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Talmud / Gemara

Model: GSS
Gemara Steps and Structure is an easy-to-follow, tried and tested approach to becoming independent in learning Gemara, Rashi, and Tosafos. In In a beautiful color presentation, Rabbi Yechezkel Norman, an experienced Gemara rebbe who has taught hundreds o..
Model: AYB-1
Aggadah is the non-legal portion of the Talmud. It contains the stories, the moral and ethical lessons, the ideas of our faith and our religion. In the Aggadah, we meet the wise and holy Sages of the Talmud not only as masters of the law, but as masters of the human experience.Compiled in the 1..
Model: ITTT-1
We study the Talmud, poring over its pages, cherishing its every word. But do we know very much about its background?In this beautiful volume, we will enrich and enhance the experience of learning Talmud with so much vital information!Includes writings on: Biographies of hundreds o..
$34.99 $39.99
Model: EYB2-1
Aggadah is the non-legal portion of the Talmud. It contains the stories, the moral and ethical lessons, the ideas of our faith and our religion. In the Aggadah, we meet the wise and holy Sages of the Talmud not only as masters of the law, but as masters of the human experience.Compiled in the 1..
Model: KTB1-1
The first large, full color volume of the incredible Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli featuring fully vocalized and punctuated vilna pages with translation and commentary from Rabbi Adin Even Israel Steinsaltz. Medium/Daf Yomi Size is B&W..
Model: KTS2-1
Tractate Shabbat is the first and the largest tractate in the order of Moed. It deals with the halakhot of the most sacred day of all, Shabbat. Numerous halakhot, veritable mountains of halakhot, are found among the mitzvot of Shabbat, both positive mitzvot and prohibitions. Included in these are mi..
Model: KTS3-1
Tractate Shabbat is the first and the largest tractate in the order of Moed. It deals with the halakhot of the most sacred day of all, Shabbat. Shabbat has even been adorned with the aura of legend; it is a day of rest and sanctity, God’s gift to a treasured nation. Medium/Daf Yomi Size is..
Model: KTE4-1
Tractate Eiruvin, in its entirety, is an elaboration and conclusion of the subject matter discussed in tractate Shabbat, as it focuses on one aspect of the halakhot of Shabbat that was not comprehensively elucidated. Tractate Shabbat opened with a discussion of the prohibited labor of carrying out o..
Model: KTE5-1
Tractate Eiruvin, in its entirety, is an elaboration and conclusion of the subject matter discussed in tractate Shabbat, as it focuses on one aspect of the halakhot of Shabbat that was not comprehensively elucidated. Tractate Shabbat opened with a discussion of the prohibited labor of carrying out o..
Model: KTP6-1
Tractate Pesahim is classically divided into two sections. The first, tractate Pesah Rishon, discusses the laws of the festival of Matzot, including the prohibition of leaven, its elimination from one’s possession, and the mitzva to consume matza. The second, tractate Pesah Sheni, deals with the fes..
Model: KTP6-1
Tractate Pesahim is classically divided into two sections. The first, tractate Pesah Rishon, discusses the laws of the festival of Matzot, including the prohibition of leaven, its elimination from one’s possession, and the mitzva to consume matza. The second, tractate Pesah Sheni, deals with the fes..
Model: KTP7-1
Tractate Pesahim is classically divided into two sections. The first, tractate Pesah Rishon, discusses the laws of the festival of Matzot, including the prohibition of leaven, its elimination from one’s possession, and the mitzva to consume matza. The second, tractate Pesah Sheni, deals with the fes..
Model: KTS8-1
Tractate Shekalim deals primarily with the finances and organization of the Temple. Based solely on content, this tractate rightly belongs in the order of Kodashim, the fift h order of the Talmud, which deals with matters pertaining to off erings and the Temple service. Nevertheless, Shekalim was pl..
Model: KTY9-1
Tractate Yoma deals with the Day, that unique day of the year, Yom Kippur. It stands apart from all other days of the year as a time of special sanctity that exceeds the sanctity of all other Festivals. Yom Kippur is the day when reality transcends standard boundaries and conventions, as it is ..
Model: KTS10-1
There are five chapters in tractate Sukka, each dealing with a well-defined topic: , Chapter One defines of the concept of sukka in terms of its structure and dimensions. Chapter Two determines the parameters of the mitzva of residing in the sukka and its obligations. Chapter Three defines the essen..
Model: KTB11-1
Tractate Yom Tov, better known as Beitza after its first word, deals with the general halakhot of Festivals. Whereas other tractates in Seder Mo’ed address the laws of Shabbat and the mitzvot that are specific to each of the major Festivals, this tractate deals with the laws common to all Festivals...
Model: EKSL-42
The complete Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli set is 42 volumes. The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli is a groundbreaking edition of the Talmud that fuses the innovative design of Koren Publishers Jerusalem with the incomparable scholarship of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. The set has an enhanced Vilna page (a..
Model: EKSM-42
The complete Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli set is 42 volumes. The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli is a groundbreaking edition of the Talmud that fuses the innovative design of Koren Publishers Jerusalem with the incomparable scholarship of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. The set has an enhanced Vilna page (a..
Model: KTT12-1
Tractate Ta’anit, as its name indicates, focuses mainly on the halakhot and themes of fast days [ta’aniyot], covering both communal fasts and private, individual fasts and addressing both those that have fixed dates and those that are established from time to time in response to various negativ..
Model: KTM13-1
Tractate Moed Katan deals mainly with the halakhot pertaining to the intermediate days of the Festival, which are often referred to as simply: The Festivals, in rabbinic literature. The discussion of these halakhot leads to a comprehensive treatment of two other fundamental areas of halakha: The hal..
Model: KTY14-1
Yevamot is the first tractate in the order of Nashim. Admittedly, some commentaries place Yevamot after Gittin (Meiri), but this is not widely accepted. While the tractate focuses mainly on the halakhot of levirate marriage, the elucidation of these halakhot necessitates an in-depth clarification of..
Model: KTY15-1
Yevamot is the first tractate in the order of Nashim. Admittedly, some commentaries place Yevamot after Gittin (Meiri), but this is not widely accepted. While the tractate focuses mainly on the halakhot of levirate marriage, the elucidation of these halakhot necessitates an in-depth clarification of..
Model: KTK16-1
Ketubot is the central tractate in the order of Nashim. It provides clarification of most of the matters that constitute the relationship between husband and wife: Conjugal relations, mutual obligations, and monetary arrangements between them. In a general sense it addresses the entirety of marital ..
Model: KTK17-1
Ketubot is the central tractate in the order of Nashim. It provides clarification of most of the matters that constitute the relationship between husband and wife: Conjugal relations, mutual obligations, and monetary arrangements between them. In a general sense it addresses the entirety of marital ..
Model: KTN18-1
Tractate Nedarim is similar to tractates Nazir, Shevuot, and to a degree, Arakhin, in that they all address obligations that are not imposed by the Torah but are voluntarily created by an individual. In a broad sense, the category of vows includes nazirite vows, oaths, and consecrations, which are t..
Model: KTN19-1
Tractate Nazir is located in the order of Nashim, usually after tractate Nedarim and before tractate Sota. The content of the tractate is not directly related to the order of Nashim, and the Gemara discusses this problem. However, since the passage in the Torah that speaks of the nazirite (Numbers, ..
Model: KTS20-1
Tractate Sota deals primarily with the halakhot associated with a sota, a woman whose husband suspects that she is unfaithful, and warns her not to seclude herself with a specific man. In the event that she secludes herself with that man, she is considered a sota, and it is prohibited for her to rem..
Model: KTG21-1
Tractate Gittin, according to the accepted arrangement of the tractates of the Mishna, is the penultimate tractate in the order of Nashim. This tractate deals mainly with a single topic, the manner in which divorce is performed. The situations in which divorce is permitted, justified, or even obliga..
Model: KTK22-1
The order of Nashim primarily deals with all things that relate to marriage: The life of the couple, the financial aspects of the relationship between a husband and wife, widowhood, levirate marriage, the halakhot with regard to forbidden sexual relationships, unfaithful spouses, and the willing dis..
Model: KTB23-1
Tractate Bava Kamma was originally the first section of a large tractate named Tractate Nezikin, which comprised what are now the first three tractates in the Order of Nezikin. From this placement it derived its name, Bava Kamma, the first gate. The remaining part of this super-tractate was divided ..
Model: KTB24-1
Tractate Bava Kamma was originally the first section of a large tractate named Tractate Nezikin, which comprised what are now the first three tractates in the Order of Nezikin. From this placement it derived its name, Bava Kamma, the first gate. The remaining part of this super-tractate was divided ..
Model: KTB25-1
Tractate Bava Metzia was originally part of a large tractate called tractate Nezikin, meaning damages, which comprised what are now the first three tractates in the order of Nezikin. Bava Metzia was the middle section of tractate Nezikin, and from this placement it derived its name, which means the ..
Model: KTB26-1
Tractate Bava Metzia was originally part of a large tractate called tractate Nezikin, meaning damages, which comprised what are now the first three tractates in the order of Nezikin. Bava Metzia was the middle section of tractate Nezikin, and from this placement it derived its name, which means the ..
Model: KTB27-1
Tractate Bava Batra, part I, is the 27th volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the entire original text, in the traditional configuration and pagination of the famed Vilna edition of the Talmud. This enables the student to follow the core text with the com..
Model: KTB28-1
Tractate Bava Batra, part II, is the 28th volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the entire original text, in the traditional configuration and pagination of the famed Vilna edition of the Talmud. This enables the student to follow the core text with the co..
Model: KTS29-1
Tractate Sanhedrin Part I, is the 29th volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this edition ..
Model: KTS30-1
Tractate Sanhedrin Part II, is the 30th volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this edition..
Model: KTM31-1
Tractate Makkot & Shevuot, is the 31st volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this edit..
Model: KTA32-1
Tractate Avoda Zara & Horayot, is the 32nd volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this ..
Model: KTZ33-1
Tractate Zevahim Part I, is the 33rd volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this edition in..
Model: KTZ34-1
Tractate Zevahim Part II, is the 34th volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this edition i..
Model: KTM35-1
Tractate Menahot Part I, is the 35th volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this edition in..
Model: KTM36-1
Tractate Menahot Part II, is the 36th volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this edition i..
Model: KTH37-1
Tractate Hullin Part I, is the 37th volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this editio..
Model: KTH38-1
Tractate Hullin Part II, is the 38th volume of the Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this edition in..
Model: KTB39-1
Tractate Bekhorot, is the 39th volume of The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this..
Model: KTA40-1
Tractates Arakhin and Temura  comprise the 40th volume of The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and..
Model: KTK41-1
Tractate Karetot, Me'ila, Tamid, Middot, is the 41st volume of The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. Th..
Model: KTN42-1
Tractate Nidda is the 42nd and final volume of The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section o..
Model: 9780981497488
Open your eyes to understanding Talmud as never before, with this innovative visual method! The author, who holds a PhD in Applied Physics from the California Institute of Technology and studied Torah under Rav Simcha Wasserman, zt"l, shows every student how to learn Gemara, through diagrams, charts..
Model: 142262546X
We study the Talmud, poring over its pages, cherishing its every word. But do we know very much about its background?In this beautiful volume, we will enrich and enhance the experience of learning Talmud with so much vital information!Includes writings on:Biographies of hundreds of major Tannaim and..
$30.79 $35.19
Model: SCHBAV-1
Aggadah is the non-legal portion of the Talmud. It contains the stories, the moral and ethical lessons, the ideas of our faith and our religion. In the Aggadah, we meet the wise and holy Sages of the Talmud not only as masters of the law, but as masters of the human experience.Compiled in the 16th c..
Famous Gemaras - The Gemara's incredible stories come to life
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Model: FGG-1
Famous Gemaras - The Gemara's incredible stories come to lifeTalmud Bavli is a combination of two distinct types of texts—halachah, which teaches us how to act, and Aggadah, which teaches us how to think. While the halachic portion is regarded as intricate and complicated, demand..
Model: GEU-1
Peek Inside!Embark on a transformative journey into the depths of Gemara with Gemara Unlocked– a groundbreaking sefer designed to revolutionize your Talmudic learning experience!We've all felt the overwhelming challenge of navigating the Gemara's intricat..
Showing 1 to 54 of 54 (1 Pages)