Model: 1422605795
Now, an instant classic is available in a new convenient size. The popular three-volume Rubin Edition of the Early Prophets grows to five-volumes, and shrinks to the handy size of 6 x 4 3/4. The five volumes include: Joshua, Judges, Samuel I and II, and Kings I and II.You know and use the Stone..
Model: 1422606368
It has been called a commentary unexcelled in any language — and it is. The Yad Avraham translation and masterful commentary has been the first choice of talmidei chachamim and laymen since it first appearedNow it is available in a soft-cover, pocket-size edition — the only difference is that y..
Model: 1422600629
It has been called a commentary unexcelled in any language — and it is. The Yad Avraham translation and masterful commentary has been the first choice of talmidei chachamim and laymen since it first appearedNow it is available in a soft-cover, pocket-size edition — the only difference is that y..
Model: 0899063926
There is no more exciting story anywhere than the Jewish People's march through the menaces of history. It's a gripping, absorbing story, peopled by great names and arch-villains, full of courage and cowardice, and leavened with the conviction that the Chosen People must survive come what may. Compl..
Model: 1422601951
It has been called a commentary unexcelled in any language — and it is. The Yad Avraham translation and masterful commentary has been the first choice of talmidei chachamim and laymen since it first appearedNow it is available in a soft-cover, pocket-size edition — the only difference is that y..
Model: 1422617971
A great thing becomes smaller and smaller. Now, the one-volume Stone Edition of The Chumash grows to five volumes, and shrinks to 4-3/4" x 6". Each of the volumes has its own index, all the haftarahs, and appropriate Megillos. And each set comes in a beautiful matching slip-case. Convenient to use, ..
Model: 0899069452
In this long-time Hebrew best-seller the author explains the major themes of each weekly portion as discussed by scores of commentators...
Model: 1422608905
More than a translation, more than a commentary, the ArtScroll Mishnah Series with Yad Avraham commentary brings the text to life as it is developed and clarified by contending minds in the study hall.Features of the Yad Avraham Mishnah Series:
All sources are clearly cited.
New E..
Model: 142261297X
Open the Schottenstein Edition and step into a ""study hall without walls."" Feel the electricity, the excitement, the profundity, the beauty of the Talmudic experience!Let the Talmud open your eyes to the wonders of the Torah. Acclaimed by a broad spectrum of roshei yeshivah, scholars, and laymen a..
Model: MVR-1
Model: EJH-1
A new edition, revised and greatly expanded, of Eliyahu Kitov's acclaimed and beloved classic on Jewish family life. The vital wisdom and life-giving strength of traditional Jewish teaching is reflected in the wealth of topics: Jewish marriage, harmony in the home, the meaning of modesty, raising ch..
Model: PS-1
Model: 0899066410
The Pirkei Avos Treasury is now here in a stunning 3-vol. slip-cased gift edition. Convenient 4-1/2""x 6"" page size, ready to take along wherever you go!..
Model: KKM-13
Model: 1422608085
Anyone who has visited Israel and pulled out his or her ArtScroll Siddur has learned that in many cases the prayers and Torah readings are not the same there as in the Diaspora. Understandably, there have been many requests for an Israeli version of the classic ArtScroll Siddur. We heard you -- and..
Model: 1422611078
A classic in its own time... The original Stone edition of the Chumash has become the most widely used Chumash in the world by far. Now it is available in an excellent French translation. The Edmond J. Safra Edition of the Chumash in French is newly reset, in one beautiful volume with a new, contemp..
Model: 1578198119
The complete Hebrew text completely reset in crisp, modern type Attractive, clear page layouts Lightweight, specially-milled opaque paper Special sections explaining in detail the laws of the prayer service and special customs and observances Prayer services that are easy for everyone to follow ..
Model: 1422610802
It has been called a commentary unexcelled in any language — and it is. The Yad Avraham translation and masterful commentary has been the first choice of talmidei chachamim and laymen since it first appearedNow it is available in a soft-cover, pocket-size edition, the only difference is that yo..
Model: 1422605256
It has been called a commentary unexcelled in any language — and it is. The Yad Avraham translation and masterful commentary has been the first choice of talmidei chachamim and laymen since it first appearedNow it is available in a soft-cover, pocket-size edition — the only difference is that y..
Model: 1422605639
It has been called a commentary unexcelled in any language — and it is. The Yad Avraham translation and masterful commentary has been the first choice of talmidei chachamim and laymen since it first appearedNow it is available in a soft-cover, pocket-size edition — the only difference is that y..
Model: 1422617963
A great thing becomes smaller and smaller. Now, the one-volume Stone Edition of The Chumash grows to five volumes, and shrinks to 4-3/4" x 6". Each of the volumes has its own index, all the haftarahs, and appropriate Megillos. And each set comes in a beautiful matching slip-case. Convenient to use, ..
Model: 1422609588
You know and use the Stone Edition of the Chumash, which has become the standard English-language Chumash. But what about the rest of the Written Torah, the Prophets and the Writings? Where can we go for a sweeping understanding of the text, as understood by the Sages and the classic commentators pr..
Model: 1422610179
It has been called a commentary unexcelled in any language and it is. The Yad Avraham translation and masterful commentary has been the first choice of talmidei chachamim and laymen since it first appearedNow it is available in a soft-cover, pocket-size edition the only difference is that you c..
Model: 157819119X
This new all-Hebrew edition of the Chumash is specifically designed and constructed for synagogue use! Large, clear type on 8 5/8"" x 10"" pages makes it easy to read and follow the Torah reading; and the ultra-reinforced side-sewn binding means there will be no need to rebind these durable volumes..
Model: 1422605191
Anyone who has visited Israel and pulled out his or her ArtScroll Siddur has learned that in many cases the prayers and Torah readings are not the same there as in the Diaspora. Understandably, there have been many requests for an Israeli version of the classic ArtScroll Siddur. We heard you -- and..
Model: 0899065872
A life-cycle handbook for the rabbi...
Model: 1422613801
People today are always on the move, traveling across the city, the country or the globe, for business, pleasure or family events. Travel raises many questions of Jewish law. Questions about Shabbos observance in a hotel or kashrus in a time-shared apartment. Questions about davening on airplanes or..
Model: STHM-2
Model: HMSH-1
Model: BRHES
Model: YSMRARM-2
Model: SC-10
This is not a complete set.This set includesדבש לפי ומדבר קדמותברכי יוסףזהב סגור ולב דודשיורי ברכהמחזיק ברכהפני דודעבודת הקודששם הגדולים ..
Model: ORYK
Nesivos Sholom. One of the most widely celebrated volumes on Jewish thought in recent history. The magnum opus of Reb Sholom Noach Berezovsky ztz”l, saintly rebbe of a vibrant Chassidic dynasty, the impact of the Nesivos Sholom extends well beyond the tight-knit e..
Model: RMFC-1
Model: HFWW-1
Drawn from classic sources, How Free Will Works explores the elegant relationship between Divine providence and free will — and illuminates the connections among themes such as: miracles, mazal, happiness, cause and effect, Heavenly decree, nature, success, tikun, self-esteem, de..
Model: OTCLM
Model: SMSG
Model: SBT
Model: SVY
Model: SFMC
Model: ELCN-3
Model: YKYF
Model: SFCZ
Model: ADM
Model: HAMIK-1
Model: HTHG-2
Model: MSE
Model: TMZ
Model: YRSA10
Model: HDDB-3
Model: MFT
Model: KSMC
Model: OTGR
Model: NSMA-1
מהי בעצם הנשמה, המוזכרת כל-כך הרבה בדברי חכמינו במשך הדורות? האם היא תודעה? נפש? תבונה?אנו מאמינים שהנשמה היא "חלק אלוקה ממעל", אך מה משמעות הדבר? והאם הנשמה מנסה לשלוח אלינו מסרים?הנשמה שולחת לנו איתותים: לעיתים באמצעות כאב, האמור להיות אות אזהרה על המתרחש בנשמה פנימה, ולעיתים ..