Golden Shadows
Hundreds of years ago Judaism flourished throughout a golden era in Northern Africa and Spain. Sadly, Jews often maintained their shuls, yeshivos, and lifestyle under duress, hardship, and persecution. Today, in those countries, the remnants of Judaism are but shadows of the past. America's favorite Maggid, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, author of ArtScroll's bestselling Maggid series leads us on a tour of the rich Jewish history of Morocco, Gibraltar, and Spain.
Inspiring talks on:
- The Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh
- The Rambam
- The Ramban
- Rav Raphael Baruch Toladano
- Sulika Chashwal
- Harav Amram Ben Diwan
- Rav Hai Gaon
- Rav Saadiah Gaon
- The Rif
- Rav Yaakov Abuchatzira
- The Abarbenel
- The Abudraham
- Rav Chaim Pinto
- Rav Raphael Encowa
- The Ba'al Haturim
- Rav Shlomo Ibn Gabirol
- The Rosh
- Rav Shlomo Ibn Danan
- Rav Shmuel Hanagid
- The Four Captives
- DISC 1: Morocco
- DISC 2: Gibraltar & Spain
CD1- MOROCCO- 1. Intro to the trip
- 2. Welcoming Speech
- 3. Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh
- 4. On the Bus: Remembering Torah
- 5. On the Bus: Torah Brilliance
- 1. History of the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh
- 2. On the Bus: Iggeres Haramban Part 1
- 3. On the Bus: Iggeres Haramban Part 2
- 4. Insight from Belzer Rebbe on Chinuch
- 5. The Chesed of Rav Chaim Soloveitchik
- 6. Rav Raphael Encaoua
- 1. Chinuch and Children
- 2. The Abir Yaakov, Rav Yaakov Abuchatzeira
- 3. Rav Boruch Toledano
- 4. Hakaros Hatov and Family History of Rav Shlomo Ibn Danan
- 5. The Life of Rav Shlomo Ibn Danan
- 1. On the Bus: Iggeres Haramban Part 3
- 2. On the Bus: Iggeres Haramban Part 4
- 3. Kever of Tzadaikis Sulika
- 4. Rav Amram ben Diwan
- 5. The Rif: Rav Yitzchak Alfasi
- 1. Parenting
- 2. A Pupil of Rav Gifter
- 3. Connecting with the Maggid of Jerusalem
- 4. Stories of Tzedakah
- 1. The Abarbanel
- 2. Avudraham by Rabbi Menachem Nissel
- 3. Inquisition by Rabbi Menachem Nissel
- 4. Shimon Kippah
- 1. The Rambam
- 2. The 4 Captives
- 3. On the Bus: Ba'al Haturim-Gematrios
- 4. On the Bus: 'Remazim' by the Avudraham
- 5. Rav Shlomo Ibn Gabirol
- 6. Dunash Ibn Labrot
- 1. Spanish Piyutim by Rabbi Menachem Nissel
- 2. The Rosh
- 3. BanqueT by Rabbi Menachem Nissel
- 4. Banquet and closing Remarks
Book Attributes | |
Authors | Rabbi Paysach Krohn |
Binding | DVD |
Date Published | 12/09/09 |
Publisher | ArtScroll Mesorah Publications |
- Weight: 0.80lb