Teshuvah: ARE YOU READY?
Disc One: U'teshuva U'tefillah
Yom Kippur is the only time when Viduy is part of the Shemoneh Esrei--why? This most solemn of all days begins with the annulment of vows-- strange, isn't it? How can we fill our prayers with sincere meaning? And how should we react if Hashem's answer to our prayers is NO?
Disc Two: Midas Ha'tznius - Not Just for Women
It's one of the most misunderstood words in the religious vocabulary. Tznius is not merely about sleeves, hems, and necklines. It isn't only about women. Tznius is about a way of life -- for men, for women, for the community. Listen and be enlightened, inspired -- and transformed. This is a profound and uplifting talk for every day of the year.
Book Attributes | |
Authors | Rabbi Yissocher Frand |
Date Published | 08/18/08 |
Publisher | Yad Yechiel Institute |
- Weight: 0.35lb
- SKU: FS610D