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Model: 1422642151
According to tradition, after his exile from Spain for his defense of Judaism, the great Ramban (Nachmanides) sent this letter to his son. The letter which many recite weekly gives a blueprint for an ethical life as timely today as it was then. This book presents it as the basis for a beautiful coll..
Model: 1422641678
The original Stone edition of the Chumash is by far the most widely used Chumash with translation and commentary in the world - and it is now available in an all-Hebrew edition!The Schottenstein Edition All-Hebrew Chumash includes: •Targum Onkelos, Rashi, Baal HaTurim, and Ikar Sifsei Chachamim, all..
Model: SZFM-1
The Steinsaltz Five Megillot is part of the long-awaited English version of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz’s pioneering translation and commentary on the Tanakh. Like his monumental translation and commentary of the entire Talmud, the new Steinsaltz Five Megillot includes a tr..
Model: 1422641384
Avraham AvinuHe was a little boy who looked at the beautiful worldaround him and wondered... where did this all come from?He discovered his Creator — Hashem —and taught the world about Him.Hashem sent him ten tests... and he passed all of them!He is the father of our nation, Avraham Avinu.And this i..
Model: HLSG-1
לאחר שנות עבודה ועמל, מכון הלכה חב"ד שמח להגיש בפני כלל חסידי חב"ד בארץ ובעולם את הספרים הראשונים בסדרת 'הלה למעשה – שבת', המקיפים את כל סדר יום השבת מקצה לקצה, והכל בשפה ברורה וקלילה המותאמת ללימוד לכל חסיד חב"ד באשר הוא בארץ ובעולם.הספרים מביאים את ההלכה לפי הסדר, בצורה ברורה, בדגש על פסיקת חב"ד ו..
Model: TSZK-1
he Steinsaltz Ketuvim is the long-awaited English version of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz's pioneering translation and commentary on the Writings. Like his monumental translation and commentary of the entire Talmud, the Steinsaltz Ketuvim includes a treasure trove of information ..
Model: SUAH-2
שיח ומעשה על פרשיות התורה בספר זה קובצו שפע של מאמרים ורעיונות, אמרות וסיפורים על פרשיות השבוע במאמרים אלו נסללת דרך גישה לאדון הספרים העתיק שלנו על כל שכבותיו, התלמודים והמדרשים, ספרות רבותינו הראשונים והאחרונים, מורשת הגותם של חכמי המחשבה והמוסר, ויש כאן גם פתיחת צוהר לכבשונה של הספרות החסידית המע..
Model: SOTY-1
We all want to live with joy, vitality, and connection, but so often anger, pain, shame, and fear disrupt our goals and relationships. In this paradigm-shifting work, psychologist Joanne Zagnoev draws from the rich wellsprings of Jewish mysticism and her twenty-five years of experience in psychother..
Model: HILK-1
"How delighted Hashem will be when He comes to end the galus and finds the Jewish people knowledgeable in the entire Torah, even those halachos that are not practiced at this time... What a zechus for those who studied these halachos, and for all of Klal Yisrael, to be spared the embarrassment of ba..
Model: KDIH-1
Which mitzvos does one fulfill when donating a kidney?May a kohen enter a hospital to go through kidney-testing eligibility?Is a kidney donor considered to be a ba’al mum?What considerations should a kidney donor bear in mind when scheduling his surgery?Can there be a greater mitzvah than saving a J..
Model: TFRH-2
Click here to see sample pagesRabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch’s groundbreaking commentary – as it stretches across all of Chumash - has gained worldwide popularity for its panoramic scope, depth, and splendor, addressing all aspects of Jewish life with powerful and penetrating insights.Now we proudly pr..
Model: HBIW-1
Peek Inside!Live More. Worry LessDiscover how to feel Hashem's love and rely on Him completely, both in everyday moments and during challenging times.Gain a deep understanding of bitachon and unlock its power to transform and optimize every area of our lives and relationships.How Bitachon ..
Model: 1422642194
If you want to unlock the spiritual and ethical treasures of Jewish thought... If you want to share the insights and brilliance of Midrashic commentators, both classic and contemporary... If you want to discover the depth and beauty of the Midrash... Now is the time to begin.A monumental and magnifi..
Model: 1422642186
Targum Onkelos - the translation of the Chumash into Aramaic by Onkelos - is so important that the Sages included it in the obligation to read the weekly Chumash portion "shnayim mikra v'echad Targum” the Torah text twice andTargum Onkelos once. Now you will be able to gain a better understandi..
Model: 1422618048
If you want to unlock the spiritual and ethical treasures of Jewish thought... If you want to share the insights and brilliance of Midrashic commentators, both classic and contemporary... If you want to discover the depth and beauty of the Midrash... Now is the time to begin.A monumental and magnifi..
Model: GFIH-1
A person diagnosed with celiac must start an entirely new gluten-free diet and find answers for a host of questions: What is the correct brachah to recite on foods containing only a small amount of grain? Should I eat wheat matzah at the Seder if nothing else is available? Is rice bread subject to b..
Model: 1422642275
Aggadah is the non-legal portion of the Talmud. It contains the stories, the moral and ethical lessons, the ideas of our faith and our religion. In the Aggadah, we meet the wise and holy Sages of the Talmud not only as masters of the law, but as masters of the human experience.Compiled in the 16th c..
Model: 142264305
Improve. Uplift. Elevate. Transform.Your conversation. Your ahavas Yisrael. And Your Shabbos Table!We all know the power of our words and the immense value of loving our fellow Jew. Here is a book that helps us bring these teachings into our daily lives - and our Shabbos table conversations.In this ..
Showing 201 to 300 of 1174 (12 Pages)