Journey of Faith – A Comprehensive Commentary on Sefer Bamidbar
by Rabbi Yonasan Arenias
We all know that the Torah does not always follow chronological order and Sefer Bamidbar stands out in this regard, with almost every parashah containing a passage which, chronologically, should have been placed somewhere else. Indeed, the sefer opens with the count of Bnei Yisrael in the second month when, as the author shows in a table listing the entire book in chronological order, more than 20 other passages could have come before it. Understanding the reasons for all these “exceptions” is one of the purposes of R’ Arenias’ new book, but it does much more.
Built on the principle that a person first needs to understand the big picture before learning about the details, this work provides the reader with an outline and overview of each parashah before launching into a comprehensive running commentary that explains exactly what happened and the major approaches of the classic commentators. The book also discusses chronology and puts special emphasis on understanding the sequence of the parshiyos, explaining how all the subjects in a particular parashah are linked together. It includes detailed tables organizing and summarizing each parashah, in depth sections that analyze key topics, copious footnotes and sources, and the complete Chumash text with an exceptionally accurate and readable translation. No wonder prominent rabbanan have described the book as “authoritative,” of “phenomenal scope,” and “a wonderful way to learn Torah.”
With a stunning page layout that includes hundreds of questions and answers lining the margin, the book will have wide appeal — being both accessible to the beginner, and providing the experienced scholar with many new insights and “an orderly and unified view of the topics of the Torah” (Rabbi Zev Leff). Parents will find it a practical and enjoyable book to use at the Shabbos table and when learning with their children, and teachers will find everything they need here to prepare an inspiring lesson.
650 pages / Hard cover
Book Attributes | |
Format | 7X10 |
- Model: JOF-1
- Weight: 3.00lb