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Model: ENTE-1
Click Here For Inside Pages.The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s colossal achievements in the service of world Jewry are well known. From his office in 770 Eastern Parkway, he initiated some of the most successful and innovative programming that the Jewish world has ever seen. What is not so well known is his sc..
Model: LFL-1
Letters for Life explores the private correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe with individuals in the midst of heartbreak, loss, fear, and confusion.With startling clarity, boundless empathy, and timeless wisdom, the Rebbe’s voice pierces through the noise—guiding readers towards health, hope, and h..
Model: 1422640736
For centuries, the brilliant light of Rashi – Rav Shlomo ben Yitzchak of medieval France - has illuminated the world of Torah, earning him the esteemed title of "The Father of Commentators." With unrivaled clarity and grace, Rashi's commentary on the Torah has become an integral – and truly indispen..
Model: RAW-2
With a rare combination of mastery of Torah, forward-thinking leadership, and an open heart to every Jew from all segments of Klal Yisrael, Rav Asher Weiss, shlita, has become one of our generation’s greatest disseminators of Torah. He is a leader whose halachic rulings and wise counsel are sought b..
Model: TKTG-1
The Koren Tanakh of the Land of Israel offers an innovative and refreshing approach to the Hebrew Bible. By fusing extraordinary findings by modern scholars on the ancient Near East with the original Hebrew text and a brand new English translation by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, The Koren Tanakh of th..
Model: TBKI-1
An eye-opening book that clarifies our understanding of the Kohanim's clothing! Based on ten years of extensive research, Rabbi Dovid Meyers has once again opened up a challenging subject and made it easily understandable. Like he did in his first book, The Mishkan Illuminated, Rabbi Meyers goes thr..
Model: YARIS-1
Whilst watching the rain fall on Succos, Yehuda learns all about the water cycle. He discovers how Hashem provides water for all of us. Read this delightful story and share this discovery with him...
Model: TOIP-1
Whilst helping Mommy make Milk Ice Pops for Shavuos, Tova discovers what happens when the milk goes into the freezerRead this delightful story and share this discovery with Tova..
Model: 142263910X
Have you ever wished you could be there, when Rav Elimelech Biderman — “Reb Meilech” — gives over his Torah wisdom, his unforgettable stories, his unflagging energy to serve Hashem, his exuberant simchah at being a member of His People?Now you can.Bestselling author Yisroel Besser offers us Reb Meil..
Model: SB-1
Dear Children,Elya Kogan, a Russian Jewish scientist who grew up cut off from any ties to yiddishkeit, is on the verge of completing the development of a secret weapon. And since it can be operated from space, it has the potential to change the world - and not necessarily for the better. Elya s..
Model: RIC-1
Shimon and Gabi Steiner are living a picture-perfect life in small-town U.S.A. - until suddenly, they aren't. Dark rumors swirl around them, and their friends and neighbors suspect them of a terrible misdeed. Shimon decides to move the family to Israel, Gabi's lifelong dream - but nothing is playing..
Model: FTP-1
With war raging and London under siege, each member of the Herling family must deal with a new, frightening reality. Florrie and Sue, the two youngest, are evacuated to the countryside, where they face the daunting challenges of growing up overnight and coping alone in a frightening new wo..
Model: LBAW-1
Lazer Winter likes to ride his bike, play chess, and read. But the boys at school tease and make fun of him. If only he didn’t have to go to school anymore. Things come to a head when Lazer gets in trouble instead of the bully! Will Lazer the loser ever become Lazer the winner?In..
Model: LLFT-1
Give your child the gift of a meaningful, tangible connection to Hashem. The Weiss Edition “Living Lessons from Tanya” helps readers understand their inner lives. It is packed with practical guidance and inspiration for a joyous, fulfilled neshamah-life...
Model: BITT-1
Benny was a cute boy who had one problem. He cried all the time!Join Benny and his mommy as they find a creative solution to Benny’s tears in a story thatmany children will relate to...
Model: EBG-1
Eli is graduating preschool. Next year, like a big boy, he will go to yeshivah, where he will have a rebbi instead of a morah, learn in a big building instead of a cozy, small one, and be the youngest class instead of the oldest. It should be exciting for Eli.But it's not.In Eli'..
Model: TJUOS-1
A portal into the perseverance of Jewish culture in the face of attempts to destroy it.To answer his son's question: what was it like growing up in Samarkand? Rabbi Hillel Zaltzman wrote and researched this memoir and history about Chassidic Jews who found refuge in Samarkand during the World W..
Model: TLOFP-1
Rabbi Farkash, of Jerusalem, Israel, is a prominent halachic authority, and noted author and lecturer—particularly in the laws of Taharas Hamishpachah. He is consulted by well-known Rabbis worldwide, for his expertise in the sensitive, intricate issues related to this mitzvah. His rulings draw ..
Model: MATG-1
Relive the magic of the first Kosher Comic Book with the new Mendy and the Golem Collection!This first volume includes the first of 10- action-packed issues, meticulously restored to their original brilliance. Dive back into the adventure with beloved characters, timeless Torah lessons, and unforget..
Model: 142264071X
One of the Great Classics of Jewish Thought!HaRav Yitzchok Hutner zt’l, the Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva and Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin, was one of the most profound thinkers of our time. His mastery of Toras Machshavah was unequaled and his sweeping tapestries wove together the Maharal, Mussar, and Ch..
Model: GOW-1
Travel on a Mystical Journey Alongside Torah Giant Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeshitz!Discover the how and why of “Am Yisrael Chai,” created by Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeshitz, which has become the ubiquitous phrase of defiance and determination for the Jewish People.Lose yourself in the stories that made Rabbi Ye..
Model: WYLALO-1
hen a loved one passes away, it is a time of darkness and mourning for those left behind. Presented from the authentic Torah viewpoint and filled with chizuk and emunah, When You’ve Lost a Loved One will bring light and hope to those feeling bereft and lost in a world f..
Model: TCH-1
Every year, during the Three Weeks, we mourn the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash. But do we really know what we lost during those terrible times?Rabbi Meir Lamberski has collected stories from Midrash Eichah Rabbah and the Talmud, adapting them as engaging comics, to help ..
Model: QESTB-1
We all have questions about our faith. Often, however, we are given overly simple answers that remain unsatisfying. In this original and thought-provoking work, Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum responds to twelve challenging questions that confront the Torah today. These are questions about the veracity of i..
Model: IACW-1
Communication technology and social media saturate our lives. Torah in a Connected World offers a Torah perspective on these new technologies and analyzes halakhic issues that arise in five different areas. The book focuses on relationships on social media, both personal and communal, through the le..
Model: PAS-1
Tractate Avot is unique within the Mishna and the Talmud. It does not address halakha, but is primarily a book of ethics and wisdom, guiding us in our behavior and inner attitudes. Avot was written for those of us who seek to go above and beyond our standard obligations and follow a more elevated pa..
Model: JC-1
The range of Jewish customs is as vast as their origins are obscure. Whydo some Jews dress a certain way? Why is challa braided? Why do we givegelt on Hanukka?Even when not halakhically mandated to do so, Jewsthroughout the ages have embellished their behavior with practices drawnfrom classical Jewi..
Model: MEMO-1
Halachic rulings, Insights, Personal Stories and Hanhagos of the Posek HaDor, Maran Hagaon Harav Moshe Feinstein Zt"l, from the notes of his grandson and talmud Rabbi Mordechai Tendler. Adapted from the multi volume Masores Moshe Hebrew Ed...
Model: TTD-1
The legacy of HaRav Yaakov Yosef Twersky lives on…The Twersky chassidic dynasty originated in Chernobyl, Ukraine. It spread throughout the towns of Ukraine and beyond, and today boasts over fifty thousand known descendants. The admorim of almost every contemporary chassidic line are its progeny.HaRa..
Model: HAR-1
It is not an exaggeration to say that the halachic sheilos that come up in a hospital setting number in the thousands. And the sheilos are as varied as they are numerous.There are the many Shabbos concerns: how to call a nurse on Shabbos, adjust an electric bed, walk through auto..
Model: FAQK-1
May I purchase baked goods from a home-based business with no hechsher?Can I meet with a non-Jewish client in a non-kosher restaurant?Is there a problem with leaving my cleaning lady alone in the house?What brachah should I say on Listerine Pocketpaks?Can I buy coffee in Starbucks?Can..
Showing 1 to 100 of 638 (7 Pages)