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All Eyes on the Kohen Gadol The Kohen Gadol's Avodah in the Beis Hamikdash on Yom Kippur

All Eyes on the Kohen Gadol
All Eyes on the Kohen Gadol
During the course of his service on Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol pronounces Hashem’s sacred Name ten times. When the other kohanim and the people crowded in the Temple courtyard hear the Name broadcast from the Kohen Gadol’s mouth, they are filled with awe, and begin trembling and shaking until they can no longer remain standing on their feet. As soon as they hear the first syllable of the Name, they kneel and prostrate themselves on the courtyard floor, and shout praises and blessings of the Creator with all their might. Try to picture the incredible scene. Thousands of kohanim, levi’im, and yisraelim standing in the courtyard and watching the Kohen Gadol as he presses his hands on his bull’s head. They hear the sound of the holy Shechinah come forth from his mouth. They all react by kneeling and prostrating themselves, utterly overcome with awe. Suddenly, an ear-splitting roar rises from the courtyard floor and the thousands of Jews scream out with intense concentration: Baruch Shem kevod Malchuso l’olam va’ed!
Book Attributes
AuthorMoshe Menachem Levin
Weight2.7 LBS
Dimensions10" x 13"

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  • Model: AEOTG-1
  • Weight: 2.70lb