Model: 9781680251463
Before Josephus and before Herod, the original Second Beis Hamikdash stood in Yerushalayim for over three centuries. It is this structure that is described in Maseches Middos and will serve as our guide to the construction of the Third Beis Hamikdash.The Original S..
Model: 9781952370175
Throughout Jewish literature, the Hebrew language is referred to as Lashon HaKodesh. Its history, origins, decline, and rebirth are simply fascinating. Furthermore, at its deepest level, Lashon HaKodesh is called such ("the Holy Language") because it is intrinsically sacred -- and is thus unlike any..
Model: 9781527259447
Marienbad & Beyonda fascinating story of courage and survival with an eighty year travel around the world. Starting in Marienbad, the resort where Orthodox Jewry enjoyed their annual vacations.A Picture Gallery of Marienbad.Over a dozen personal letters from Reb Aaron of Belz.Correspondence and ..
Model: TIWN-1
Which Shemoneh Esrei was last recited in the year 1994, and won't be recited again until 2089?Why is it that some people's nineteenth Hebrew birthday does not fall out on the same day as their civil birthday?On the night of his bar mitzvah, a boy flies from Australia to Los Angeles, where it is a da..
Model: 9781422631041
“Without knowing the past, we are woefully ignorant about the present, and certainly have no clue as to what the future will be.”From Rabbi Berel Wein’s Introduction to Struggle, Challenges and TraditionWhat Happened?In a little over a century, masses of Jews throughout the world discarded..
Model: CURW-1
Recent years have seen a shift in the approach to religious life among members of the Israeli Religious Zionist and the American Modern Orthodox communities. The trend towards spirituality, and to Hasidic teachings and practices in particular, is noteworthy and deserving of exploration. This volume ..
Model: ZSEC-1
An Extraordinary Combination: The beauty of “Eishes Chayil.” The insights of Zera Shimshon. And the stories of Nachman Seltzer.More than 25,000 readers enriched their lives with Rabbi Nachman Seltzer’s Zera Shimshon series. The Zera Shimshon phenomenon continues with this extraordinary new volume, R..
Model: CLIS-1
A young boy who wants to learn Torah... gets thrown into prison... gets interrogated... ending up in an orphanage. Exciting, interesting, and a great read! The life story of Reb Chatzkel Brod in the soviet Russia...
Model: MGL
Rough-hewn and unpretentious in his Russian cap and bushy white beard, Reb Mendel Futerfas was a legend in his own time. He endured eight years in the Soviet Gulag and a seventeen-year separation from his family--punishment for his work in Chabad’s clandestine network. Released from the Soviet Union..
Model: NSFF
Nechama Werdiger has had a long and fascinating life.Growing up under the Soviet Union’s harsh antisemitism, she endured the war years as a child in Uzbekistan where thousands of Jews sought refuge from the Holocaust.She and her family managed to escape to Poland and France before arriving in 1949 i..
Reb Dovid Feinstein was born to one of the greatest poskei ha’dor of his time, Rav Moshe Feinstein zt’l, and he himself was a phenomenal masmid and ilui. Yet Reb Dovid carried his incomparable yichus and many accomplishments lightly, with a sweetness and humility that only emphasized his Torah ..
Model: LNAIT-1
The Inspiring Conclusion Of Bnei Yisroel’s Journey To Eretz Yisroel The saga continues… Let My Nation Ascend continues where Let My Nation Wander left off, bringing to life the Jewish people’s ascent toward their ultimate destination of the Promised Land. With the tragedies of the spies and Korach l..
Model: TBOOK-1
A multifaceted exploration of the teachings, observances, and history of Judaism.What is Judaism?What does it mean to be a Jew?What is Judaism’s message to the world?The Book of Jewish Knowledge offers 1200 answers in 1200 voices, presenting the story of Judaism via the variety of media that capture..
Model: THARD-1
A multifaceted exploration of the teachings, observances, and history of Judaism.What is Judaism?What does it mean to be a Jew?What is Judaism’s message to the world?The Book of Jewish Knowledge offers 1200 answers in 1200 voices, presenting the story of Judaism via the variety of media that capture..
Model: FOREV-1
History comes alive again with this powerful classic, the poignant, autobiographical story of the fall and evacuation of the Jewish Quarter, as witnessed through the eyes of a young girl. The writing is evocative; it paints pictures in the reader's mind's eye. From Page One you will be transported t..
Model: ARREE-1
The History of Yud-Tes Kislev. Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad- Lubavitch Chasidism, was arrested, persecuted, and imprisoned in the year 1798 for his selfless efforts to strengthen the Jewish people and to disseminate Chasidic teachings. Rabbi Schneur Zalman's arrest imperiled ..
Model: 1422632040
With its scrupulous attention to historical accuracy, its profound understanding of Torah hashkafah, and its magnificent collection of photographs, The World That Was series has been hailed worldwide for offering readers a fascinating, Torah-oriented perspective on history.In the first volume of&nbs..
Model: EXCAV-1
New Archaeological Evidence for the Historical Reliability of ScriptureThe Hebrew Bible describes the saga of a uniquely full-born, sophisticated, highly developed society that is radically different and distinct from its neighbors or from any other ancient people. A unique system of laws, justice, ..
Model: SAGEFI-1
The Sages brings the world of the Talmud to life, revealing the stories of the people behind its pages. This fascinating multivolume series explores the lives and times of the great Jewish sages (Hazal): their teachers and disciples, their families and professions, the values they cherished and ideo..
Model: SAGEONE-1
The Sages is the first book to appear in English by the charismatic Jerusalem rabbi, Binyamin Lau. It offers fresh perspectives on the individual characters of the Jewish sages (Chazal), the historical contexts in which they lived, and the creativity they brought to the pursuit of Jewish wisdom. Thi..
Model: SAGEIV-1
The Sages brings the world of the Talmud to life, revealing the stories of the men behind its pages. This fascinating multivolume series explores the lives and times of great Jewish sages ( azal ) their teachers and disciples, their families and professions, the values they cherished and ideologies ..
Model: SAGEIII-1
The Sages brings the world of the Talmud to life, revealing the stories of the men behind its pages. This fascinating multi-volume series explores the lives and times of great Jewish sages (Hazal) their teachers and disciples, their families and professions, the values they cherished and ideologies ..
Model: SAGEII-1
This multi-volume series offers fresh perspectives on the individual characters of the sages (Hazal), the historical contexts in which they lived, and the creativity they brought to the pursuit of Jewish wisdom. Volume II covers the period from Yavne to the Bar Kokhba Revolt. Published in cooperatio..
Model: LMNB-1
A three-year-old boy, hiding from those who wish to kill him, looks up at the sky and discovers the Master of the Universe. His belief stands alone against the entire pagan world. As progenitor of the Jewish people, he will save all of humanity.Avraham Avinu’s life is an amazing story of trial and t..
Model: TWGD-1
Model: TYKWTNE-1
Model: KUZARS-1
Take a front seat in the debate arena as the sharpest minds debate on the fundamentals of religion, faith, and a diverse range of basic Jewish concepts. It took the esteemed 12th-century sage, Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi twenty years to complete this work. In its unique question-and-answer format it record..
Model: SAM-1
"Samarkand" tells the story of the Chassidic underground that operated in the Soviet Union, upholding Judaism during the rule of communist terror. Gripping narrative sweep the reader to distant lands, and paints a picture of mysterious figures in Samarkand's alleys, secret Torah study under the cons..
Model: JLIADW-1
What was life like during World War II?World War II was a difficult time for Jews in the US. Although they were safe from physical danger—unlike their relatives in Europe—anti-Semitism was a serious and growing problem. Food items were rationed, and many men were drafted into the army. In ..
Model: RAM-1
Brilliant scholar, dedicated physician, prolific author, Torah leader... Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon was all of these and much more. But what were his early years like? What struggles and challenges did he endure? This biography tells the story of the Rambam's life in a well-researched, sometimes fiction..
Model: TIJH-1
Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler writes that there are different flows of holiness that come into the world at different times of the year. Therefore, it follows that each day on the Jewish calendar has a special spiritual character. Today in Jewish History gives readers both the opportunity to enjoy a concise..
Model: THRISH-1
Rashi ... Baalei Tosfos ... Rambam ... Ramban ... Rashba ... and the many other transmitters of our Mesorah ...You study their words. Now, learn about their lives.This eye-opening work brings clarity to the study of Shas and poskim through fascinating biographical portraits of the primary ..
Model: TGZD-1
Someone who is not familiar with nature and has never pondered the daily path of the sun, the stars, and the moon cannot begin to appreciate the way Chazal and the Rishonim describe the path of the sun.[This] sefer not only clarifies the sugya of z’manim in all of its details, but is an intellectual..
Model: TCOA-1
Model: RFTH-1
A gripping chronicle of the incredible mesirus nefesh of Jews in the HolocaustTheir questions will astound you ..."Can I eat treif to avoid starvation?""Can I save my own life at the expense of another Jew’s life?""What brachah do I make before the Nazis kill me?"Throug..
Model: TJUOS-1
A portal into the perseverance of Jewish culture in the face of attempts to destroy it.To answer his son's question: what was it like growing up in Samarkand? Rabbi Hillel Zaltzman wrote and researched this memoir and history about Chassidic Jews who found refuge in Samarkand during the World W..
Model: NEPH-1
Click Here For Inside!The portrayal of the fallen angels (Nephilim) is of enormous consequence. This enigmatic and beguiling story is an esoteric teaching that permeates much of the Torah. This work explores the historical and mystical paths that the story of giants has endured, imploring the reader..
Model: TTAA-1
A new window of understanding into the Mishnah and GemaraThis masterful work brings clarity to the study of Shas by providing concise but enlightening biographical portraits of the main Tannaim and Amoraim, with information and guidance for every level of study. It features:Historical background -- ..
Model: ASDS-1
The Voice of the Kotel...G-d directed Abraham to offer Isaac in sacrifice here. King David chose this city as his capital. His son, Solomon, built a magnificent Temple here, which was destroyed by the Babylonians. Ezra and Nehemia led the renewed Jewish presence here and rebuilt the Temple. Herod re..
Model: KDAKI-1
This book delves deeply into the characters of great kings such as David, Shlomo, Chizkiyahu, and Yoshiyahu and those of the most maligned of kings, such as Yeravam, Achav, and Menashe, focusing on the most significant aspects unique to each king.Its readers will develop a w..
Model: JOO-1
Jerusalem of Old – a compelling book which will take you on a magic journey to some of the most beautiful days our people have ever enjoyed. Jerusalem of Old- a gripping historical account which will pull at your heartstrings as you experience some of the most painful days in our nation's hist..
Model: ABSE-1
"From now on this is going to be your name: 68818".Everything had been taken from him except his name. Now they were taking that too.Who was the boy behind the number? As you discover 68818 in this gripping Holocaust memoir, you may just discover yourself, as well.This poignant, gripping account of ..
Model: 0899062024
Jews who maintained spiritual strength, dignity, and a moral grandeur that defies belief...
Model: NBEH-1
The incredible true story of one young girl alone escaping the Nazis“I’m scared,” Rachel said. “And if I’m scared they’ ll know something is wrong and they’ ll figure out that I’m Jewish and they’ ll turn me in.”Father sat down on a bench and asked Rachel to sit down next to him. “I know you’re scar..
Model: THJP-1
This is the story of the single most evil and unconscionable event ever committed by a nation state against a completely innocent people in any time or in any place. A story so horrible that it would be inconceivable even as a fiction had it not actually happened.If you're going to read only one boo..
Model: MCBE-1
Model: 1422641732
15 words. 60 letters. Infinite blessings.It is well-known that the entire universe is sustained through the merit of Bircas Kohanim -- Rabbeinu BechayaWhy does Hashem “desire” Bircas Kohanim?Why did the Chazon Ish, Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman, Rav Shimshon Pincus, and many other gedolim recommend..
Model: HTAD-1
From the entry of the Israelites into the Land of Israel in the days of Joshua bin Nun, conquest and settlement of the land of Israel, establishment of monarchy in Israel, City of David and Jerusalem, to the end of King David's days...The historical events narrated in the Bible have stirred the imag..
Model: HTADH-1
Solomon's kingdom and the Temple's construction, King Solomon's mighty construction works, The conquests of the Assyrian kings and Sennacherib, The kings of Judah's battle against pagan worship, The final days of the First TempleThe historical events narrated in the Bible have stirred the imaginatio..
Model: HITR-1
The final days of First Temple era, The Babylonian empire, The conquest of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple, The Babylonian exile, Ezra and Nehemiah and the reconstruction of the Second Temple, Mordecai and Esther in the Persian capital city of Susa (Shushan)The historical events narrated in ..
Model: GOHW-1
An award-winning journalist presents an even-handed, thoroughly researched examination of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and illustrates how a shocking yet little-known massacre one century ago in what was then Palestine became ground zero of a war that continues to devastate."[A] compelling story. . . ..
Model: JINW-1
Click here to see sample pagesOur story is not a journey…it is, rather, an odyssey.The United States of America is a station like no other in our long-suffering exile. A typical work of history does not do justice to the Jewish People’s story in the “New World.”Rabbi Taub lifts the veil and shares t..
Model: ACCN-1
The story of the Chein family dynasty, told through stories, documents, and personal journals. Cherished by the Leadership of the Chabad-Lubavitch Movement, R. Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, wrote to a follower: “It would be most appropriate if you would transcribe what you rem..
Model: USY-1
Click Here For Inside PagesHow did those standing on Mount Gerizim and Mount Eival hear the blessings and curses from the Levites who were standing so far away?Is the stone structure that was discovered on Mount Eival the altar built by Yehoshua?Why did the tribe of Yosef claim that they were depriv..
Model: MAKP-1
An Endless Cycle?The book begins with a stark examination of the October 7, 2023 Black Saturday massacre, placing it within the broader historical context of continuous conflict and global terrorism. It questions whether this is just another phase in an endless cycle or if there is a princ..
Model: TSVT-1
"You have to read this book...It's not like anything you read before."- Alter Yisrael Shimon Feuerman, TabletSet in Ukraine, Crimea, and Israel, this unique two-volume autobiographyoffers a fascinating, detailed picture of life in Tsarist Russia and Israel duringthe late 19th and early 20th cen..
Model: SFLI-1
Model: TTAT-1
Immerse yourself in a life and legacy unlike any other.Ayalah Caspi journeyed from country to country and home to home, from Tanganyika to England, and finally to Jerusalem. With family roots extending from France, Russia, Finland, Belgium, Latvia, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, she draws in reader..
Model: TEC-1
Was It Already Written? An Investigation on The Most Intriguing Prophecy of The Twentieth CenturyOctober 16, 1946. Following the outcome of the Nuremberg trial, Nazi dignitary Julius Streicher climbs the gallows. Before he is hanged, he cries out: "The Jews will be happy! Purimfe..
Model: CWA-1
It is the year 2448 after the creation of man. The recently liberated B’nei Yisrael are suddenly attacked by a lone, savage tribe of war-mongers―the Amalekites―in the wilderness of Refidim, not far from Har Sinai. And only this nation, of all the many nations that the Jewish People would combat thro..