationship chasidus has wit..
Model: LRM-2
Publisher: Kehot Publication Society Author: Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneerson Translator: Nissan Mindel  Language: English Format: 6.5" x 9.5" Hardcover, 2 Volume Slipcased Set Tracing the orgins of the Lubavitch movementThis brand new edition of Memoirs..
Model: TIAN-1
An easy-to-read synopsis to understand and review TanyaWe present you with a chapter-by-chapter synopsis of Tanya, so that you can grasp the basic outline of the sefer. Wether you are following the daily schedule of Chitas or another pattern, the synopsis offer a quick review and a general pict..
Model: LSMF2-1
By: Kehot Publication Society / SIE Translated By: Rabbis Eliyahu Touger & Sholom B. Wineberg Language: Hebrew / EnglishSelected discourses by the Lubavitcher Rebbe that emphasize the spiritual themes of the holidays from Nissan through Elul. Discourse..
The Life and Times of  Rebbetzin Rivka
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Model: LTRR-1
From his early childhood an on, R. Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch heard a prodigious number of narratives chronicling early Chasidic and family history from his grandmother, Rebbetzin Rivkah Schneersohn (1834- 1914), wife of R. Shmuel Schneersohn, fourth Lubavitcher Rebbe (1834-1882). He recorded many ..
Model: TTHS-1
From the diary of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of LubavitchIn 1843, when Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, third Lubavitcher Rebbe, was called upon to join the government’s Rabbinical Commision in Czarist Russia, the Rebbe showed unswerving determination in opposing any changes to Jewish practice and ..
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Model: 9780826601056
Lightpoints is a collection of uplifting, authentic and concise insights from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the Torah. These meticulously selected insights, many adapted here into English for the first time, were originally published individually each weekday in print and email, and enth..
Model: 9781586980054
Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel , personal secretary of the Rebbe for over four decades and responsible for his correspondence, describes in fascinating detail in his comprehensive introduction to this multi-volume compendium, the process by which the Rebbe’s letters were written. The thousands of letters..
The Rebbe Rashab Rabbi Sholom Dovber of Lubavitch - A Biography
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Model: 9780578747804
A biography of the 5th Rebbe of the Lubavitch movement, Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneersohn. Notwithstanding the tremendous upheavals of the beginning of the 20th century in Czarist Russia, coupled with his frail health, that caused him to be in health resorts, a few months a year, he spearheaded the fi..
Model: DRZ-1
Dear Rebbe explores in depth the correspondence between the Rebbe and sculptor Jacques Lipchitz, singer Jan Peerce, writer Chaim Grade and Holocaust survivor David Chase. These four people's lives are examined through their Jewish prism and how they reacted to the Rebbe's calling for living their li..
Model: LETSP-1
Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel , personal secretary of the Rebbe for over four decades and responsible for his correspondence, describes in fascinating detail in his comprehensive introduction to this multi-volume compendium, the process by which the Rebbe’s letters were written.The thousands of letters of..
Model: EASR-1
A Chassidishe farbrengen is the foundation upon which Chassidim build their lives, and the cornerstones of a farbrengen are the stories in which the elder Chassidim fondly recall great Chassidim of bygone generations. Propelled by such stories, a Chossid can proceed confidently a..
Model: SCGEN1-
From the diary of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch The fourth installment of Historical sketches, this work focuses on the life of R. DovBer Schneuri, second Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. During the years of his leadership, the sun of chabad Chasidism shone with all its might and glory, a..
Model: ARREE-1
The History of Yud-Tes Kislev. Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad- Lubavitch Chasidism, was arrested, persecuted, and imprisoned in the year 1798 for his selfless efforts to strengthen the Jewish people and to disseminate Chasidic teachings. Rabbi Schneur Zalman's arrest imperiled ..
Model: I-1
IllumiNations is more than just a book; it's a collection of captivating stories that aim to ignite and inspire. It beautifully highlights the global return of Jews to their spiritual roots, a journey led by dedicated Chabad shluchim who work tirelessly to bring the Lubavticher Rebbe’s visionary mes..
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Model: SAM-1
"Samarkand" tells the story of the Chassidic underground that operated in the Soviet Union, upholding Judaism during the rule of communist terror. Gripping narrative sweep the reader to distant lands, and paints a picture of mysterious figures in Samarkand's alleys, secret Torah study under the cons..
Model: ENTE-1
Click Here For Inside Pages.The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s colossal achievements in the service of world Jewry are well known. From his office in 770 Eastern Parkway, he initiated some of the most successful and innovative programming that the Jewish world has ever seen. What is not so well known is his sc..
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