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Self Help

Model: 1578197988
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski M.D. is back with another example of his precious knack of helping people see the inner good that is obscured by the debris of everyday life. Angels do their job and move on without leaving a mark, but human beings stumble and scrape their knees - and then wonder if they can..
Model: 1578191750
Rabbi Pliskin uses his vast Torah knowledge and understanding of human nature to present a down-to-earth approach to scale heights of character and spirit. Filled with insights, anecdotes, and examples, this is a precious addition to anyone's arsenal of human understanding and self-improvement...
A Happier You
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Model: 0899065899
The teen years are the greenhouse of personal growth, and this perceptive book shows how to make them happy and productive. It's practical. It's real. It's wise. It's fun. So read, enjoy, and grow!..
Model: 0899065503
Personal drama in the teshuvah revolution...
Model: 1422600491
From the thought-provoking pen of Rebbitzen Feige Twerski comes a long-awaited compilation of her finest reader-response articles. Featured on and in Hamodia, Rebbetizen Twerski brings a refreshing, wide-angled Torah perspective to the handling of everyday life. Brimming with pragmatic solu..
Buy Green Bananas
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Model: 1578194768
The chapters in this book will amuse, enlighten, provoke and inspire. Don’t be left out, this book is a treat! " "Many of us go through life and see a lot, but perceive very little. Rabbi Wein observes a bunch of green bananas or two armfuls of loaded shopping bags and discerns a blueprint for more ..
Model: 1422613224
From the the the profound The Balancing Act is a book of the questions we have, and the answers we need. They come from men and women, old and young, newly religious and scions of generations of observant Jews. They range from the practical - How old should a child be be..
Model: 1422608964
FREE DOWNLOAD: Click HERE to download the Quick Rescue Guide PLUS a complete chapter from this book! We've all met the yetzer hara, the inclination to do evil that is wired into every human being. We've been tempted, we've fought - and sometimes we've fallen. Acclaimed author, lecturer and educator..
Model: 1422600653
This book can change your life. And the life of your spouse, your children, your friends and your employees. Every success story begins with a positive attitude. This book will show you how you can maintain a winning state of mind — and how you can instill a sense of confidence in those around you. ..
Model: 0899064329
Contemporary, delightful, charming and inspiring pieces, ranging from the whimsical to the serious. Easy to read, thought provoking, educational and inspiring, these essays are ideally suited to serve as a catalyst for engaging and productive family discussion. By Mr. Avi Shulman...
Model: 1422605655
""The quality of your life is the quality of your on-going self-talk!"" Most people unconsciously engage in internal self-talk, and in this book, best-selling author Rabbi Zelig Pliskin guides the reader to achieve conscious awareness of meandering mental chatter and to transform it into a steady st..
Dearer Than Life
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Model: 1578191793
With his unique approach, Rabbi Twerski explores some of the core questions that trouble serious people: What is my function in life? What is my purpose on earth? How can I elevate my soul without harming my body? How can I turn ""meaning"" into a practical reality, not a fluffy cliche? Rabbi Twersk..
Model: 0899066364
A master educator speaks to his talmidim heart to heart...
Model: 0899069487
A guide to self-improvement from the great thinkers of Judaism...
Model: 1578194865
Rabbi Michael Haber has a gift, and he is generous enough to share it with us. He recalls the famous cartoon character who goes running off a cliff and keeps on running on air - until he makes the mistake of looking down. He realizes what he's done, and falls into oblivion. What would Rabbi Haber do..
Model: 1422605450
Thousands of people rushed to get copies of Rabbi Abraham Twerksi's thought-provoking answers to a host of common questions in the first volume of Dear Rabbi, Dear Doctor. These short responses, most of which were based on his successful column ""Seeking Solutions"", have been featured weekly in Ha..
Model: 1578197651
Do you wish you could live a more joyful life? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to take on new challenges in a positive, confident way while others are simply glad to get through their day? If so, you have the right book. In it, Rabbi Zelig Pliskin explains how all of your experiences ar..
Model: 1578197635
Though we are usually unaware of it, the lines of spiritual battle are drawn early in life and persist till our last day. In this intriguing book, the renowned Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. delineates how the tactics of the yetzer hara are carefully tailored to each individual and how tenaciously i..
Model: 157819508X
In an age when “spin” is the national pastime and a culture where scandal is so common it has become boring, there is an almost unprecedented need for emphasis on traditional values and undiluted ethics. It’s here in this collection of articles from many of Judaism’s distinguishe..
Model: 1422609146
For over forty years, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis has been a globetrotting spokeswoman for Judaism. Whether counseling a searching soul or addressing a packed house in Madison Square Garden, her message is elegantly universal, while simultaneously addressing the specific needs of contemporary Jews. ..
Living Each Day - - French Edition
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Model: 1422606104
This best-selling title is now available in French, the language of thousands of jews around the world! LIVING EACH DAY provides an inspirational message and an appropriate prayer for every single day of the year, in a convenient daily calendar format with room for daily notes. They are perfect c..
Model: 1422601250
This best-selling title on judging people favorably is now available in French, the language of thousands of jews around the world! You are absolutely, positively, certain that your friend/spouse/boss/neighbor has done something he shouldn't have. And you're wrong. The Other Side of the Story co..
Four Chassidic Masters
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Model: 1422608743
""And from Eden came four rivers..."" These are the four great rebbes, disciples of the Rebbe Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk, who would take over his mantle of leadership and bring Chassidic teachings to the people who thirsted for them. From the gifted pen of Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski come unforgettable..
Model: 1578194326
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski's powerful insights and skilled practicality once again come to the fore as he speaks to couples embarking on their first year of marriage. How strange it is, he remarks in his introduction, that countless hours are spent making arrangement for the wedding and so little ..
Model: 0899062733
Depression and related conditions are often physical problems that can be remedied with understanding and treatment. Saying, ""Just snap out of it,"" or, ""Don't be so moody,"" does not help. With wisdom and compassion, Rabbi Twerski explains the symptoms and what they mean, and suggests courses of..
Model: 1422610683
""Life is a great teacher. The longer you've lived, the more you've learned and the more you can teach."" - From Gevurah: My life, Our World, and the Adventure of Reaching 80. As a bestselling author and world-renowned psychiatrist, Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski has seen much and accomplished much. Gevu..
Model: 0899065791
GROWING EACH DAY provides an inspirational message and an appropriate prayer for every single day of the year, in a convenient daily calendar format updated through 2003 with room for daily notes. They are perfect companions for daily doses of strength and thought...
Model: 1578194547
The pursuit of happiness is universal, yet elusive. This book shows where to find happiness and how. It’s everywhere, even better; it’s within ourselves, if we only know how to mine it. In 107 very concise, easy-to-read chapters, this joyous little book takes us on a successful pursuit of happines..
Model: 1578197112
You're angry. And of course, you're right! But the other person is also angry - and of course convinced that he or she is right. What next? How do you resolve arguments, disagreements, strife? How do you keep inevitable unpleasantness from souring your relationships and your life? RABBI ZELIG PLI..
Model: 0899061214
Life seems to be filled with enough challenges to make anyone feel that the world is against him. In his wise, practical and witty way, Rabbi Miller takes aim at these enemies of joy and equilibrium and shows how they can be managed and placed in the proper perspective...
Model: 0899063969
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. has the uncanny ability to combine the wisdom of the Torah with the science of the mind. In this Haggadah, From Bondage to Freedom, he does just that, taking us from the bondage of our personal ""Egypts"" to the promised land of self-fulfillment and joy. The introduct..
Life is a Test - Hebrew Edition
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Model: 1422605779
Best-selling book now available in HEBREW EDITION! For over forty years, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis has been a globetrotting spokeswoman for Judaism. Whether counseling a searching soul or addressing a packed house in Madison Square Garden, her message is elegantly universal, while simultaneously ad..
Model: 0899065449
Life seems to be filled with enough challenges to make anyone feel that the world is against him. In his wise, practical and witty way, Rabbi Miller takes aim at these enemies of joy and equilibrium and shows how they can be managed and placed in the proper perspective...
Model: 0899064205
Rabbi Twerski makes available some of his case material demonstrating an integrated approach to sometimes thorny issues. More than a fascinating review of other people's difficulties and their solutions, this is a book filled with insights that will enlighten countless people about themselves and th..
Model: 1422609464
Don't believe all those old jokes: In-laws DO NOT have to be outlaws! Few things in our lives are more valuable than our family relationships — and few things are more complex. And when those relationships begin, not at birth, but at marriage, there can be some challenging adjustments to be made. Th..
Model: 1422609227
Rabbi Yissocher Frand, world-renowned rav, speaker, and author, knows how to keep his eyes open and ears attuned to the spiritual messages in everyday life. His clear vision, combined with his warmth, compassion, and, most important, his profound knowledge of the Torah's wisdom, have given him the ..
Model: 0899061117
This is the survival kit for the Jewish juggler of time and responsibilities. Chaya Levine and Nechamah Berg are mothers, homemakers, and time management professionals. In this book they share their secrets with us. A Tamar Book...
Model: 1578193176
The parable has long been a favorite and very effective tool of some of our foremost leaders and teachers. Think of the Maggid of Dubno, the Chofetz Chaim, the Ben Ish Chai, Rabbi Shalom Schwadron - these great men were Mashal Masters, with the blessed knack of creating just the right story to mak..
Model: 1578194776
A manual on how to make a difference in other people’s lives – what could be better? A manual that is complete with inspiring stories, illuminating insights and down to earth formulas. Irresistible! Like Rabbi Zelig Pliskin’s earlier successful books, Kindness reveals his keen understanding of huma..
Model: 142260196X
For over forty years, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis has been a globetrotting spokeswoman for Judaism. Whether counseling a searching soul or addressing a packed house in Madison Square Garden, her message is elegantly universal, while simultaneously addressing the specific needs of contemporary Jews. ..
Model: 1422609219
Where are we right now? Rabbi Zelig Pliskin's many bestselling books serve as a road map to life, a kind of GPS navigation system showing us the route to joy, directing us to happiness and fulfillment, pointing out the detours along the way. And now, Rabbi Pliskin reveals the secret of where we ar..
Model: 0899063381
The Mesillas Yesharim / Path of the Just was the masterpiece of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, the great mystic, philosopher, sage, and saint. For centuries, this classic text for better living has been every man's primer for ideal life. Wherever there were Jews there was a well-thumbed Mesillas Yeshar..
Model: 1578191394
This is a book that will open eyes and penetrate hearts. It will influence behavior and elevate aspirations. It will make a positive difference in people’s lives. The author knows what bothers people. He deals with troubling and vital issues: the modern scourge of cynicism, parent’s struggle wit..
Model: 0899065600
LIVING EACH DAY provides an inspirational message and an appropriate prayer for every single day of the year, in a convenient daily calendar format with room for daily notes. They are perfect companions for daily doses of strength and thought...
Model: 0899065775
Thoughts and lessons by the author of the best-selling Living Each Day. Filled with beautiful ideas, piercing insights, and provocative anecdotes - based on lessons from each weekly Torah reading - it will enrich the life of every reader...
Model: 1422614875
Underlying our mitzvahs, our Torah study, our ethical and moral lives is one overriding concept: Kiddush Hashem, sanctifying Hashem's Name. Our primary privilege and responsibility is to increase His honor by bringing His majesty into everyday life. It differentiates and elevates a committed Jew. It..
Model: 157819198X
Dr. Tuvia Meister had two goals: to learn all of the Torah, and to have the financial security to retire and learn. With wit and insight, he tells how he found his way to intense Torah life and presents his practical, down-to-earth, and successful prescription for investment success. It's a formula ..
Model: 1422614549
So many books about parenting. Finally - a book about our parents. Everyone knows the importance of kibud av va'eim. Honoring parents is one of the Ten Commandments, something that every Jewish child learns in school. And then we grow up. Of course, we still want to be good sons and daughters. And y..
Model: 1578194377
One of the reasons audiences flock to hear Rabbi Yissocher Frand is that he convinces you within minutes that he is an old friend. Though he is delivering Torah thoughts that empower and inspire, his language is friendly, not pompous; his style is relaxed, not forced; and his message hits home. No w..
Model: 0899065198
You are absolutely, positively, certain that your friend/spouse/boss/neighbor has done something he shouldn't have. And you're wrong. The Other Side of the Story contains 180 funny, poignant, and unusual true stories that enable us to glimpse at the mysteries of human behavior and help us understand..
Model: 1578194830
Patience - the key to a magnificent life.Rabbi Zelig Pliskin - the key to harnassing human potential.With patience, one can learn, accomplish, develop character, and interact harmoniously with other people. The more we increase our patience, the more we benefit. In this gem of a book, Rabbi Pliskin'..
Model: 0899066445
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. and Ursula Schwartz, Ph.D. are outstanding mental health practitioners. In this practical book they say, ""Let's concentrate on how to do things right, and how the Torah and Jewish tradition counsel us to raise our children."" This book belongs at the top of the Jewish..
Model: 1422613089
""Your daughter-in-law is dressing in a way that doesn't reflect your standards of tznius. Should you talk to her, and what should you say? ""Twenty years later, a woman who bullied a schoolmate wants to make amends. How can she do it? ""Going to my in-laws and hearing their criticism has become a ..
Model: 1422610950
A moment here, a moment there: That is all you need!Today's rarest, most precious commodity is not gold or oil or even water. The most valuable thing we all possess is - time. In our busy lives, it's so hard to carve out even a few minutes for reflection, introspection, or meaningful thought. B..
Model: 089906583X
Rabbi Twerski talmid chacham, and expert on self-defeating behavior, examines what the Talmud and its interpreters say about how to achieve self-control and a positive outlook. Everyone will benefit from this book, filled with practical, useful advice. A Shaar Press Book...
Model: 1422608263
For over forty years, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis has been a globetrotting spokeswoman for Judaism. Whether counseling a searching soul or addressing a packed house in Madison Square Garden, her message is elegantly universal, while simultaneously addressing the specific needs of contemporary Jews. ..
Model: 0899065813
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. offers us a charming collection of humorous views on life. His thoughts, stories, and anecdotes that will make you smile with others as you smile about yourself. Presented with a daily calendar so Dr. Twerski can write you a prescription of joy, every day of the year. ..
Model: 1578192579
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. is the master of showing how mundane events and activities can be saturated with meaning and even holiness. In this era when all sorts of people are searching for spirituality, Rabbi Dr. Twerski shows us how every area of life marriage, job, social life, and dozens mor..
Model: 1578193486
Often the greatest challenges in our relationships with others center on control. Using the Torah wisdom of his heritage and the remarkable insight of his profession, Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. once again enlightens us on key issues that confront us every day. The need to control others is in..
Model: 157819251X
STRESS we all have it. We all hate it. This book is a practical battle plan, a down-to-earth recipe for coping and winning! Roiza Weinreich has a rare gift of making everyday life manageable and enjoyable. Her workshops have done it for hundreds, her books for thousands. Now she makes another welcom..
Model: 089906521X
How can you achieve confidence and poise? How can you turn huge obstacles into little bumps on the road? How can you make the most of yourself? Great questions! This book offers great answers! So we wish you much SUCCESS!..
Model: 1422608891
Believe it. The sun will shine again. Through his many acclaimed books Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski MD has been our mentor and faithful friend, helping us navigate the complexities of modern life. Now he brings the wisdom of Torah and his own vast experience as both a Rabbi and a psychiatrist to help u..
Model: 1422601056
Click HERE to hear the fascinating story behind Rabbi Abraham Twerski’s “A Taste of Nostalgia”, an exclusive audio interview from the Gavriel Sanders Show, Apr. 3 on WSNR AM 620, metro NY.  This exciting collection of nostalgic stories is written by the master of t..
There Will Never Be Another You
Out Of Stock
Model: 0899064272
This proven self-help book evolved out of real-life, hands-on workshops that have helped hundreds develop their potential and accomplish their goals. Provides techniques, exercises, and fascinating examples...
Model: 1422614034
Fill in the blanks: I want ___ I need ___ I wish ___ We all know the answers. We want meaning, happiness, and satisfaction in our relationships, our jobs, our lives. We need to feel we are growing, moving forward, becoming better people and better Jews. We wish we could change certain things about..
Model: 0899065562
It's about joy, strength, and triumph in the most unlikely and chilling circumstances. It's about people who faced and conquered frightening challenges. Then they opened windows into their lives to let the rest of us see how they overcame...
Model: 1578192595
Life can be much easier if we cut its problems down to bite size... or at least put on some tenderizer. Too often we do just the reverse. We magnify small problems and make the softer ones tougher. After ministering to over 40,000 people 10 years as a rabbi and 35 years as a psychiatrist Dr. Abraha..
Model: 157819475X
Rabbi Twerski's first ""not as tough"" book created a sensation. Sales were great. Chuckles were loud. And best of all, many lives were improved. There were calls for more books that would show people how to make manageable molehills out of the daunting mountains of life. Now, compliments of Rabbi T..
Model: 1578193583
Congratulations! You have just found the book that will give you the tools to become a happier, more confident individual. Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. has dedicated his professional life to helping people improve their personal outlook. Through his years of research, writing and lecturing, he has..
Model: 1422605914
There are many English-language books on the market about Shabbos, but this book on Shabbos is different. Because it's by Rabbi Abraham Twerski, M.D. No one duplicates his flavor, and this warm and informative volume gives a new taste of what Shabbos means to us. As a descendant of an illustrious ..
Model: 1422607569
Shabbos can, and should, be the high point of our week, putting the days just past into their proper perspective and preparing us to face the challenges that lie ahead. But you have to know how to use it. You have to know how to draw upon its power to nurture and strengthen, spiritually as well as p..
Model: 1422612031
Someone steps on your toe and apologizes; you forgive him. But what if someone steps on your ego? On your bank account? On your life? Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski - beloved author, talmid chacham, and psychiatrist - shows us how vitally important it is to sincerely forgive those who have hurt us. In..
Model: 1422602184
Everyone wants to be happy, but is happiness enough? It's not. We go to simchas; we wish each other chag sameach; but do we really understand the profound meaning of living in a steady state of joy? How is simchah different from - and far superior to - the more fleeting and elusive emotion of happin..
Model: 1422611167
The Rosh Hashanah prayer service. So many hours. So many prayers. Here's one way to make them more meaningful to us. Twerski on Machzor Imagine having a wise, experienced, compassionate friend sitting next to you as you pray on Rosh Hashanah, quietly sharing insights and inspirational stories t..
Model: 1578196728
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski M.D. has written many a memorable and masterly tome, but this popular-sized edition of his best-selling Prayerfully Yours may well be the masterpiece for which he will be remembered. In Twerski on Prayer, Rabbi Twerski responds to the inner need of countless thousands: How c..
Model: 1578192811
Beautiful reading, provocative ideas, enticing stories, sound insights, acute observations it's all here in the inimitable Twerski manner. He focuses on what the Sages say to us in our daily lives, and he illustrates it beautifully with delightful anecdotes, from today and from the archives of Chass..