Teshuva: Restoring Our Value System Volume 2
Disc One: Sefer Yonah: Painting your masterpiece
In the waning hours of Yom Kippur we read the dramatic story of Yonah HaNavi. Our sages revealed that this small sefer contains a fundamental message not only for this one holy day, but for life in general. Listen as Rabbi Frand uncovers the potent lesson which every Jew should use in charting his unique path in life.
Disc Two: Ahavas Yisroel: Do you really love your neighbor?
""Love thy Neighbor"" is one of the most well-known tenets of Judaism. But what exactly is love? And how do we perform this deceptively simple-sounding principle? Discover how this pivotal mitzvah impacts our daily lives and helps us prepare for the Yomim Noraim.
Book Attributes | |
Authors | Rabbi Yissocher Frand |
Binding | Audio Cd |
Date Published | 08/15/07 |
Publisher | Yad Yechiel Institute |
- Weight: 0.35lb
- SKU: FS609D