12 Lectures: Marriage and the Birchas Airusin ■ Milah for Non-Jews: Is It Permitted? ■ a Trading Terrorists for Hostages ■ Women and the Laws of Tznius ■ Determining the Salary of the Shadchan ■ Must Mincha Have a "Chazoras Hashatz"? ■ Must Women Daven? ■ Tefilas Haderech ■ "Chamar Medinah"-What ..
10 Lectures: Turning an Offender Over to the Secular Authorities ■ Birchas Hamotzi ■ Mezzuzah-What Is a Door? ■ Making Ice On Shabbos ■ Dolls and Statues: Is There An Avodah Zarah Problem? ■ Bankruptcy ■ The Mechitza-How High? ■ The "Mazik" On Purim ■ The Melacha of Memachek ■ The Melacha of Tear..
8 Lectures: Sefer Rus and Its Halachic Implications ■ Must A Kallah Cover Her Hair at the Chasunah? ■ Tefilas Tashlumin: Making Up a Missed Davening ■ Techeiles Today ■ Leaving a Chasunah Before Benching ■ Postponing a Funeral ■ Tisha B'Av on Motzoei Shabbos ■ Rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash -- Wha..
6 Lectures: Relying On a Goral ■ Shana Reshona-The First Year of Marriage ■ The Pushka in Halacha ■ The Brachos on the T'kious ■ Is Building a Succah a Mitzvah? ■ Life -- How Precious It Is..
8 Lectures: A Unique Erev Pesach & Its Broader Implications ■ Pesach: Eating Matzo: How Fast? ■ Sefiras Ha'omer ■ The Microscope in Halacha ■ Mipnei Seiva Takum: Honoring the Elderly ■ The Kohain and the Divorcee ■ Sh'mita and the Heter Mechira ■ Humility vs. Self-Esteem -- Is There a Conflict?..
12 Lectures: The "Kedushai Ketanah" Controversy ■ Abortion to Save a Baby? ■ a Geirus--Mitzvah, Reshus or Issur? ■ The Mitzvah of Nichum Aveilim ■ Purchasing a Burial Plot ■ Neitz Hachama vs. Tefilah B'tzibur ■ Accepting Tzedaka from Women ■ Free Will vs. Hashgocha Pratis ■ Artificial Inseminatio..
8 Lectures: Bathing On Shabbos and Yom Tov ■ Ain Osin Mitzvos Chavilos ■ Davening For A Choleh ■ Tzitzis: Must They Be Seen? ■ Truth Telling to Patients ■ The Jewish "Shabbos Goy" ■ Bishul Akum I ■ Making A Zecher Le'churban..
10 Lectures: Sh'nayim Mikra V'echad Targum ■ Kadima B'brachos--Hierarchy of Brachos ■ Doing Work on Rosh Chodesh ■ Must You Bench? ■ Making a Bracha on a Makom Neis ■ Litigating in Secular Courts ■ Shul Elections ■ Hesach Ha'daas and Tefilin ■ Fax Machines on Shabbos ■ The Melacha of Melabain (La..
8 Lectures: Chametz She'avar Olov HaPesach ■ Pesach: Afikomen After Chatzos ■ Don't Drink and Daven ■ Bris Milah That Causes Chilul Shabbos ■ Desserts--Do They Require a Bracha? ■ The Mitzvah of Ve'Kidashto - Honoring Kohanim ■ Using Shuls As A Shortcut ■ Envy -- The Enemy Within..
6 Lectures: Circumstantial Evidence ■ The Mitzvah of Burial ■ The Prohibition of Chodosh ■ Fasting on Rosh Hashana ■ Succah Gezulah ■ A Matter of Faith and Forgiveness..
12 Lectures: Choices in Marriage Partners ■ Assisting in a Suicide ■ a Anesthesia During Milah ■ Declining a Kibud ■ Daughters, Shidduchim & Parental Wishes ■ Accepting Tzedaka from Women ■ The Mitzvah of Mesameach Chasan V'Kallah ■ Executing a Ben Noach -- by Virtue of His Own Admission ■ Third ..
10 Lectures: The Deaf Mute In Halacha ■ Shoveling Snow On Shabbos ■ The Dog In Halacha ■ Hidur Mitzvah ■ Lo Sachmod ■ Is Gambling Permitted ■ Bais Hakeneses & Bais Hamikdash--Differences & Similarities ■ How Many Shabbos Candles ■ Kiddush Shabbos Morning ■ Wearing A Watch on Shabbos..
8 Lectures: The Obligation to Testify ■ Pesach: Netilas Yodayim for Karpas & Wet Fruit ■ Minhagim of the Days of Sefira ■ Speaking Lashon Horah on Baalei Machlokes ■ Giving An Injection to One's Father ■ The Ba'alas Teshuva & the Kohain ■ Supporting Jewish Merchants ■ Family of Jews -- Are We Rea..
8 Lectures: Learning All Night ■ Causing the Erasure of Hashem's Name ■ Fish and Meat ■ The Issur of Histaklus ■ Bais Din's Power to Subpoena ■ Tefilah of a Tzadik for a Choleh ■ Tirocha D'zibura ■ Minhagim of the Three Weeks..
6 Lectures: The Mitzvah of Escorting Guests ■ Trying on Suits that May Have Shatnes ■ Mentioning G-D's Name in Vain ■ Treatment of An Invalid Sefer Torah ■ Women and Shofar ■ It's All About Change..
12 Lectures: Melacha of Planting ■ Tzedaka and Non-Jews ■ a Sandik-Can You Change Your Mind ■ Mitzvah of Inviting Guests ■ Calling Off An Engagement ■ Lying to Keep What's Yours ■ Davening to a Malach ■ Celebrating Thanksgiving ■ The Ubiquitous Donor Plaque ■ Miracle Products and Other Chanukah ..
8 Lectures: May A Child Carry A Sefer On Shabbos ■ Dee'chui Eitzel Mitzvos ■ Honoring Levi'im ■ Donning a Tallis for The Amud ■ Tachanun: To Say Or Not To Say ■ Detached Limbs and Tumah ■ Birchas Hamapil ■ Tu B'Av..
10 Lectures: Marrying Cousins? ■ Denying Jewishness ■ The Lefty and Tefilin ■ The Three Seudos of Shabbos ■ Eating Before Kiddush ■ Bitul B'rov ■ Bima In The Center Of The Shul ■ Reneging on a Tzedaka Pledge ■ Tallis: Bringing It Home On Shabbos ■ The Tefillah of B'rich Sh'mei..
8 Lectures: Eruv Tavshilin ■ Pesach: Daled Kosos: Another Look ■ Gelatin: Is It Kosher? ■ Getting an Aliyah After Childbirth ■ Giving Tochacha: Private or Public? ■ Eliyahu Hanavi and the "Dead" Child ■ The Obligation of Checking One's Teffilin ■ The Ben Torah in the Professional World: A Delica..
5 Lectures: May a Convict Escape? ■ Autopsies on Non-Jews ■ Teffilin Shel Rosh ■ Seudas Siyum Mesechta ■ A Plea for Shabbos ■ Selflessness -- The Key to Teshuva..
12 Lectures: Kavod and Oneg Shabbos ■ The Ben Noach -- & the Nectarine ■ a Calling Avraham, Avrum ■ Walking by a Person Who Is Davening ■ The Badekin ■ Maris Ayin ■ A Million Dollars to Tzadaka IfÖ ■ Matzeivah Questions ■ Sending Someone on a Fatal Mission ■ Ner Chanukah: Where, When and Other Is..
10 Lectures: Learning On Shabbos--A Good Idea? ■ Shin Shel Tefillin & Ohr Echad ■ Rashi & Rabbeinu Ta'am's Tefillin ■ Using P'sukim for Nigunim? ■ Newspapers on Shabbos ■ Losing Your Coat at a Coat Check ■ Preventing the Building of a Shul ■ Matanos Le'evyonim ■ Machatzis Hashekel ■ Learning Kabb..
8 Lectures: Honey--Why Is It Kosher ■ Davening Quietly ■ Is Turkey Kosher? ■ Milah and the Sick Baby ■ Kisui Hadam ■ Standing Up While Doing Mitzvos ■ Lag B'omer ■ Surviving and Thriving In A Cynical World..
8 Lectures: Shavuos: Two Days, She'cheyanu & Other Issues ■ The Faithful Unfaithful Wife ■ The City of Yericho ■ Ain Ma'averin Al Hamitzvos ■ Pidyon Habein and Vending Machines ■ Autopsies and Insurance ■ Pinchas and Eliyahu Hanavi ■ Leining on Fast Days and Other Ta'aneisim Issues..
6 Lectures: Can A Ger Be a Rosh Ha Yeshiva ■ Women Wearing Men's Clothing ■ Hagbeh ■ What Exactly Is Mitzva of Shofer ■ Esrog Hamurkov ■ Just One Deed..
12 Lectures: You and Your Wife - Ishto Kegufo ■ The Golam ■ Learning Vs Saving A Life ■ Asking and Giving Mechila ■ Feeding Your Animals ■ Yichud With Relatives ■ Tuiton and Maaser Money ■ Bowing to A Person ■ Determining Paternity ■ The Silver Menorah and Other Chanukah Issues ■ Being the Bearer..
8 Lectures: Opening Cans on Shabbos and Yom Tov ■ Being Motzi a Wife in Kiddush ■ Kavod Sefer Torah Vs Kavod Talmid Chochom ■ Women and Tzitzis Revisited ■ The Kohain and the First Aliyah ■ Women Fasting on 17th Tamuz, Tisha B'av and Yom Kippur ■ Bishul Akum II ■ Disinheriting..
6 Lectures: Competition Among Teachers ■ The Double Portion of the Be'chor ■ Selichos ■ Lo Bashomayim He ■ The Apple In Honey and Other Simanim ■ Your Lasting Legacy..
10 Lectures: Davening With Shoes ■ Davening for Non- Jews ■ Tefilin on Chol Hamoed ■ Being Motzi Others in Lechem Mishan and Other Brachos ■ Women and Havdalah ■ Lending Without Witnesses ■ Silk in Halacha ■ The Bracha of Blossoming Trees ■ The Meat Delivery At Your Door ■ The Melacha of Trapping..
8 Lectures: Selling Chametz ■ Birchas Hagomel, Airplane Travel & Other Issues ■ Bedikas Chametz ■ Dangerous Medical Procedures ■ Treating Mitzvos with Respect ■ The Wayward Daughter ■ Marrying for Money ■ Hark, I Hear The Cannon Roar -- Giving the Benefit of the Doubt..
12 Lectures: The Tefilah of Modeh Ani ■ Cosmetic Surgery ■ The Widow and the Divorcee - How Long Must They Wait to Remarry ■ Shalom Aleichem on Friday Night ■ Dating Etiquette ■ Shiva and the Wayward Son ■ The Tefilah of Baruch Hashem L'Olom Omein V'Omein ■ The Prohibition of Gid Hanasheh ■ Chanu..
10 Lectures: Kosher Cheese: What Is It? ■ Kosher Cheese Continued - Cottage Cheese and Butter ■ Ya'ale V'Yovo ■ Kiddush or Netilas Yadayim - Which Comes First? ■ Resting Your Animal on the Shabbos ■ The Kesuba ■ The Po'roches ■ Having Your Own Megilah ■ Mincha - How Early, How Late? ■ Sitting in ..
8 Lectures: Rabbinic Confidentiality ■ Afikomen Revisited ■ The Aveil and the Haircut ■ Pidyon Haben - Daytime or Night? ■ Sofaik Be'racha ■ The Kohain and the Gerusha ■ Ribis and the Non-Jew ■ Every Jew's Job..
8 Tapes: Omer Davar B'Sheim Omro - Giving Proper Credit ■ Chazonim and Chazanus ■ Sitting on Top of Seforim ■ Davening at the Graves of Tzadikim ■ Siamese Twins ■ Blended Whiskey ■ Ayin Hora ■ Maa'ris Ayin Revisited..
6 Lectures: Saying Kaddish for 12 Months ■ Burying a Rasha Next to a Tzadik ■ Reading the Tochacha ■ Selling a Sefer Torah ■ Danish and Coffee in the Succah? ■ Teshuva and the Capacity to Forego..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The Tefilah of Asher Yatzar ■ Noah: The Har Habayis - The Temple Mount in Halacha and Hashkafa ■ Lech Lecha: Sonei Matonos Yichye - Refusing Gifts ■ Vayeira: The Bris Milah Seudah - Fleishigs or Milchig? ■ Chayei Sarah: Getting Paid for Mitzvos ■ Toldos: Fascinating Insight..
10 Lectures: The Woman Mohel; Laser Milah ■ Checking Out Families for Shidduchim ■ Dishwashers on Shabbos ■ The Supernatural and the "Mun" dane ■ Kiddush B'mkom Seudah ■ Rabbinical Contracts ■ A Woman's First Candle Lighting Neigel Vasser- Washing Hands When Arising ■ The Mishebeirach in Halacha ..
10 Lectures: The Woman Mohel; Laser Milah ■ Checking Out Families for Shidduchim ■ Dishwashers on Shabbos ■ The Supernatural and the "Mun" dane ■ Kiddush B'mkom Seudah ■ Rabbinical Contracts ■ A Woman's First Candle Lighting Neigel Vasser- Washing Hands When Arising ■ The Mishebeirach in Halacha ..
8 Lectures: Gebrokts and Kneidelach ■ More Than Periodontal Problems ■ Baal Teshaktzu - Abstaining From Unpleasant Behavior ■ Lashon Harah and Lashon Hatov ■ The Prohibition of Hating Another Jew ■ Bracha of Mekadaish Es Shimcha B'rabim ■ The Kedusha of the Ezras Noshim ■Playing with Fire - The D..
8 Lectures: Gebrokts and Kneidelach ■ More Than Periodontal Problems ■ Baal Teshaktzu - Abstaining From Unpleasant Behavior ■ Lashon Harah and Lashon Hatov ■ The Prohibition of Hating Another Jew ■ Bracha of Mekadaish Es Shimcha B'rabim ■ The Kedusha of the Ezras Noshim ■Playing with Fire - The D..
8 Lectures: Eruv and the Big City ■ The Unfaithful Wife - Is Ignorance an Excuse? ■ Lox and Cream Cheese ■ K'rias Shema and K'eil Melech Ne'eman ■ Different Minhagim for Saying Kedusha ■ Choshed Bekesherim and Daan L'kaf Zíchus ■ Makom Kevuah Revisited ■ Women and Bentching..
8 Lectures: Eruv and the Big City ■ The Unfaithful Wife - Is Ignorance an Excuse? ■ Lox and Cream Cheese ■ K'rias Shema and K'eil Melech Ne'eman ■ Different Minhagim for Saying Kedusha ■ Choshed Bekesherim and Daan L'kaf Zíchus ■ Makom Kevuah Revisited ■ Women and Bentching..
Shoftim - Cutting Branches of Fruit Trees Ki Seitzei - Ramps and Stages - Do They Need a Maakeh? Ki Savo - The Onain and Kaddish Nitzavim - Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur- Asking and Giving Forgiveness Ha’azinu - Tzom Gedaliah and Believing Lashon Harah Teshuva - Teshuva, Tefillah and September 11..
6 Lectures: Cutting Branches of Fruit Trees ■ Ramps and Stages - Do They Need a Maakeh? ■ The Onain and Kaddish ■ Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur- Asking and Giving Forgiveness ■ Tzom Gedaliah and Believing Lashon Harah ■ Teshuva, Tefillah and September 11..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The Bracha on the Havdala Candle ■ Noah The Case of the Fascinating Ger ■ Lech Lecha: Did the Avos Keep the Torah? ■ Vayeira: Zichrona L'Vracha, Sh'lita and Neru - For Whom? ■ Chayei Sarah: More Mincha Insights ■ Toldos: Fasting on the Wedding Day ■ Vayeitzei: The Marriag..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The Bracha on the Havdala Candle ■ Noah The Case of the Fascinating Ger ■ Lech Lecha: Did the Avos Keep the Torah? ■ Vayeira: Zichrona L'Vracha, Sh'lita and Neru - For Whom? ■ Chayei Sarah: More Mincha Insights ■ Toldos: Fasting on the Wedding Day ■ Vayeitzei: The Marriag..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: Your Child As A Shabbos Goy ■ Va'eyra: Kavod Malchus & Secular Kings ■ Bo: Checking Tefillin By Computer ■ B'shalach: Shlishi or Shishi? And Other Aliyah Issues ■ Yisro: The Kiddush Club ■ Mishpatim: Adam Hamazik & Liability Insurance ..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: Your Child As A Shabbos Goy ■ Va'eyra: Kavod Malchus & Secular Kings ■ Bo: Checking Tefillin By Computer ■ B'shalach: Shlishi or Shishi? And Other Aliyah Issues ■ Yisro: The Kiddush Club ■ Mishpatim: Adam Hamazik & Liability Insurance ..
8 Lectures: Saying Karbonos ■ Going Away for Pesach and Bedikas Chometz ■ Buffalo and Giraffe - Are They Kosher? ■ Tallis Katan - Wool or Cotton? ■ Tochacha: Is Ignorance Bliss? ■ Mrs. Cohen Is Having A Baby ■ Is Ribis Ever Permitted? ■ Zikui Harabim - All It Takes You!..
8 Lectures: Saying Karbonos ■ Going Away for Pesach and Bedikas Chometz ■ Buffalo and Giraffe - Are They Kosher? ■ Tallis Katan - Wool or Cotton? ■ Tochacha: Is Ignorance Bliss? ■ Mrs. Cohen Is Having A Baby ■ Is Ribis Ever Permitted? ■ Zikui Harabim - All It Takes You!..
8 Lectures: Carrying on Yom Tov ■ Shalom Bayis - How Far Can One Go? ■ Kissing a Sister ■ Art Museums ■ Ma'alin B'Kodes V'ain Moridin ■ Water, Coffee and Tea ■ A Manicure on Shabbos? ■ Leaving Eretz Yisroel..
8 Lectures: Carrying on Yom Tov ■ Shalom Bayis - How Far Can One Go? ■ Kissing a Sister ■ Art Museums ■ Ma'alin B'Kodes V'ain Moridin ■ Water, Coffee and Tea ■ A Manicure on Shabbos? ■ Leaving Eretz Yisroel..
Shoftim - The Grandson and Kaddish Ki Seitzei - Chasunah Minhagim Ki Savo - The Staggering Cost of Lashon Ho'rah Nitzavim / Vayeilech - My Father's Chumros Ha’azinu - Personal Tefilos on Rosh Hashana Teshuva - We Dare Not Despair..
Shoftim - The Grandson and Kaddish Ki Seitzei - Chasunah Minhagim Ki Savo - The Staggering Cost of Lashon Ho'rah Nitzavim / Vayeilech - My Father's Chumros Ha’azinu - Personal Tefilos on Rosh Hashana Teshuva - We Dare Not Despair..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: When Exactly Does Shabbos Start? ■ Noah Your Wife's Medical Bills - Who Pays? ■ Lech Lecha: Can You Change Your Mazel? ■ Vayeira: Chazaras Hashatz - More Importanat Than You Think ■ Chayei Sarah: Turning 20: Scary Birthday ■ Toldos: The Cost of Stealing a Mitzvah ■ Vayei..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: When Exactly Does Shabbos Start? ■ Noah Your Wife's Medical Bills - Who Pays? ■ Lech Lecha: Can You Change Your Mazel? ■ Vayeira: Chazaras Hashatz - More Importanat Than You Think ■ Chayei Sarah: Turning 20: Scary Birthday ■ Toldos: The Cost of Stealing a Mitzvah ■ Vayei..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: Saving Your Life - How Far Must I Go? ■ Va'eyra: Making Hamotzei - Not As Simple As It Seems ■ Bo: Cholent on Pesach - Why Not? ■ B'shalach: Techum Shabbos: Wearing Your Hat to the Hospital ■ Yisro: The Kosel Video Camera ■ Mishpatim: Midvar Sheker Tirc..
8 Lectures: Bamidbar: Returning Pidyon Haben Money ■ Nasso Singing During Davening - Pro or Con? ■ Beh'aloscha Lechem Mishna Revisited ■ Sh'lach Making Tzitzis ■ Korach Divergent Minhagin in One Shul ■ Chukas/Balak Shkia: 7:02, Mincha 7:00, A Problem? ■ Pinchas Does A Mezuza Need a Door? ■ Matos / ..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: Saving Your Life - How Far Must I Go? ■ Va'eyra: Making Hamotzei - Not As Simple As It Seems ■ Bo: Cholent on Pesach - Why Not? ■ B'shalach: Techum Shabbos: Wearing Your Hat to the Hospital ■ Yisro: The Kosel Video Camera ■ Mishpatim: Midvar Sheker Tirc..
8 Lectures: Vayikra Karbanos: The Basis for Tefillah ■ Tzav The Importance of Shabbos Clothes ■ Sh'mini A Guf Naki for Davening ■ Tazria/Metzorah Erev Pesach - More Special Than You Think ■ Acharei Mos/Kesoshim Stealing as a Practical Joke ■ Emor Is the Kohain Always First? ■ Behar/Bechukosai ..
8 Lectures: Bamidbar: Returning Pidyon Haben Money ■ Nasso Singing During Davening - Pro or Con? ■ Beh'aloscha Lechem Mishna Revisited ■ Sh'lach Making Tzitzis ■ Korach Divergent Minhagin in One Shul ■ Chukas/Balak Shkia: 7:02, Mincha 7:00, A Problem? ■ Pinchas Does A Mezuza Need a Door? ■ Matos / ..
Shoftim - Making a Bracha on a New House Ki Seitzei - Brachos in a Bathroom? Ki Savo - Your Aliya: Must You Read Along? Nitzavim / Vayeilech - Borrowing and Lending Seforim Ha’azinu - Oh No! My Succah Collapsed Teshuva - The Neshama - Your Most Precious Asset..
Shoftim - Making a Bracha on a New House Ki Seitzei - Brachos in a Bathroom? Ki Savo - Your Aliya: Must You Read Along? Nitzavim / Vayeilech - Borrowing and Lending Seforim Ha’azinu - Oh No! My Succah Collapsed Teshuva - The Neshama - Your Most Precious Asset..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The Beautiful Essrog - How Much More ■ Noah Spreading Bad News ■ Lech Lecha: The On-Time Vs. The Delayed Bris ■ Vayeira: Tefilah - Guaranteeing Success ■ Chayei Sarah: Be Careful What You Ask For ■ Toldos: The Power of Your Own Words ■ Vayeitzei: May Women Always Attend ..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The Beautiful Essrog - How Much More ■ Noah Spreading Bad News ■ Lech Lecha: The On-Time Vs. The Delayed Bris ■ Vayeira: Tefilah - Guaranteeing Success ■ Chayei Sarah: Be Careful What You Ask For ■ Toldos: The Power of Your Own Words ■ Vayeitzei: May Women Always Attend ..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: English Names Revisited ■ Va'eyra: Sheva Brachos at the Seder ■ Bo: Kiddush Lavanah - Moonshine on Purim ■ B'shalach: Kibud Av - Can a Father be Mochel ■ Yisro: Avoda Zara and the Jewish Jeweler ■ Mishpatim: Oy! My Wallet Went Over Niagara Falls ■ T'r..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: English Names Revisited ■ Va'eyra: Sheva Brachos at the Seder ■ Bo: Kiddush Lavanah - Moonshine on Purim ■ B'shalach: Kibud Av - Can a Father be Mochel ■ Yisro: Avoda Zara and the Jewish Jeweler ■ Mishpatim: Oy! My Wallet Went Over Niagara Falls ■ T'rumah: Birthday Cakes on Sh..
8 Lectures: Vayikra Standing During Davening ■ Tzav Eating Matzo When Ill ■ Sh'mini Loaig Le'rosh - Respecting the Dead ■ Tazria/Metzorah How Many Mitzvos of Sefira Are There? ■ Acharei Mos/Kedoshim Making Shidduchim Among Non-Observant ■ Emor Kohain, Kaddish and Kadima ■ Behar/Bechukosai Dos..
8 Lectures: Bamidbar: Let Them Each Cheesecake ■ Nasso Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Bishul Akum ■ Beh'aloscha Simchas Shabbos - Is There Such a Thing? ■ Sh'lach Kavanah When Wearing Tzitzis ■ Korach Tanchanun: Most Fascinating Insights ■ Chukas/Balak Wine At a Shul Kiddush ■ Pinchas Yayin Mevushal -..
8 Lectures: Bamidbar: Let Them Each Cheesecake ■ Nasso Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Bishul Akum ■ Beh'aloscha Simchas Shabbos - Is There Such a Thing? ■ Sh'lach Kavanah When Wearing Tzitzis ■ Korach Tanchanun: Most Fascinating Insights ■ Chukas/Balak Wine At a Shul Kiddush ■ Pinchas Yayin ..
Shoftim - ""I'm Bar Mitzvah"" - Do We Believe Him? Ki Seitzei - Shehecheyanu at a Chasuna Ki Savo - Can You Sue Your Father? Nitzavim / Vayeilech - I'm the Baal Tokeah and Not You! Rosh Hashana - The Baal Tokeah and the Makree Midas HaGevurah - The Hidden Strength We All Possess..
Shoftim - ""I'm Bar Mitzvah"" - Do We Believe Him? Ki Seitzei - Shehecheyanu at a Chasuna Ki Savo - Can You Sue Your Father? Nitzavim / Vayeilech - I'm the Baal Tokeah and Not You! Rosh Hashana - The Baal Tok..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The Baal Teshuva and Pirya Ve'ivya ■ Noach Bendign the Truth of the Torah ■ Lech Lecha: Standing for a Choson and Kallah at the Chuppah ■ Vayeira: Hagomel for Elective Surgery ■ Chayei Sarah: Burying a Man Next to a Woman - Is This a Problem? ■ Toldos: Six or Ten P..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: Baby Naming - Whose Privelege, Father or Mother? ■ Va'eyra: Serving McDonalds to your Non-Jewish Employees ■ Bo: English Dates ■ B'shalach: Shalos Seudos in the Morning? ■ Yisro: Yisro and Birchas Hagomel ■ Mishpatim: Is Hunting a Jewish Sport? ■ T'ru..
8 Lectures: Bamidbar Oy, The Eruv is Down, Now What? ■ Nasso The Laws of Sotah - Still Very Relevant ■ Beha'aloscha Niduy - Excomminucation ■ Sh'lach Davening for a Rasha to Change - Does It Work? ■ Korach Bikur Cholim on Shabbos ■ Chukas Mayim Geluyim - Uncovered Water - Is There a Problem? ■ B..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: Baby Naming - Whose Privelege, Father or Mother? ¦ Va'eyra: Serving McDonalds to your Non-Jewish Employees ¦ Bo: English Dates ¦ B'shalach: Shalos Seudos in the Morning? ¦ Yisro: Yisro and Birchas Hagomel ¦ Mishpatim: Is Hunting a Jewish Sport? ¦ T'rumah: A Pasel Sefer Torah - W..
8 Lectures: Vayikra Voice Recognition - How Reliable? ■ Tzav Pesach: Who Says the Haggadah? Hallel in Shul? ■ Sh'mini New York City - Don't Drink the Water!? ■ Tazria/Metzorah Netilas Yodayim - Things You Never Knew ■ Acharei Mos/Kedoshim The Prohibition of Hating Another Jew ■ Emor Is Adu..
Shoftim - Making a Chanukas Habayis for a New Home Ki Seitzei - Tzar Ba'al Hachayim - Does It Apply to People Ki Savo - Hitting an Older Child Nitzavim / Vayeilech - The Shuls of Gaza - A Halachic Perspective Vayeilech - Yom Kippur: Women and the Shehecheyanu Teshuva - It's Not My Fault..
Shoftim - Making a Chanukas Habayis for a New Home Ki Seitzei - Tzar Ba'al Hachayim - Does It Apply to People Ki Savo - Hitting an Older Child Nitzavim / Vayeilech - The Shuls of Gaza - A Halachic Perspective Vayeilech - Yom Kippur: Women and the Shehecheyanu Teshuva - It's Not My Fault..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: Your Mother and Kallah - Same Name; Noach Stem Cell Research; Lech Lecha: Saving A Soul - How Far Must You Go?; Vayeira: Visiting the Sick - Are Two Better Than One? Chayei Sarah: Kavanah - 1st Bracha of Sh'monei Esrei; Toldos: Bar Mitzvah Sh'ailos; Vayeitzei: The Baal ..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: Your Mother and Kallah - Same Name; Noach Stem Cell Research; Lech Lecha: Saving A Soul - How Far Must You Go?; Vayeira: Visiting the Sick - Are Two Better Than One? Chayei Sarah: Kavanah - 1st Bracha of Sh'monei Esrei; Toldos: Bar Mitzvah Sh'ailos; Vayeitzei: The Baal ..
Bamidbar - Ms. Cohen for a Pidyon Haben? Nasso - Walking Behind a Woman Beha'aloscha - Standing For a Sefer Torah on Simchas Torah Sh'lach - Do We Knead Challah in America? Korach - Preventative Medicine to Avoid Chilul Shabbos Chukas - Shabbos in the Good Ol' Summertime Chukas/Balak - Davening: How..
Shoftim - Saying Yizkor During the First Year Ki Seitzei - Dying Hair For Men - Asur or Mutar? Ki Savo - Loshon Horah Vs Lying - Which Is Worse? Nitzavim / Vayeilech - The Mitzvah of Chinuch - Whose Responsibility? Mother or Father? Yom Kippur - The Yom Kippur That They Did Not Fast Teshuva - Sef..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: The Corrosive Effect of Non-Kosher Foods ; Va'eyra: Davening Outloud-A Good Idea? Bo: Women and Kiddush Levana B'shalach: Rejoicing at the death of Reshoim? Yisro: What Should it be-Hello or Shalom? Mishpatim: The Neighbor Who Forgot to Turn Off the Fire T'r..
Vayikra -- Taking Medicines on Yom Tov Tzav -- Proper Attire for Davening Sh'mini -- Pesach - 4 Questions You Probably Never Asked Tazria/Metzorah -- Mila on Shabbos: Fascinating Questions Acharei Mos/Kedoshim -- Tatoos: Totally Taboo? Emor -- The Brother-in-Law Who Threw Out the Ring Behar/Bechukos..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: Not Having Children? Noach Did Shimshon Commit Suicide? Lech Lecha: Hidur Mitzvah - How Important? Vayeira: Bas Mitzvah Celebrations - Kosher or Not? Chayei Sarah: Shidduchim - Check Out the Brthers? Toldos: Accepting Someone Else's Curse Vayeitzei: Too much Tzedak..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: The Heinous Crime of Mosair; Va'eyra: The Bracha of Al Hamichya Bo: Eating Matzo an Entire Pesach - A Mitzvah? B'shalach: K'rias HaTorah - Must You Listen? Yisro: Saying the Shem Hashem While Learning, Yes or No?Mishpatim: The Mitzvah of Lending Money T'rumah..
Vayikra -- Pesach - Daled Kosos, Must You Drink All? Tzav -- Birchas HaGomel - More Insights Sh'mini -- Women & Havdalah - Second Thoughts Tazria/Metzorah -- Insights Into Sefiras Ha'omer Acharei Mos/Kedoshim -- Paying the Plumber and Babysitter Emor -- Motrin For Your Children? Behar/Bechukos..
Bamidbar - Dancing on Yom Tov Nasso - Shavuos - Fascinating Halachos Beha'aloscha - Women and Birchas HaGomel Sh'lach - The Talis Over Your Head? Korach - Tachanun Without a Sefer Torah? Chukas - Berachah Acharono after Coffee and Ice Cream Chukas/Balak - Kerias HaTorah and Tirchah D'tziburah Pincha..
Lectures included in this set: Shoftim - Business Competition Asur or Mutar Ki Seitzei - Returning a lost pacifier Ki Savo - Shaimos: What do I do with all these papers? Nitzavim/Vayeilech - The Tefilah of Oleinu Teshuva - U'Teshuva U'Teffilah Special Interest -Midas Ha'tznius - Not just for Women..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The case of the mixed up Wedding Ring Noach Geshem Reigns - Mashiv HAruach U'Moreed Hagoshem? Hagoshem? Lech Lecha: Tying Shoes - Not as simple as you think Vayeira:Hard Cheese: Hot dog after pizza - Is there a problem? Chayei Sarah: Taking a Niftar to Eretz Yisrael: ..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: Kissing people in a Shul - Mutar or Asur? Va'eyra: Is Islam Avodah Zara? Bo: Yaaleh Ve'yavoh B'shalach: The Bracha of Ga'aal Yisroel before Shemonei Esrei - Silent or outloud? Yisro: Kiddush on wine: Absolutely necessary? Mishpatim: Will any doctor do? T'ruma..
Bamidbar - The Beautiful Poem of Akdomus Nasso - Birchas Kohanim-Whose Mitzva-The Kohain or Yisroel? Beha'aloscha -The Ba'al Shacharis Who Forgot Maariv Sh'lach - The Shul's Tallis-Bracha or No Bracha? Korach - Pidyon Habein: Not Your Regular Cases Chukas - The Body Works Exhibit Balak - Beer: Is T..
Lectures included in this set: Shoftim - Visiting the Sphinx in Egypt - Is it Permitted? Ki Seitzei - The Un-Cancelled Stamp - can we-reuse it? Ki Savo - The Phony Tzedakah Collector Nitzavim/Vayeilech - Coming late for Tekias shofar and other Rosh Hashana Issues (Hashkafa Thougths on the Yom Tov of..
Vayikra -- Davening on an Airplane/Train: Must you stand? Tzav -- Pesach: Gefilte Fish, Chrain and Charoses? Special Interest -- Thoughts on the Haggadah Sh'mini -- Mayim Achronim: Is it Necessary? Tazria/Metzorah -- Kidush Hashem - Is everyone obligated? Acharei Mos/Kedoshim -- Oy! They shaved ..
12 Lectures: Bereishis: The case of the missing Shabbos bathroom tissue Noach Shinui Hashaim - Changing the name of a Choleh Lech Lecha: Inviting people to a Bris - Good idea or bad? Vayeira:""I'm Mochel you""- Do you really mean it? Chayei Sarah: The obligation to marry off the children: Ho..
10 Lectures: Sh'mos: Ma'avir Sedrah - Why? When? Va'eyra: The Magician Who Became a Baal Teshuva Bo: Kiddush Levana on a Cloudy Night B'shalach: Bracha Achrona: How Soon Must You Say It? Yisro: Unnecessary Brachos Mishpatim:The Potato Baked in a Fleishig Pan - With Butter or Margerine? T'..
Vayikra -- Accepting Shul Donations from Non-Shomrei Shabbos Tzav -- Pesach: A Bracha Achrona for All Daled Kosos - Why Not? Sh'mini -- Pesach: Thoughts on the Hagaddah - Vol. II Tazria/Metzorah -- The annuao issue of: ""What's Tonight's Sefira?"" and other Sefira issues Acharei Mos/Kedoshim -..
Bamidbar - The Mitzva of Talmud Torah - How Much - How Little? Nasso - Cutting Down A Fruit Tree for Home Expansion Beha'aloscha - The Shabbos Bar Mitzva in the Good 'Ole Summertime Sh'lach - Your Talis Katan: Is it Big Enough? Korach - Pidyon Habein Without A Bris Milah? Chukas/Balak - Bilam a..
Lectures included in this set: Shoftim - Finding out the future: Mutar or Asur? Ki Seitzei - Making a Bracha for building a Ma'akeh? Ki Savo - Can your mother serve you dinner? Nitzavim/Vayeilech - Ta'amei Hamikra - The Tropp - How important is it? Rosh Hashana Issues - Interesting insights into S..