A guide for end-of-life and other complex medical dilemmas
The world of medical ethics is often a slippery slope, which, if not governed by halachah, can lead to grave sins - including that of murder itself. The issues surrounding end of life, as well as other life-and-death questions, have become increasingly prevalent over the past few decades, due to both negative and positive developments in society. In today's day and age, it is not uncommon to need to make complex medical decisions, and it is of utmost importance that a patient and his or her caregiver understand the many issues and dynamics at play when it comes to medical care in halachah.
* Which treatments and procedures must -and must not - be done for a terminally ill patient?
* The doctor says that the surgery he needs to perform has a mortality rate of 50%. Does halachah allow for that surgery to be done?
* A family receives a call that their father's death is imminent. May they go on Shabbos to be with him?
* What must a family be aware of before allowing their loved one to receive palliative care in a hospice facility?
In Medical Decisions in Halachah, these issues and hundreds of others are dealt with in a clear and concise fashion. This sefer is the culmination of nearly a decade of research, in conjunction with the leading poskim and medical doctors in America, Canada, and Israel. In it, both layman and scholar will discover clarity and up-to-date information about halachah's stance regarding complex medical decisions.
By: Rabbi Moshe Rotberg
Book Attributes | |
Format | 6 X 9" |
- Model: MDHR-1
- Weight: 1.90lb