Model: TMSPD
Model: OCD2-1
OrHaChaim's commentary is so rich, so profound, so wide-ranging, so broad and deep -- it has been one of the foremost, most revered commentaries on Chumash for nearly three centuries.The uniqueness of Or HaChaim:
Points out every nuance of the Chumash text
Blends the plain meaning..
Model: ORDV1-1
Or HaChaim's commentary is so rich, so profound, so wide-ranging, so broad and deep -- it has been one of the foremost, most revered commentaries on Chumash for nearly three centuries.
The uniqueness of Or HaChaim:
Points out every nuance of the Chumash text
Model: 9781422628393
The sefer whose segulah captivated Klal Yisrael:The Zera Shimshon's Commentary on Chumash, translated and elucidatedThe Zera Shimshon on Chumash includes:The full text of the Zera Shimshon's commentary on Chumash, fully vowelized (menukad)An elucidated translation designed to help the reader follow ..
Model: MFPRD-1
Model: LMSD-1
Model: MCDS-1
Model: TMSOPD-1
Tell Me the Story of the Parsha - Devarim Laminated Pages This book, on Sefer Devarim, is the Fifth and final book of the series which is beloved by children all over the world. Sefer Devarim is also called Mishneh Torah. Young, inuisitive readers have much to learn from the divrei mussar that Moshe..
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