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Dear Kallah A Practical Guide for the New Bride

Dear Kallah
Dear Kallah

Written with wisdom, straight from the heart, this compassionate, soothing, and eminently valuable book is so warm and personal that it is as if the author, a rewnowned teacher and rebbetzin, is speaking privately to the reader. Rich with concrete, time-tested advice for brides-to-be and newlyweds, culled from the teachings of our Sages, and Torah literature, this book weaves together the author's extensive experience with inspiring Torah values, imparting a tapestry of ideals and tools that will surely help every kallah get off to the right start. From the back-cover: Preparing for married life is the most important thing a bride can do, but this entails far more than learning how to cook and run a household. The new kallah will play a crucial role in establishing and maintaining shalom bay’is – a blissful and tranquil atmosphere in her new home. Rebbetzin Malka Kagan off has helped countless brides to start off their married life on the right foot. This volume of her excellent advice, culled from the wisdom of Chazal and from her years of experience teaching kallahs, provides the tools for building a bay is ne'eman b'Yisrael.

Book Attributes
AuthorMalka Kaganoff
Weight0.3 LBS
Year Published1993

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  • Model: DEKA-1
  • Weight: 0.30lb