- Four years, against immeasurable odds, he'd worked for this moment. Now he had to choose between his future- and his Torah life
- Could anyone save this crumbling marriage? The Rebbe had a way...
- Their grandfathers had hated each other. Now she needed their family's chesed. Could old grudges be forgotten?
From where we stand, a star seems to be just a tiny pinpoint of light. But if we could get closer, we'd be dazzled by its brilliance.
In her true stories, C.B. Weinfeld gets closer to the light the light inside of every one of us. Mrs. Weinfeld has a marvelous talent for finding stories about unexpected greatness. Where others see a shabby old lady and her shy granddaughter, she sees a strong and generous personality in the making. An old copper box decorated with pretty engravings holds more than aromatic snuff - it contains a man's desperate desire to succeed, and his even more powerful wish to keep his father happy.
These stories , which originally appeared in Yated Neeman and Ami Magazine, leave us amazed. Sometimes they bring a tear to our eye, sometimes they make us laugh - but always, always, they strengthen our belief in others, and in our own potential for greatness. ,
Book Attributes | |
Authors | C.B. Weinfeld |
Format | Hardcover |
Pages | 446 |
Weight | 2 LBS |
Dimensions | 6"X9" |
- Model: 9781422619995
- Weight: 2.00lb