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The entire Book of Bamidbar (Numbers) with every verse and every Rashi clearly read and explained in English on one MP-3 CD. Highlights from the leading Commentaries such as Ramban, R' Bachya, Ohr HaChaim, Klei Yaker, Netziv, Meshech Chachma, Mizrachi, Gur Aryeh, Divrei Dovid, Maskil L'Dovid are als..
The entire Book of Bereishis (Genesis) with every verse and every Rashi clearly read and explained in English on two MP-3 CD’s. In an original presentaion, Rabbi Rosenberg draws from the leading Commentaries such as Ramban, R' Bachya, Ohr HaChaim, Klei Yaker, Netziv, Meshech Chachma, Mizrachi, Gur ..
The entire Book of Shemos (Exodus) with every verse and every Rashi clearly read and explained in English on one MP-3 CD. Highlights from the leading Commentaries such as Ramban, R' Bachya, Ohr HaChaim, Klei Yaker, Netziv, Meshech Chachma, Mizrachi, Gur Aryeh, Divrei Dovid, Maskil L'Dovid are also d..
The entire Book of Vayikra (Leviticus) with every verse and every Rashi clearly read and explained in English on one MP-3 CD. Highlights from the leading Commentaries such as Ramban, R' Bachya, Ohr HaChaim, Klei Yaker, Netziv, Meshech Chachma, Mizrachi, Gur Aryeh, Divrei Dovid, Maskil L'Dovid are al..
The entire Book of Devarim (Deuteronomy) with every verse and every Rashi clearly read and explained in English on one MP-3 CD. Highlights from the leading Commentaries such as Ramban, R' Bachya, Ohr HaChaim, Klei Yaker, Netziv, Meshech Chachma, Mizrachi, Gur Aryeh, Divrei Dovid, Maskil L'Dovid are ..
Catching Sacred Letters 3 CD-ROM Set
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Model: CSLD
TAKE A FASCINATING TOUR FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME!This 3-CD set includes more than 3 hours of captivating video, breathtaking photos, riveting history and inspiring talks and Torah.The Chofetz Chaim, Reb Chaim Ozer, The Alter of Slabodka, Reb Elchonon, The Mirrer Mashgiach and many mor..
Eternal Luminaries 3 CD-ROM Set
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Model: ELUD
This new 3-CD set includes more than 6 hours of captivating video, breathtaking photos, riveting history and inspiring talks and Torah.Click your mouse and choose from: The Maggid's lectures Photographs Video footage Divrei Torah by Rabbi Ephraim TanenbaumWith t..
12 Lectures: Adoption: Problems and Solutions ■ The Abortion Controversy ■ a Conversion (Geirus) ■ Mila and the "Yellow" Baby ■ The Shadchan in Halacha ■ Marriage Between Relatives ■ Obligation to Give Ma'aser ■ Xmas Eve in Halacha and Agadah ■ Chanukah Licht on Erev Shabbos ■ Chanukah Issues ■ A..
10 Lectures: Husbands at Childbirth ■ Shabbos Emergency: Should One Call a Non-Shomer Shabbos Doctor? ■ Amirah L'Akum: The "Shabbos Goy" ■ Israel's Wars: 1948-1973, A Halachic Perspective ■ Kiddush: To Sit or Not to Sit ■ Malpractice ■ Changing Nusach: Ashkenaz vs. Sephard ■ The Gartel: To Wear o..
10 Lectures: Yerushalayim in Halacha ■ The Prohibition of Yichud ■ Reinstituting the S'micha ■ Mixed Seating at Weddings ■ Visiting the Sick ■ Rending Garments on Seeing Yerushalayim ■ Copying Cassette Tapes ■ Non-Halachic Marriage Ceremonies ■ The "Ins and Outs" of Mezzuzah ■ Reading Haftorah: S..
10 Lectures: The Korban Pesach Today ■ When to Make the Bracha of HaGomel ■ 005 Pesach Medicines Containing Chometz ■ The Insects-in-Vegetables Controversy ■ Self-Defense ■ Lifnei Ivair (Accessory to an Aveira) ■ Prohibition Against Using a Razor ■ Can Kohanim Visit Graves of Tzadikim ■ Rationing..
10 Lectures: Artificial Insemination ■ Ma'ariv and Mitzvos in the Land of the Midnight Sun ■ a Bris Mila: The Metzitzah Controversy ■ The Tzava'ah (Last Will and Testament) of Rabbeinu Yehuda Hachasid ■ Superstition in Halacha ■ Non-Kosher Medicines and the Birchas Hareiach (Scents) ■ Honoring Pa..
10 Lectures: Cholov Yisroel: Necessary or Not in Modern America? ■ Astrology: Is It For Us? ■ The Burning Issue of Smoking ■ The Mitzvah of Krias HaTorah ■ Christianity in Halacha ■ Withholding Medical Treatment ■ The Microphone on Shabbos ■ Parshas Zachor and Other Purim Issues ■ Returning From ..
10 Lectures: Going Up To Yerushalayim for Yom Tov: Does it Apply Today? ■ Sheitel: A Woman's Obligation to Cover Her Hair ■ Waiting Between Meat and Milk: Adults and Children ■ 061 Sh'lach The Minyan: Who Counts? ■ May the State of Israel Extradite a Jewish Criminal? ■ Intermarriage ■ The Yarmulk..
10 Lectures: Is Shaving Permitted on Chol Ha'Moed? ■ Purim: Shalach Manos ■ The Tuna Fish Controversy ■ Moser: The Dilemma of the Jewish IRS Agent ■ Prohibition Against Revenge ■ Are Our Kohanim Really Kohanim? ■ Life Insurance: The Torah Policy ■ Candle Lighting & Havdalah: How Early & How Late?..
12 Lectures: Inducing Labor: A Viable Option? ■ Suicide: Is it Ever Permitted? ■ a Conversion for Ulterior Motives ■ After Milchigs: How Long a Wait? ■ The Jewish Cemetery ■ G'neivas Da'as: Deception and Your Fellow Man ■ Tefilla B'tzibur: Is it Mandatory? ■ The Seven Noach -- ide Laws ■ HaMalbin..
8 Lectures: Teaching Torah to Women ■ Yom Tov Candle Lighting ■ Birchas Kohanim ■ The Seven-Branched Menorah ■ 105 Sh'lach Tallis: Does it Cover Only Married Men? ■ The Temple Mount Today-Obligations & Restrictions ■ Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva: Do Sons Inherit? ■ Toiveling Dishes..
8 Lectures: Hasogas G'vul: Infringing on Another's Livelihood ■ Mamzeirus: Possible Solutions? ■ Allocating Your Tzedaka Dollar ■ Shoteh: Mental Incompetence in Halacha ■ The Bracha of Hamelech Hakadosh ■ Yom Kippur vs. Tzom Gedaliah: Surprising Priorities ■ Succos -- Issues ■ The Era of Teshuvah..
10 Lectures: Giving English Names ■ The Issur of Entering a Church ■ Sephardic vs. Ashkenazic Pronunciation Is There a Correct Way? ■ Standing for Krias Hatorah ■ Honoring In-Laws ■ Hashovas Aveida: Returning Lost Objects ■ Living Above a Shul ■ Purim Costumes: Anything Goes? ■ The Census: Can Je..
8 Lectures: Pesach Americans in Israel: Two-Day Yom Tov or One? ■ Non-Kosher Products: The Dilemma of the Jewish Merchant ■ Melacha Before Havdalah ■ Hallel on Yom Ha'atzma'ut? ■ The Mezonos Roll: Does it Exist? ■ "Kovod Habrios": The Concept of Human Dignity ■ "Ribis": Problems of Interest for t..
12 Lectures: Weddings in Shuls: Is There a Problem? ■ Euthanasia ■ a The Childless Couple in Halacha ■ The Bris Milah Seudah ■ The Laws and Customs of the Hesped ■ The Blind Person in Halacha ■ Marrying Off a Younger Child First ■ The Prohibition Against Flattery ■ The Complex Issue of Child Cust..
10 Lectures: Shalosh Seudos in Shuls: Is There a Problem? ■ Magic Shows: More Than Meets the Eye ■ Tefillin and Long Hair ■ Female Vocalists: The Problem of Kol Isha ■ The Mitzvah of Kiddush for Men and Women ■ Medicine, Shabbos, and the Non-Jew ■ Davening Towards Mizrach ■ Candle Lighting on Fri..
8 Lectures: Confidentiality: The Prohibition Against Revealing Secrets ■ Pesach: The Mitzvah of Daled Kosos ■ Using a Mikveh for Non-Orthodox Conversions ■ Eyeglasses in Halacha ■ Inviting the Non-0bservant to Your Shabbos Table ■ Kohanim in Hospitals: A Real Problem ■ Kidney Donations: Endangeri..
8 Lectures: Ba'al Tashchis: Cutting Down That Troublesome Tree ■ Reconciling Divergent Customs Between Husband and Wife ■ The Prohibition Against Erasing G-d's Name ■ S'char Shabbos: How Do We Pay Rabbonim and Chazzanim? ■ The Shehechiyanu and Other Issues ■ Intravenous Feeding On Yom Kippur ■ Th..
12 Lectures: Is Marriage a Mitzvah? ■ Animal Experimentation ■ a Non-Jews and the Mitzvah of Kibud Av ■ Is Lying Ever Permitted? ■ Pilegesh: An Alternative to Marriage? ■ V'sain Tal U'matar ■ Maariv ■ Terrorism: How May an Individual Respond? ■ Grape Juice and Yayin Mevushal ■ Chanukah Issues II ..
10 Lectures: Disposal of Shaimos ■ Learning in Kollel: Is It Always Permitted? ■ Kiddush Levanah ■ Music in Halacha ■ The Fearless Judge: A Difficult Task ■ Taking Medication on Shabbos ■ Selling a Shul ■ Purim Issues II ■ The Mitzvah of Shekalim and Davening Musaf ■ Making a Siyum..
8 Lectures: Can One Charge for Teaching Torah? ■ Birchas Kohanim: Who Can and Who Can't? ■ Vegetarianism ■ Carrying Medicine on Shabbos ■ The Ethiopian Jewry Question ■ Stam Yeinom: Non-Kosher Wines ■ Reading Someone's Mail and Other Privacy Issues ■ Fasting on Tisha B'Av: Is It For Everyone?..
8 Lectures: Melech v'lo Malkah: A Jewish Queen? ■ The Pre-War "Get" ■ Giving a Sefer Torah to a Non-Jew ■ Kiddush Before T'kiyas Shofar ■ Habracha The Chol Hamoed Trip & Other Succos -- Issues ■ A Changing America -- Its Impact on the Jewish Family ■ Loshon Hora -Dealing with the Sickness Rather ..
12 Lectures: Truth Telling and Shidduchim ■ Preventing A Suicide ■ a Mohel and Baby: Who Goes to Whom? ■ Makom Kavuah and Other Davening Issues ■ Intruding on Another's Shidduch ■ "Sorfin Al Hachzakos": The Concept of Chazaka in Halacha ■ "Ein Me'arvin Simcha B'Simcha" ■ Elective Surgery and Mila..
10 Lectures: The Laws and Customs of the Chupah ■ Do Secular Names of G-d Have Kedusha? ■ The Consequence of Dropping Tefillin or a Sefer Torah ■ Lechem Mishnah ■ Parental Wishes vs. Staying in Israel ■ Experimental Medical Treatment ■ Chazakah B'Mitzvos: Is This Maftir Yonah Mine? ■ Taanis Esthe..
8 Lectures: An Early Start for Shavuos? ■ Yichud and the Housekeeper ■ Military Service and Potential Halachic Problems ■ The Concept of Prison in Jewish Law ■ Tachanun ■ Skin Grafts ■ Hilchos Brachos: Ikar VeTofel ■ Purchase of Entire Sefer Bamidbar ■ Tisha B'Av Thoughts..
6 Lectures: Tzedakah and the Twenty Percent Cap ■ May a Daughter Say Kaddish? ■ The Mitzvah of Ma'akeh ■ Shidduchim and Parental Wishes ■ Buying Seforim ■ Four Questions for Yom Kippur..
8 Lectures: Maror: A Bitter Problem? ■ Pesach: Women and Daled Kosos ■ Netilas Yadayim at Breakfast: Is One "Washed Up" for the Day? ■ Caesarian Section Births ■ The Do's & Don'ts of Giving Tochacha ■ Sterilization: Is It Permitted? ■ Onoas D'vorim: Snide Remarks ■ The Concept of Tznius in Dress ..
8 Lectures: Birchas HaTorah ■ Sa'ar B'isha Ervah ■ When Do We Stand in Honor Of a Sefer Torah? ■ Women and Tzitzis ■ "Masiach L'fi Tumoh": The Coca Cola Question ■ Use of Unethical Medical Research ■ Pas Akum ■ The Do's and Don'ts of Kashering Keilim..
12 Lectures: A Mamzer's Obligation in Mitzvos ■ Teaching Torah to Non-Jews ■ a The Mitzva of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel ■ Milk and Eggs in Halacha ■ That "Mazik" of a Child: Is He Responsible? ■ The Bracha of "Baruch Sheptarani" ■ Making A Neder During Times of Trouble ■ The Difficult Childbirth ■ Secu..
10 Lectures: The Do's and Don'ts of Naming Babies ■ Converting a Church Into a Shul ■ Chumros in Halacha ■ The Prohibition of Living in Egypt ■ The Reading of the "Aseres Hadibros" ■ Wrecking a Borrowed Car ■ Taking Out Two Sifrei Torah ■ Conditional Licht Benching ■ The Melacha of Dyeing ■ Leap ..
8 Lectures: Is Theft Permitted to Save a Life? ■ Pesach: The Mitzvah of Heseiba ■ Netilas Yadayim and Chatzizah ■ Women's Testimony in Hilchos Niddah ■ "Lo Sa'amod Al Dam Re'echa" ■ Kiddush Hashem: Is "Giluy Arayus" Ever Permitted? ■ The Physician's Obligation to Heal ■ What? Me Get Angry? Never!..
8 Lectures: Polygraph in Halacha ■ "Get Me'useh": The Problem of the "Forced Get" ■ Geirim and Davening: Some Unique Problems ■ Burying the Dead on Yom Tov Sheni ■ Does Eating Mezonos Require a Succah? ■ Issues Working on Chol Hamoed ■ Teshuvah and Midas Ha'emes ■ Quality of Life Vs. Sanctity of ..
12 Lectures: Marriage and the Birchas Airusin ■ Milah for Non-Jews: Is It Permitted? ■ a Trading Terrorists for Hostages ■ Women and the Laws of Tznius ■ Determining the Salary of the Shadchan ■ Must Mincha Have a "Chazoras Hashatz"? ■ Must Women Daven? ■ Tefilas Haderech ■ "Chamar Medinah"-What ..
10 Lectures: Turning an Offender Over to the Secular Authorities ■ Birchas Hamotzi ■ Mezzuzah-What Is a Door? ■ Making Ice On Shabbos ■ Dolls and Statues: Is There An Avodah Zarah Problem? ■ Bankruptcy ■ The Mechitza-How High? ■ The "Mazik" On Purim ■ The Melacha of Memachek ■ The Melacha of Tear..
8 Lectures: Sefer Rus and Its Halachic Implications ■ Must A Kallah Cover Her Hair at the Chasunah? ■ Tefilas Tashlumin: Making Up a Missed Davening ■ Techeiles Today ■ Leaving a Chasunah Before Benching ■ Postponing a Funeral ■ Tisha B'Av on Motzoei Shabbos ■ Rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash -- Wha..
6 Lectures: Relying On a Goral ■ Shana Reshona-The First Year of Marriage ■ The Pushka in Halacha ■ The Brachos on the T'kious ■ Is Building a Succah a Mitzvah? ■ Life -- How Precious It Is..
8 Lectures: A Unique Erev Pesach & Its Broader Implications ■ Pesach: Eating Matzo: How Fast? ■ Sefiras Ha'omer ■ The Microscope in Halacha ■ Mipnei Seiva Takum: Honoring the Elderly ■ The Kohain and the Divorcee ■ Sh'mita and the Heter Mechira ■ Humility vs. Self-Esteem -- Is There a Conflict?..
12 Lectures: The "Kedushai Ketanah" Controversy ■ Abortion to Save a Baby? ■ a Geirus--Mitzvah, Reshus or Issur? ■ The Mitzvah of Nichum Aveilim ■ Purchasing a Burial Plot ■ Neitz Hachama vs. Tefilah B'tzibur ■ Accepting Tzedaka from Women ■ Free Will vs. Hashgocha Pratis ■ Artificial Inseminatio..
8 Lectures: Bathing On Shabbos and Yom Tov ■ Ain Osin Mitzvos Chavilos ■ Davening For A Choleh ■ Tzitzis: Must They Be Seen? ■ Truth Telling to Patients ■ The Jewish "Shabbos Goy" ■ Bishul Akum I ■ Making A Zecher Le'churban..
10 Lectures: Sh'nayim Mikra V'echad Targum ■ Kadima B'brachos--Hierarchy of Brachos ■ Doing Work on Rosh Chodesh ■ Must You Bench? ■ Making a Bracha on a Makom Neis ■ Litigating in Secular Courts ■ Shul Elections ■ Hesach Ha'daas and Tefilin ■ Fax Machines on Shabbos ■ The Melacha of Melabain (La..
8 Lectures: Chametz She'avar Olov HaPesach ■ Pesach: Afikomen After Chatzos ■ Don't Drink and Daven ■ Bris Milah That Causes Chilul Shabbos ■ Desserts--Do They Require a Bracha? ■ The Mitzvah of Ve'Kidashto - Honoring Kohanim ■ Using Shuls As A Shortcut ■ Envy -- The Enemy Within..
6 Lectures: Circumstantial Evidence ■ The Mitzvah of Burial ■ The Prohibition of Chodosh ■ Fasting on Rosh Hashana ■ Succah Gezulah ■ A Matter of Faith and Forgiveness..
12 Lectures: Choices in Marriage Partners ■ Assisting in a Suicide ■ a Anesthesia During Milah ■ Declining a Kibud ■ Daughters, Shidduchim & Parental Wishes ■ Accepting Tzedaka from Women ■ The Mitzvah of Mesameach Chasan V'Kallah ■ Executing a Ben Noach -- by Virtue of His Own Admission ■ Third ..
10 Lectures: The Deaf Mute In Halacha ■ Shoveling Snow On Shabbos ■ The Dog In Halacha ■ Hidur Mitzvah ■ Lo Sachmod ■ Is Gambling Permitted ■ Bais Hakeneses & Bais Hamikdash--Differences & Similarities ■ How Many Shabbos Candles ■ Kiddush Shabbos Morning ■ Wearing A Watch on Shabbos..
8 Lectures: The Obligation to Testify ■ Pesach: Netilas Yodayim for Karpas & Wet Fruit ■ Minhagim of the Days of Sefira ■ Speaking Lashon Horah on Baalei Machlokes ■ Giving An Injection to One's Father ■ The Ba'alas Teshuva & the Kohain ■ Supporting Jewish Merchants ■ Family of Jews -- Are We Rea..
8 Lectures: Learning All Night ■ Causing the Erasure of Hashem's Name ■ Fish and Meat ■ The Issur of Histaklus ■ Bais Din's Power to Subpoena ■ Tefilah of a Tzadik for a Choleh ■ Tirocha D'zibura ■ Minhagim of the Three Weeks..
6 Lectures: The Mitzvah of Escorting Guests ■ Trying on Suits that May Have Shatnes ■ Mentioning G-D's Name in Vain ■ Treatment of An Invalid Sefer Torah ■ Women and Shofar ■ It's All About Change..
12 Lectures: Melacha of Planting ■ Tzedaka and Non-Jews ■ a Sandik-Can You Change Your Mind ■ Mitzvah of Inviting Guests ■ Calling Off An Engagement ■ Lying to Keep What's Yours ■ Davening to a Malach ■ Celebrating Thanksgiving ■ The Ubiquitous Donor Plaque ■ Miracle Products and Other Chanukah ..
8 Lectures: May A Child Carry A Sefer On Shabbos ■ Dee'chui Eitzel Mitzvos ■ Honoring Levi'im ■ Donning a Tallis for The Amud ■ Tachanun: To Say Or Not To Say ■ Detached Limbs and Tumah ■ Birchas Hamapil ■ Tu B'Av..
10 Lectures: Marrying Cousins? ■ Denying Jewishness ■ The Lefty and Tefilin ■ The Three Seudos of Shabbos ■ Eating Before Kiddush ■ Bitul B'rov ■ Bima In The Center Of The Shul ■ Reneging on a Tzedaka Pledge ■ Tallis: Bringing It Home On Shabbos ■ The Tefillah of B'rich Sh'mei..
8 Lectures: Eruv Tavshilin ■ Pesach: Daled Kosos: Another Look ■ Gelatin: Is It Kosher? ■ Getting an Aliyah After Childbirth ■ Giving Tochacha: Private or Public? ■ Eliyahu Hanavi and the "Dead" Child ■ The Obligation of Checking One's Teffilin ■ The Ben Torah in the Professional World: A Delica..
5 Lectures: May a Convict Escape? ■ Autopsies on Non-Jews ■ Teffilin Shel Rosh ■ Seudas Siyum Mesechta ■ A Plea for Shabbos ■ Selflessness -- The Key to Teshuva..
12 Lectures: Kavod and Oneg Shabbos ■ The Ben Noach -- & the Nectarine ■ a Calling Avraham, Avrum ■ Walking by a Person Who Is Davening ■ The Badekin ■ Maris Ayin ■ A Million Dollars to Tzadaka IfÖ ■ Matzeivah Questions ■ Sending Someone on a Fatal Mission ■ Ner Chanukah: Where, When and Other Is..
10 Lectures: Learning On Shabbos--A Good Idea? ■ Shin Shel Tefillin & Ohr Echad ■ Rashi & Rabbeinu Ta'am's Tefillin ■ Using P'sukim for Nigunim? ■ Newspapers on Shabbos ■ Losing Your Coat at a Coat Check ■ Preventing the Building of a Shul ■ Matanos Le'evyonim ■ Machatzis Hashekel ■ Learning Kabb..
8 Lectures: Honey--Why Is It Kosher ■ Davening Quietly ■ Is Turkey Kosher? ■ Milah and the Sick Baby ■ Kisui Hadam ■ Standing Up While Doing Mitzvos ■ Lag B'omer ■ Surviving and Thriving In A Cynical World..
8 Lectures: Shavuos: Two Days, She'cheyanu & Other Issues ■ The Faithful Unfaithful Wife ■ The City of Yericho ■ Ain Ma'averin Al Hamitzvos ■ Pidyon Habein and Vending Machines ■ Autopsies and Insurance ■ Pinchas and Eliyahu Hanavi ■ Leining on Fast Days and Other Ta'aneisim Issues..
6 Lectures: Can A Ger Be a Rosh Ha Yeshiva ■ Women Wearing Men's Clothing ■ Hagbeh ■ What Exactly Is Mitzva of Shofer ■ Esrog Hamurkov ■ Just One Deed..
12 Lectures: You and Your Wife - Ishto Kegufo ■ The Golam ■ Learning Vs Saving A Life ■ Asking and Giving Mechila ■ Feeding Your Animals ■ Yichud With Relatives ■ Tuiton and Maaser Money ■ Bowing to A Person ■ Determining Paternity ■ The Silver Menorah and Other Chanukah Issues ■ Being the Bearer..
8 Lectures: Opening Cans on Shabbos and Yom Tov ■ Being Motzi a Wife in Kiddush ■ Kavod Sefer Torah Vs Kavod Talmid Chochom ■ Women and Tzitzis Revisited ■ The Kohain and the First Aliyah ■ Women Fasting on 17th Tamuz, Tisha B'av and Yom Kippur ■ Bishul Akum II ■ Disinheriting..
6 Lectures: Competition Among Teachers ■ The Double Portion of the Be'chor ■ Selichos ■ Lo Bashomayim He ■ The Apple In Honey and Other Simanim ■ Your Lasting Legacy..
10 Lectures: Davening With Shoes ■ Davening for Non- Jews ■ Tefilin on Chol Hamoed ■ Being Motzi Others in Lechem Mishan and Other Brachos ■ Women and Havdalah ■ Lending Without Witnesses ■ Silk in Halacha ■ The Bracha of Blossoming Trees ■ The Meat Delivery At Your Door ■ The Melacha of Trapping..
8 Lectures: Selling Chametz ■ Birchas Hagomel, Airplane Travel & Other Issues ■ Bedikas Chametz ■ Dangerous Medical Procedures ■ Treating Mitzvos with Respect ■ The Wayward Daughter ■ Marrying for Money ■ Hark, I Hear The Cannon Roar -- Giving the Benefit of the Doubt..
12 Lectures: The Tefilah of Modeh Ani ■ Cosmetic Surgery ■ The Widow and the Divorcee - How Long Must They Wait to Remarry ■ Shalom Aleichem on Friday Night ■ Dating Etiquette ■ Shiva and the Wayward Son ■ The Tefilah of Baruch Hashem L'Olom Omein V'Omein ■ The Prohibition of Gid Hanasheh ■ Chanu..
10 Lectures: Kosher Cheese: What Is It? ■ Kosher Cheese Continued - Cottage Cheese and Butter ■ Ya'ale V'Yovo ■ Kiddush or Netilas Yadayim - Which Comes First? ■ Resting Your Animal on the Shabbos ■ The Kesuba ■ The Po'roches ■ Having Your Own Megilah ■ Mincha - How Early, How Late? ■ Sitting in ..
8 Lectures: Rabbinic Confidentiality ■ Afikomen Revisited ■ The Aveil and the Haircut ■ Pidyon Haben - Daytime or Night? ■ Sofaik Be'racha ■ The Kohain and the Gerusha ■ Ribis and the Non-Jew ■ Every Jew's Job..
8 Tapes: Omer Davar B'Sheim Omro - Giving Proper Credit ■ Chazonim and Chazanus ■ Sitting on Top of Seforim ■ Davening at the Graves of Tzadikim ■ Siamese Twins ■ Blended Whiskey ■ Ayin Hora ■ Maa'ris Ayin Revisited..
6 Lectures: Saying Kaddish for 12 Months ■ Burying a Rasha Next to a Tzadik ■ Reading the Tochacha ■ Selling a Sefer Torah ■ Danish and Coffee in the Succah? ■ Teshuva and the Capacity to Forego..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The Tefilah of Asher Yatzar ■ Noah: The Har Habayis - The Temple Mount in Halacha and Hashkafa ■ Lech Lecha: Sonei Matonos Yichye - Refusing Gifts ■ Vayeira: The Bris Milah Seudah - Fleishigs or Milchig? ■ Chayei Sarah: Getting Paid for Mitzvos ■ Toldos: Fascinating Insight..
10 Lectures: The Woman Mohel; Laser Milah ■ Checking Out Families for Shidduchim ■ Dishwashers on Shabbos ■ The Supernatural and the "Mun" dane ■ Kiddush B'mkom Seudah ■ Rabbinical Contracts ■ A Woman's First Candle Lighting Neigel Vasser- Washing Hands When Arising ■ The Mishebeirach in Halacha ..
10 Lectures: The Woman Mohel; Laser Milah ■ Checking Out Families for Shidduchim ■ Dishwashers on Shabbos ■ The Supernatural and the "Mun" dane ■ Kiddush B'mkom Seudah ■ Rabbinical Contracts ■ A Woman's First Candle Lighting Neigel Vasser- Washing Hands When Arising ■ The Mishebeirach in Halacha ..
8 Lectures: Gebrokts and Kneidelach ■ More Than Periodontal Problems ■ Baal Teshaktzu - Abstaining From Unpleasant Behavior ■ Lashon Harah and Lashon Hatov ■ The Prohibition of Hating Another Jew ■ Bracha of Mekadaish Es Shimcha B'rabim ■ The Kedusha of the Ezras Noshim ■Playing with Fire - The D..
8 Lectures: Gebrokts and Kneidelach ■ More Than Periodontal Problems ■ Baal Teshaktzu - Abstaining From Unpleasant Behavior ■ Lashon Harah and Lashon Hatov ■ The Prohibition of Hating Another Jew ■ Bracha of Mekadaish Es Shimcha B'rabim ■ The Kedusha of the Ezras Noshim ■Playing with Fire - The D..
8 Lectures: Eruv and the Big City ■ The Unfaithful Wife - Is Ignorance an Excuse? ■ Lox and Cream Cheese ■ K'rias Shema and K'eil Melech Ne'eman ■ Different Minhagim for Saying Kedusha ■ Choshed Bekesherim and Daan L'kaf Zíchus ■ Makom Kevuah Revisited ■ Women and Bentching..
8 Lectures: Eruv and the Big City ■ The Unfaithful Wife - Is Ignorance an Excuse? ■ Lox and Cream Cheese ■ K'rias Shema and K'eil Melech Ne'eman ■ Different Minhagim for Saying Kedusha ■ Choshed Bekesherim and Daan L'kaf Zíchus ■ Makom Kevuah Revisited ■ Women and Bentching..
Shoftim - Cutting Branches of Fruit Trees Ki Seitzei - Ramps and Stages - Do They Need a Maakeh? Ki Savo - The Onain and Kaddish Nitzavim - Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur- Asking and Giving Forgiveness Ha’azinu - Tzom Gedaliah and Believing Lashon Harah Teshuva - Teshuva, Tefillah and September 11..
6 Lectures: Cutting Branches of Fruit Trees ■ Ramps and Stages - Do They Need a Maakeh? ■ The Onain and Kaddish ■ Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur- Asking and Giving Forgiveness ■ Tzom Gedaliah and Believing Lashon Harah ■ Teshuva, Tefillah and September 11..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The Bracha on the Havdala Candle ■ Noah The Case of the Fascinating Ger ■ Lech Lecha: Did the Avos Keep the Torah? ■ Vayeira: Zichrona L'Vracha, Sh'lita and Neru - For Whom? ■ Chayei Sarah: More Mincha Insights ■ Toldos: Fasting on the Wedding Day ■ Vayeitzei: The Marriag..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The Bracha on the Havdala Candle ■ Noah The Case of the Fascinating Ger ■ Lech Lecha: Did the Avos Keep the Torah? ■ Vayeira: Zichrona L'Vracha, Sh'lita and Neru - For Whom? ■ Chayei Sarah: More Mincha Insights ■ Toldos: Fasting on the Wedding Day ■ Vayeitzei: The Marriag..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: Your Child As A Shabbos Goy ■ Va'eyra: Kavod Malchus & Secular Kings ■ Bo: Checking Tefillin By Computer ■ B'shalach: Shlishi or Shishi? And Other Aliyah Issues ■ Yisro: The Kiddush Club ■ Mishpatim: Adam Hamazik & Liability Insurance ..