Model: HYYT-1
Model: SHYYT-1
Model: WLG-1
Selected Discourses from Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi's Classis Torah Ohr. Adapted by Yitzchok Dovid Wagshul...
Model: LSM-1
Model: PRTY-1
Model: LISM
Model: SPOTN
By: Robert Kremnizer
A simplified guide to knowing, understanding and applying Chabad philosophy
The Tanya, the foundation of Chabad-Chasidic philosophy, has been termed the written Torah of Chasidut. It is endlessly deep and wide and answers all of l..
Model: TREWm
Model: TIS
Model: CLST2-1
Model: PTPT-1
Volume Three: Igeres Ha-Teshuvah (Letter on Repentance) An astoundingly clear adaptation of Tanya, one of the most influential works of Jewish spiritual thought ever written, penned by Chasidic Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812). Letter on Repentance is a one of the clearest and most en..
Model: EOC-1
A Chasidic discourse Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson the Lubavitcher RebbeIn this landmark discourse, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, explores the contribution of chasidus to a far deeper and expanded understanding of Torah. The Rebbe analyzes the relationship chasidus has wit..
Model: SOT2-1
By: Robert Kremnizer
A simplified guide to knowing, understanding and applying Chabad philosophy
The Tanya, the foundation of Chabad-Chasidic philosophy, has been termed the written Torah of Chasidut. It is endlessly deep and wide and answers all of life`s questions. Howe..
Model: FFRC-1
Feminine Faith turns from a mitzva which is done by men to one celebrated primarily by women—Rosh Chodesh, the celebration of the New Moon in which women alone rejoice by refraining from normal work.The Rebbe’s profound text explores the unique gifts of the feminine—its connection to the undivi..
Model: ITBS-1
In the Beginning: Discourses on Chasidic Thought is a journey through the Book of Genesis by one of the most respected thinkers of our generation. Drawing on the teachings of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founding father of Chabad hasidut, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz takes readers deep into the..
Model: MBLD-1
Chasidic discourses by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn the Frierdiker Rebbe & Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson the Lubavitcher Rebbe Prior to delivering the discourse Lecha Dodi at the wedding of his daughter, Rebbetzin Chaya Moussia, in 1928, Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneersohn of Lubavitch ..
Model: GOSV-1
A chasidic discourse and talk by Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson the Lubavitcher Rebbe
The 28th day of the month of Sivan, 5751 (1991), marked the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, and his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, to the U..
The Tanya considered the "Written Torah" of Chasidism, is now studied by tens of thousands of people, from all walks of life. The Bilingual Tanya has contributed enormously to this global interest, by both stimulating and sating the quest for deeper involvement in Chasidut, in those to whom the orgi..
Model: 9780826607430
Model: 9781881400554
Reb Shmuel personified the service of G-d with joy and was known for his humorous outlook and antics, but was also the personification of a true chassid...
Model: SFLSV-1
Model: SHFS-1
Model: MOTP-1
Model: TSPA-1
A Torah discourse of the Lubavitcher Rebbe usually revolves around a question, sometimes a seemingly microscopic tension, serving as a point of departure for the Rebbe`s discussion. To hear or read such a discussion is to embark on a journey in which we are challenged and forced to move, and at..
Model: TSVT-1
The first section of the Tanya, Likkutei Amarim, comprises fifty-three chapters. In The Steinsaltz Tanya, this section has been divided in two. Volume 1 contains chapters 1–32, and volume 2 comprises chapters 33–53.This first section of the Tanya, which its ...The first section of the Tanya, Likkute..
Model: TSTS-1
This volume of The Steinsaltz Tanya comprises two sections from the Tanya: Sha’ar HaYihud VeHa’emuna and Iggeret HaTeshuva. The Steinsaltz Tanya includes a vocalized Hebrew text of the Tanya with a clear English translation along with Rabbi Steinsaltz’s novel commentary. One does not have to come fr..
Model: TANCOM-1
THE TANYA connects us to the level of reality where deep, emotionally evolved relationship with the Infinite - with our own soul and essence - is within the reach of every one of us. And not just within reach, but karov m'od - in very close reach. The Tanya also connects us with the practical tools ..
Model: LETSP-1
Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel , personal secretary of the Rebbe for over four decades and responsible for his correspondence, describes in fascinating detail in his comprehensive introduction to this multi-volume compendium, the process by which the Rebbe’s letters were written.The thousands of letters of..
Model: SIEB-1
The Rebbe's Likkutei Sichos revolutionizes Torah study, Jewish life, and G-dly experience. Now, for the first time ever, a curated selection of the original Likkutei Sichos is available in English...
Model: SIES-1
Model: LD-5
A cherished treasure-chest of the Chabad-Lubavitch heritageBy Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, Translated by Uri KaplounThese talks, delivered in Latvia, Poland and the US from 1929-1950, alive with pungent and creative expositions of chassidic teachings, are spiced with childhood memories, insight..
Model: TTLOTT-1
Model: TT-1
What I can Learn from the TanyaFirst of its kind! A unique series of books based on the Tanya with stories that young children can understand and relate to. Written in easy language with eye-catching pictures. The series is a wonderful way to connect sweet young children to the rudiments of chassidu..
Model: TT-1
First of its kind! A unique series of books based on the Tanya with stories that young children can understand and relate to. Written in easy language with eye-catching pictures. The series is a wonderful way to connect sweet young children to the rudiments of chassidus from a very young age.This vo..
Model: LS-5
The Rebbe's Likkutei Sichos revolutionizes Torah study, Jewish life, and G-dly experience. Now, for the first time ever, a curated selection of the original Likkutei Sichos is available in English...
Model: LETT-1
This volume covers: Shaar Yichud V'Emuna & Igeret Hateshuva Lessons in Tanya is a linear exposition and commentary on the Tanya of R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad philosophy. Beginning as a weekly Yiddish radio program in 1960, Rabbi Yosef Wineberg drew upon teachings received from..
Model: VM-1
This book has been written as a study aide to the Ma'amar V'yodato -Moskova(MOscow)1896 of the Rebbe Rashab,Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, fifth Rebbe of Chabad Lubavitch. The Intention is for the student to study the original ma'amar in Hebrew or English together with explanation and commentary o..
Model: LLFT-1
Give your child the gift of a meaningful, tangible connection to Hashem. The Weiss Edition “Living Lessons from Tanya” helps readers understand their inner lives. It is packed with practical guidance and inspiration for a joyous, fulfilled neshamah-life...
Model: TISB-1
Model: TST-1
Model: TSTI-1
Model: TSTIH-1
Model: LFL-1
Letters for Life explores the private correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe with individuals in the midst of heartbreak, loss, fear, and confusion.With startling clarity, boundless empathy, and timeless wisdom, the Rebbe’s voice pierces through the noise—guiding readers towards health, hope, and h..
Model: ADAD-1
A Diamond a Day is an adaptation for children of the chassidic classic Hayom Yom, a compendium of chassidic insights and customs arranged according to the days of the year, compiled by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson...
Model: ADADT-1
“A Diamond a Day” is an adaptation for children of Hayom Yom, an anthology of chassidishe sayings and customs, arranged according to the days of the year, assembled from the talks and letters of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson. Hayom Yom was compiled and arranged by t..
Model: PTTOL-1
"Rabbi Silver's words ... spring from a heart that is wise and pure. His ideas are exalted and deep, and they gladden the heart of those who seek Hashem. I am certain that with Hashem's help this book will make a positive change in the hearts of many, many Jews. Their eyes will light up with the pre..
Model: SHTT-1
Simply Chassidus presents a translation of the Rebbe's personally edited discourses as a clear flow of ideas, along with relevant background from Scriptural, Talmudic, and Chassidic sources, so that the reader can maintain an understanding throughout, regardless of their skill level.Beginners can be..
Model: THTIT-1
Model: SEFH-1
The sichos in this volume reflect the Rebbe Rayatz's efforts to transport the center of Chabad-Lubavitch to the American continent...
Model: SEFH1-1
Talks delivered in 5701 (1940-1941) by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe..
Model: ETRE-1
Eternal Reign is a maamar (Chassidic Discourse) delivered by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Acharon Shel Pesach (the final day of Pesach) 5746 (1986). It was subsequently edited by the Rebbe and published in 5748 (1988), ahead of the first anniversary of the Hei Teves celebration.The maamar begins with th..
Model: SFLS-1
The Rebbe's Likkutei Sichos revolutionizes Torah study, Jewish life, and G-dly experience. Now, for the first time ever, a curated selection of the original Likkutei Sichos is available in English...
Showing 1 to 61 of 61 (1 Pages)