Shulchan Aruch Im Biurei Halachah -Shabbos- Simanim 242-300 / שולחן ערוך הרב עם ביאורי הלכה - הלכה רמב - ש
This handsome volume covers chapters 242 - 300 of Hilchot Shabbat from the Shulchan Aruch by R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi, with a commentary that serves as an aid to understanding the nuances and details of these laws. The sources for the rulings, their practical applications, Chabad customs, and later halachic decisions are all presented in clear, easy to read format by Rabbi Schneur Zalman Gershovitz.
Book Attributes | |
Format | 7X10" |
- Model: SABHS1-1
- Weight: 3.80lb