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4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: Gelatin: Is It Kosher? ■ Honey - Why is it Kosher? ■ Is Turkey Kosher? ■ Kosher Cheese: What Is It?..
4 Lectures from Rabbi Frand's popular Commuter's Chavrusah Series: The Insects in Vegetables Controversy ■ The Tuna Fish Controversy ■ Waiting Between Meat and Milk ■ Cholov Yisroel in Modern America..
Model: 0899065589
An authoritative yet practical guide to kashruth observance today, by one of the world's leading experts in a field that grows consistently more complex. This book explains many frequently used terms and contains a wealth of information that is not available anywhere else. Widely acclaimed by expert..
Model: 1422608972
The Essential Book for Every Jewish Home Rabbi Binyomin Forst is a master at explaining halachah in a readable, understandable, and practical manner. In The Kosher Kitchen he explains the basic principles of kashrus and their practical ramifications, showing us how to avoid problematic situations a..
Model: 0899061036
How many of us have the background to seek rabbinical guidance on kashrus problems - intelligently? How prepared are we to deal with the maze of modern appliances in the typical kitchen? This book explains the principles of kashrus laws, and shows how real-life problems fit into the framework of hal..
Guide To Blessings
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Model: 1879016095
The widely-used Guide to Blessings lists which berachah should be said for hundreds of different foods and drinks commonly available. It also establishes clear priorities for those situations in which two berachos appear to conflict. By providing the answers to these everyday questions, the Guide ca..
Model: 1879016370
The NCSY Bencher is immensely popular for use in homes, synagogues, schools, youth groups and camps, as well as for weddings, bar and bas mitzvahs, and other simchos. With clear Hebrew and English type, a new translation, and complete, easy-to-read transliteration of the benching, kiddush, blessings..
Model: 9781879016
The NCSY Bencher is immensely popular for use in homes, synagogues, schools, youth groups and camps, as well as for weddings, bar and bas mitzvahs, and other simchos. With clear Hebrew and English type, a new translation, and complete, easy-to-read transliteration of the benching, kiddush, blessings..
The OU Guide to Checking Fruits, Vegetables and Berries
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Model: 1879016281
You say you have never eaten an insect...? Aphids, thrips, and other insects make their home in many of the vegetables we eat each day. These insects are often hard to remove; a simple washing of the vegetables will not solve the problem. The incidence of infestation in many vegetables varies th..
The Aish Shiron (Paperback)
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Model: LLLLL
The perfect Bencher for Kiruv - for hosts or guests. Enrich the Shabbat experience with the translation, transliteration, songs, laws, essays and the beautiful imagery of Shabbat. Full-color, 4""x6"" page size...
Model: 1578199948
A Calligraphic classic by renowned Judaica artist Rabbi Yonah Weinrib! Much more than a bencher, this volume captures the entire Shabbos experience! From preparing for Shabbos through Havdallah, you'll learn about the customs, traditions, laws and zemiros for Shabbos, with exquisite illumination and..
Model: 0899061826
Sabbath songs and Grace After Meals. Translation and marginal notes...
Model: 1578191939
Grace After Meals and Sabbath Zemiros. Newly set text, translation of poetic beauty, complete, comprehensive and inspiring anthologized commentary, and Overviews. 320 pages...
Model: HBAS
As we prepare to sit in the succah, to take the lulav, to light the Chanukah menorah, to listen to the megillah, to eat the matzah and marror, or to sanctify the new month with kiddush levona, we have the opportunity and obligation to express our appreciation in the form of a&nbs..
Model: HOB-1
A clear, concise work which provides a detailed understanding of the blessings we recite over foods and beverages. New edition includes both previous volumes plus the Brochos Handbook, a quick reference guide to the proper blessings and afterblessings for over 700 foods. ..
Model: 9781598269239
This groundbreaking guide clears up the confusion about insect infestation in food, and offers practical solutions for making sure that one’s food is bug-free. This revised English edition of the Hebrew bestseller is geared specifically to English-speaking communities all over the world. It includes..
Model: 9781598264265
Finally--a comprehensive understanding of the Shehecheyanu blessing, recited over new spiritual and physical entities. In this interesting book, the author takes a look at the Shehecheyanu recited over holidays, new fruits, new garments, and on other occasions, bringing clarity to a subject that is ..
Model: THMB-1
When Ephraim meets Mendy the Moicher he doesn’t know what’s in store…Each time Mendy pulls a different food out of his sack, Ephraim gets to learn the halachos of brachos — and taste something yummy.Are you also hungry to learn interesting and important things about the brac..
Showing 1 to 20 of 20 (1 Pages)