Model: BAB-1
Bold and Brave is filled with plot twists and adventure that will keep young readers turning pages. Once again, Hachai Publishing makes Jewish history Fun-to-Read! Imagine a time when doing mitzvos, staying true to Torah values, and even dressing like a Jew presents an enormous challenge. This is th..
Model: YALT-1
When Avi, a new boy, moves in next door to the two brothers, it doesn't look like he'll be a very good ballplayer. Will Yossi and Laibel judge him by his appearance - or give Avi a chance? Join everyone's favorite characters as they find out what really makes someone a friend..
Model: IHJN-1
I Have a Jewish Name is a colorful, joyful celebration of every child's beautiful Jewish name! Within the artwork and the inside covers, over 170 different names are featured, and there's a bookplate with a space for a child to write his or her own. Some names are long; some are short. Some are in H..
Model: ABAE-1
Chaim is a young Russian boy who knows that he should share some of his bread with those who have none . . .but he is so very hungry. When Chaim stops putting his little chunk of bread (as big as an egg) into Bubbe Hinda's mitzvah sack, strange things begin to happen...
Model: WWTW-1
What Will the World Be Like? Did you ever wonder what the future holds in store? Most people have, including young children who ask their parents probing questions. Jewish tradition has much to say about the era of Moshiach, and now a beautifully illustrated picture book provides these important ans..
Model: MVOL-1
"When i was a baby, so cute and so small, I got a great gift, the most special of all! Can you guess what it was? What could my gift be...?" A Young brother and sister are so glad to have something that unites and inspires children all over the world...
Model: TUK-1
Tuky Gestetner was only six when the Nazis took control of Hungary, and she had to leave her comfortable life and her loving home to go into hiding. Some non Jewish farm families in a small town outside Budapest were well paid to hide her, her little brother and cousin. As the oldest of the three, T..
Model: TST-1
During the time of King Chizkiyahu, Sancheriv, the wicked King of Ashur, threatened to surround the city of Yerusalayim. It seemed that many other cities had already fallen to Sancheriv, but the Prophet, Yishayahu, told the people to trust in Hashem. The danger was: the powerful enemy could easily w..
Model: TWLJ-1
Model: BCOC-1
Experience the stunning,inspiring miracles and supernatural victories that Bnei Yisrael experiences upon entering Eretz Yisrael and the battle of Canaan. Relive the famous story of Yehoshua commanding the sun to stand still in Givon and the moon in the valley of Ayalon..
Model: TMM-1
Track the journey of the Shechinah through Jewish history, starting back at its first landing in Bnei Yisroel’s desert encampment, to their years of tranquility in Eretz Yisroel, and throughout this long and difficult golus…all the way to the very near future of Hashem’s glory revealed in the Beis H..
Model: 1422640167
Four girls.Four dreams.Four stars."The worst day of my life started out like any other day in my new school. In other words—almost perfect.”And why shouldn’t life be just perfect for Penny Kellman? She’s in an incredible and unique school that offers super-talented girls a high-level Bais Yaakov edu..
Model: TMTSM-1
Model: MCAOS-1
Moshe has never traveled out of town all by himself, but now he is on a bus, headed to his grandparents’ house. Looking out the window, Moshe sees snow start to fall, growing into a full blown snowstorm! As the bus inches along, the passengers start to wonder when they’ll be getting to their destina..
Model: ETWAW-1
Why does the moon seem to follow you wherever you go?How many different types of volcanoes are there? What causes brain freeze? How is an airplane able to fly? How was popcorn invented? What is a 3D printer?If you've ever wondered about these or other science-related questions, you'll want to check ..
Model: ADRE-1
Dear Children,I'm sure that every one of you has heard manystories, meshalim, and ideas about the mitzvosbein adam l'chaveiro.This book takes that to the next level,with exciting tales that were written especiallyfor you. Illustrated stories along with fascinatingideas and discussions taken fro..
Model: DOUB-1
Yitzchak and Yedidya are brothers-in-lawand close friends - until someone comesto tell Yedidya about the trouble Yitzchakmade for him, behind his back.Determined to make peace between theirfathers, cousins Levi and Chezky find a secretjournal in Zeidy's storage room. The boys areshocked by what it s..
Model: TASR-1
Click Here For Inside!One of the greatest of all Amoraim, Rav established a great yeshiva in Sura, and was known as the leader of Babylonican Jewry. His wisdom, leadership, piety, and teachings are a cornerstone of Talmud Bavli. ..
Model: TASRS-1
Click Here For Inside!In his youth, Shmuel studied in Teveriah, later moved to Nahardea, and was known for his proficiency in economics, medicine, zoology, astronomy, and calendar-science...
Model: TASRBBC-1
Click Here For Inside!This second-generation Amora lived in Bavel, and the Talmud is replete with the fantastic voyages he experienced, both at sea and in the desert...
Model: GHBS-1
Click Here For Inside!Gedolei Hadoros - collection of stories for young childrenLaminated EditionThe door flew open as if blown by a storm wind.“Mommyyyy!” Yankele shrieked. “They’re coming!!!”His mother didn’t need any explanation.The entire village knew all too well who “they” were: the wicke..
Model: COMS-1
Click Here For Inside!The history of our nation is saturated with the blood of our ancestors who willingly and even joyously sacrificed their lives for Hashem and the Torah. The Soviet Union ranks high on the list of lands where Yidden had to be moser nefesh for Torah and mitzvos. During t..