Model: 1422612937
This volume is dedicated by The Rosedale and Wilheim Families. If you want to unlock the spiritual and ethical treasures of Jewish thought... If you want to share the insights and brilliance of Midrashic commentators, both classic and contemporary... If you want to discover the depth and beauty of ..
Model: 1422606074
The Daily Dose of Torah is one of the most popular study series in years. Now, the second series begins -- just in time for Chanukah -- with challenging and stimulating looks at Chanukah, Purim, the Fast Days, Rosh Chodesh, the Four Parshiyos, and Shabbos Hagadol. The format is the one that enlivens..
Model: 0899060048
The ArtScroll Series presents the comments of the classic giants of ancient and contemporary times in a logical, comprehensible manner, like a master teacher on an exciting voyage of intellectual discovery. Entire Hebrew text reset in clear modern type Flowing English translation Commentary ..
Model: 1578191033
The ArtScroll Series presents the comments of the classic giants of ancient and contemporary times in a logical, comprehensible manner, like a master teacher on an exciting voyage of intellectual discovery. Entire Hebrew text reset in clear modern type Flowing English translation Commentary ..
Model: 089906454X
For the first time, Jewish history is presented according to authentic Jewish sources; well researched and clearly illustrated with photos, charts, and maps. Vol. I: The Second Temple Era: The era of the Second Commonwealth from the Destruction of the First Temple to the Destruction of the Second...
Model: 1422609073
For tens of thousands of readers, Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen's books of halachah, Jewish law, are synonymous with extraordinary clarity. Rabbi Cohen has the rare gift of being able to take complex topics and make them understandable without talking down to the reader. Even more remarkably, he can, in..
Model: 1422612872
This volume is dedicated by The Rosedale and Wilheim Families.If you want to unlock the spiritual and ethical treasures of Jewish thought... If you want to share the insights and brilliance of Midrashic commentators, both classic and contemporary... If you want to discover the depth and beauty ..
Join America's most popular weekly shiur as halachic and hashkafic issues are applied to contemporary times Nach is much more than the national history of the Jews. It is the collection of the personalities and events that shaped the soulof our people. It is a portal through which we can glimpse th..
Tisha B'Av is not just a memorial of past events. It is an opportunity to enhance one's life by appreciating the occurrence. The destruction of the Bais HaMikdash, more than nineteen hundred years ago, is so distant even in the collective memory of Klal Yisroel. Yet, no single event has had a more p..
The Book of Iyov - Well known but rarely studied; these shiurim introduce you to this famous sefer. Learn the story of Iyov and of his great struggle regarding the mysteries of human suffering. Invaluable lessons for every thinking person! Included in this set: Introducing Iyov Iyov's friends ..
Model: 1422600904
Rabbi Shimon Schwab was one of the giants of the Rabbinate. His combination of wisdom, eloquence and depth were unexcelled - as was his uncanny ability to frame his profundity in terms that everyone can understand. This magnificent work, adapted from the Rav's shiurim by his eldest son, Moshe Schwa..
Model: 1422609456
The prophet Yeshayahu's vivid and terrifying visions of destruction, and his magnificent words of comfort, have accompanied the Jews throughout their long and difficult exile.Destruction and rebuilding, mourning and consolation: these are the immortal themes of Sefer Yeshayahu, the book of Isai..
Model: 1422609049
Our Sages tell us that those who sincerely mourn the Destruction will merit seeing the Temple rebuilt. How can we ensure that we are part of that special group? During the Three Weeks and, especially, on Tishah B'Av, we mourn the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash, the Holy Temple of Jerusalem. Yet h..
Model: 0899066097
The Ninth of Av - On this black day in history, both the First and Second Holy Temples of Jerusalem were destroyed and the surviving Jews brutally sent into exile. Tishah B'Av became a day of repeated tragedies. How was the Jewish nation meant to endure this phase of its history, the stage intended ..
Model: 0899069835
Join Bina, Benny and their winged friend, Chaggai the holiday dove, in these fun-filled adventures explaining the background and observance of the Jewish holidays. Illustrated in full color by Liat Benyaminy Ariel...
Model: 1422609960
Down through Jewish history, our Sages have urged us to deeply long for the days of redemption and the coming of Mashiach. They explain that by longing for redemption we bring the Divine Presence closer to us and so bring a great flow of blessing into our lives - even before the Final Redemption ar..
Model: 9781422626498
Do you know the power of tears?The tears of a child, a widow, a tzaddik? And, yes, the tears shed by "regular"” people, like you and me?Chazal tell us clearly what tears can achieve: "Those who mourn Yerushalayim will merit to see it rebuilt." If we mourn the Churban, if we cry for our los..
Model: 9781680251340
An Ideal Companion for a Meaningful Three Weeks… This truly unique approach to Megillas Eichah consists of two parts: Each chapter of Eichah explained through integrated insights from classic Mefarshim; followed by “A Deeper Look” which brings to light beautiful peshatim and insights that ..
Model: TRETU-1
• The Jews finally have permission to return from exile. But how can Achikam leave his promising future in Bavel and head out to the unknown?• Yonasan Hakohen dreams of performing the mitzvah of terumas hadeshen in the newly rebuilt Beis HaMikdash. Will he make it to the top of the Mizbei’ach before..
Model: LFDW-1
Tragedy strikes... and the sufferer is plunged into darkness and despair. Feelings of loneliness, anguish, and dejection weigh heavily. What can be done to lighten the burden? How can the suffering be lessened? When will the long night end? And how can happiness and joy return? This compilation of t..
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