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The Mazkir Volume 1

The Mazkir Volume 1
The Mazkir Volume 1

The long-hidden diaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's personal secretary for forty years, the gifted and tireless Reb Leibel Groner, give the reader an astonishing glimpse into the intense around-the-clock activity that pulsated at the nerve-center and soul-center of "770" in Brooklyn.

Those diaries, bursting with descriptions of little-known incidents and encounters that energized an amazing range of personalities around the world, are opened here for the first time.

By virtue of his lifelong task as personal secretary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Reb Leibel Groner was an actively-involved witness to the inspiation and around-the-clock activity that radated from 770 Easter Parkway, Brooklyn, New York.

That spiritual launching pad - motivated and continues to motivate countless thousends of jews, from Tasmania to Denmark, to invest effort in studying torah and observing the mitzvos. It launches idealistic young emissaries who set up Chabad Houses and scholarly institutions in the most unlikely environments. Out there, they reach out to unlettered fellow Jews & Jewesses in order to heighten their self-respect as the rihtful heirs of a rich heritage.

Only after Reb Leibel's passing, in 2020, were his extensive diaries discovered. They pulse with lively and down-to-earth descriptions of life-changing encounters of world-renowned personalities & quite ordnary folk with the Rebbe, at critical moments in their lives. They had come to hear what the Rebbe had to offer them sage counsel, purposeful aspirations, warm encouragement, & scholarly depth. Some of their first person recollections meanwhile allow the reader a glimpse of the Rebbes supersensory perception, which soard above and beyond conventional limits.

Book Attributes
AuthorUri Kaploun
Weight2.5 LBS

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  • Model: TMVO-1
  • Weight: 2.50lb