Model: HMK-1
Model: STUM-1
Model: TMM-1
Track the journey of the Shechinah through Jewish history, starting back at its first landing in Bnei Yisroel’s desert encampment, to their years of tranquility in Eretz Yisroel, and throughout this long and difficult golus…all the way to the very near future of Hashem’s glory revealed in the Beis H..
Model: TFOTH-1
The role of a Jewish woman is as unique as it is - seemingly - paradoxical. She is a different person than her husband, yet she is fundamentally part of his very being. She was part of Kabbalas HaTorah at Har Sinai, yet she is not obligated in many mitzvos. She earns reward in Olam Haba as though sh..
Model: MLVT-1
Model: CATM-1
Contemplating &Transcending MindThis book explores and explains the concept of Hisbonenusand how is it actually practiced.Derived from the word Binah, meaning understanding andcomprehension, Hisbonenus involves engaging the entirespectrum and capabilities of the mind, encompassing thewhole of Ch..
Model: RAPR-1
Model: 1422642763
Aggadah is the non-legal portion of the Talmud. It contains the stories, the moral and ethical lessons, the ideas of our faith and our religion. In the Aggadah, we meet the wise and holy Sages of the Talmud not only as masters of the law, but as masters of the human experience.Compiled in the 16th c..
Model: ETNJ-1
Updated and expanded edition, featuring a fresh design on this classic seriesIn the annals of Jewish history, no one individual has been turned to for advice on so many matters great and small and by so diverse a populace, as has the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The more crucial the issue, the more people fel..
Model: ETJ-1
Updated and expanded edition, featuring a fresh design on this classic seriesIn the annals of Jewish history, no one individual has been turned to for advice on so many matters great and small and by so diverse a populace, as has the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The more crucial the issue, the more people fel..
Model: EJ-1
Updated and expanded edition, featuring a fresh design on this classic seriesIn the annals of Jewish history, no one individual has been turned to for advice on so many matters great and small and by so diverse a populace, as has the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The more crucial the issue, the more people fel..
Model: 1422642895
If you want to unlock the spiritual and ethical treasures of Jewish thought... If you want to share the insights and brilliance of Midrashic commentators, both classic and contemporary... If you want to discover the depth and beauty of the Midrash... Now is the time to begin.A monumental and magnifi..
Model: 1422642909
Reciting Parashas HaMahn, the Torah verses that describe the miraculous experience of the mahn, has been cherished as a powerful segulah for parnassah for countless generations.In this remarkable work, author Dov Weller delves deeply into Parashas HaMahn, sharing numerous commentaries, practical ins..
Model: TSVT-1
"You have to read this book...It's not like anything you read before."- Alter Yisrael Shimon Feuerman, TabletSet in Ukraine, Crimea, and Israel, this unique two-volume autobiographyoffers a fascinating, detailed picture of life in Tsarist Russia and Israel duringthe late 19th and early 20th cen..
Model: KISL-1
Model: MAKP-1
An Endless Cycle?The book begins with a stark examination of the October 7, 2023 Black Saturday massacre, placing it within the broader historical context of continuous conflict and global terrorism. It questions whether this is just another phase in an endless cycle or if there is a princ..
Model: SHUAR-1
THE LAWS OF SHECHITAH1. The Persons Acceptable to Perform Ritual Slaughter2. Whether Ritual Slaughter Performed by a Non-Jew or an Apostate is KosherIntroduction to Section 1818. The Laws Applying to a Slaughtering Knife and Its Inspection23. The Laws Governing Shehiyah, the Interruption of Ritual S..
Model: SFLS-1
The Rebbe's Likkutei Sichos revolutionizes Torah study, Jewish life, and G-dly experience. Now, for the first time ever, a curated selection of the original Likkutei Sichos is available in English...
Model: LIBL-1
Model: TTEF-1
Click Here To See Inside!On Simchas Torah 5784, October 7 2023, a day that will forever be etched in memory, everything changed. A murderous pogrom struck our very own land, shaking the foundations of our lives. In the aftermath of such tragedy and during the relentless storm of hatred and misinform..
Model: DODI-1
Hi all!My name is Dovi Schwartz and I am in the 4th grade. AND I am the new kid. The kids in class are nice and everything, but they're not my OLD class.I liked my old class.Read all about my ups, downs, and challenges, and how I learned to cope, in this "fun-loving" collection of, well, letters tha..
Model: 1422642127
Chessed means...being sensitive to other people’s feelings, like the Gerrer Rebbe wasgiving sad people hope, like Rav Shmuel Auerbach didtaking care of people you know – and even people you don’t know – like Rav Aharon Leib would doWe all want to be people who do chesed for others. And of course, we..
Model: SOPU-1
Delve into the timeless wisdom of Pirkei Avot with this insightful daily reader, created to enlighten both the novice and the seasoned seeker alike. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, this book offers a journey through ethical teachings and practical wis..
Model: HBHF-1
Who plants their own chrein?Who accidentally covers their front lawn in cotton candy?Who brings a piece of galla to yeshivah... in his pocket?!Heshy Fish. That's who! Kids are thrilled by his zany escapades. Adults adore his earnestness. Laugh along with Heshy as he sheepishly rolls t..
Model: TIB-1
In this rhyming book, a young boy ponders the invisible nature of many things that are indisputably real. An excellent introduction to important Jewish concepts for the very youngest children...
Model: RCSB-2
Radak was the commentator par excellence of The Prophets and Psalms. His magisterial exposition has made his work on Nach indispensable. But surprisingly few bnei Torah, and even scholars, know that he also wrote a commentary to Sefer Bereishis. Now, a breakthrough translati..
Model: SNTT-1
Model: 1422642593
Rav Yaakov Feitman, beloved author of Days of Reflection, Days of Joy, continues to guide us through the spiritual landmarks of the Jewish calendar, uncovering the profound lessons hidden within Chanukah, Tu B’Shevat, Asarah b’Teves, and Purim.With his rare ability to weave timeless wisdom with prac..
Model: HERY-1
Yudele feels terrible.His friends are making fun of him.Is he really an insignificant appendage to his famous uncle - Hershele of Ostropole?What is the cruel Poritz of Ludika scheming once again?And who is threatening to carry out a pogrom in the peaceful village of Ostropole?Who is the mysterious h..
Model: KAHK-1
Model: ATYIH-1
In the Jewish calendar, every month has its own special halachos to fulfill. With the limited time that I have, how can I keep on top of it and know what I need to know?Around the Year in Halachah provides a clear, concise, and thorough guide to the seasonal halachos. Based on all major Po..
Model: SDYM-1
Model: AGNR-1
Stories shared by the Rebbe, thoughtfully crafted for children and filled with powerful lessons. Perfect for children who can read independently or for parents to read aloud to their little ones. 90 laminated pages featuring beautiful, colorful illustrations. Each story has a particular lesson and a..
Model: SIIH-1
The industry of software development is one that is extremely complex. Its intricate aspects are understood only by those in the industry and, as such, have led to significant issues which are overlooked by the consumer. Situations very often arise where unbeknownst to the consumer, he is given a pr..
Model: 1422642739
For centuries, the brilliant light of Rashi – Rav Shlomo ben Yitzchak of medieval France - has illuminated the world of Torah, earning him the esteemed title of "The Father of Commentators." With unrivaled clarity and grace, Rashi's commentary on the Torah has become an integral – and truly indispen..
Model: AIO-1
Incredible stories of emunah, hashgachah, miracles and courage as more than 1,700 United Hatzalah volunteers rescue and treat the wounded on Simchas Torah, October 7th, 2023.As soon as they learned of the horrific Hamas attacks in the south, more than 1,700 United Hatzalah volunteers dropped everyth..
Model: 1422642399
Rav Yisroel Meir Druck, son of the famed “Maggid Meisharim” of Yerushalayim and a noted Torah scholar and popular speaker, brings our understanding of the Chumash to a whole new level. His insights, firmly based on a large variety of classic Torah sources, are brief, readable, and very, very intrigu..