Written by experts in the field, this journal is an exploration of the intersection of halachah, medical ethics, and contemporary medical issues, and offers insights into the application of halachic principles to complex medical situations.
Alan Kadish, MD
Editor’s Preface
Edward Lebovics, MD
Risk Assessment in Halachah
Rabbi Mayer Twersky
Management of Profound Multi-Organ Failure
Rabbi Prof. Avraham Steinberg, MD
Allocation of Scarce Resources
Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz
Adult ECMO and Mechanical Circulatory Support
Jonah (Yonah) Rubin, MD; Rabbi Dr. Jason Wiener, BCC
Halachah’s View of the Requirement to Follow the Established Standard of Care
Rabbi Moshe Rotberg
Medical Uncertainty in Halachah
Rabbi Boruch Fogel
COVID-19 Vaccines: Clinical Trials
Rabbi Dr. Zvi Loewy
Bikkur Cholim and the Contagious Patient
Rabbi Ephraim Glatt, Esq.; Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
The Role of Medical Expertise and Rabbanim in the Pandemic
Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
Confronting the Pandemic in the Community
Rabbi Mordechai Willig
Dishonest Acquisition of Potentially Life-Saving Care
Rabbi Yossi Sprung; Judah Eisenman
Vaccinating Adults and Children against COVID-19 in Israel and the US
Zvi Ryzman
Vaccine Hesitancy in the Orthodox Jewish Community
Sarah H.D. Becker, MD
Othering the Jews during the Calamitous Black Death of the 14th Century and the COVID-19 Pandemic of the 21st Century
Margot Lurie; Edward C. Halperin, MD, MA
Book Attributes | |
Format | Hardcover |
Pages | 165 |
Weight | 1.5 LBS |
Dimensions | 8"X10" |
- Model: MHAT-1
- Weight: 1.50lb
- ISBN: 9781957579658