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Likkutei Dibburim 4 Volume Set (Yiddish) / לקוטי דיבורים - ד' כרכים - אידיש

Likkutei Dibburim 4 Volume Set (Yiddish)    /   לקוטי דיבורים - ד' כרכים - אידיש
Likkutei Dibburim 4 Volume Set (Yiddish) / לקוטי דיבורים - ד' כרכים - אידיש

A record of talks delivered by the Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak in Latvia, Poland, and the U.S. during the years 1929-1950.

The talks embrace an overwhelming range of subjects, from the Rebbe`s memories of childhood and family to his eloquent and sometimes impassioned passages of exhortation; They include glimpses of faces and sounds that conjure up the mystique of a vanished shtetl world, delicately-drawn vignettes, fascinating chronicles of the early history of the Chasidic movement, and creative instructive expositions of Chasidic concepts.

One theme links all of these subjects like a thread of gold: the intense spiritual and personal bond with all his fellow Jews, that is of the essence of the very concept of a Rebbe.

Book Attributes
Weight5.8 LBS
Number of Volumes4

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  • Model: LDFV-4
  • Weight: 5.80lb