Model: ICANT-1
Yisroel was on the verge of dropping out of his fifth yeshiva in just over eleven years. Throughout that time, nobody had the slightest suspicion that the boy could not read. No wonder he found Gemara study emotionally and psychologically it seemed to shout back at him, “You are ..
Model: FBTM-1
Peek InsideFinally! A book that integrates the Torah’s wisdom and cutting-edge psychological research to provide a comprehensive approach to educating and supporting our sons and students regarding: health and safety, puberty, marital intimacy, and today’s challenges to kedushah.“Crea..
Model: STS-1
Navigate the complexities of modern life and discover the path to genuine happiness with this illuminating book. In a world marked by rapid change, anxiety, and dissatisfaction, both the younger generation and their elders grapple with the elusive pursuit of contentment. Delve into the wisdom of Sha..
Model: AIMBK-1
REVISED & EXPANDEDThe Way of Torah and ScienceBe Healthy & Fit. Lose Weight. Live Years Longer."A Masterpiece that can change people's lives forever."Professor Petachia Reissman, Shaare Zedek Hospital, JerusalemPraise for the First Edition:"Superb... compelling. Shows us the way to..
Model: TWAW-1
This groundbreaking work by Rabbi Manis Friedman and Dr. Elad Ben Elul was written during a war in the hope of guiding and supporting Jewish people all over the world in troubling times. To Win a War theorizes the concepts of war and peace according to Kabbalah and Chassidic philosophy, providing cr..
Model: TGOCH-1
Peek Inside.What do you do when the size of your family is challenged by the world around you?What happens when your dream of raising a large family begins to overwhelm you with the realities of day-to-day life?In a candid conversation with a sprinkle of humor, Chaya Raskin brings you into her livel..
Model: LPFTB-1
Model: TTITMP-1
A miraculous day is entirely within our reach. Dr. Jacob Freedman is back! In this helpful, practical guide, the renowned psychiatrist, educator, Mishpacha columnist, and bestselling author of Off the Couch shares his wit and wisdom for living a meaningful life. This book is chock-full of tools, tip..
Model: WYLALO-1
hen a loved one passes away, it is a time of darkness and mourning for those left behind. Presented from the authentic Torah viewpoint and filled with chizuk and emunah, When You’ve Lost a Loved One will bring light and hope to those feeling bereft and lost in a world f..
Model: LFL-1
Letters for Life explores the private correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe with individuals in the midst of heartbreak, loss, fear, and confusion.With startling clarity, boundless empathy, and timeless wisdom, the Rebbe’s voice pierces through the noise—guiding readers towards health, hope, and h..
Model: 1422615537
newborn child, in our prayers and in our kitchens — we recite a berachah, a blessing.Through saying a berachah, we can add a spark of holiness to our everyday actions. We can raise our consciousness of Hashem in our lives. We can tap into the infinite blessing that Hashem wants to bestow u..
Model: TRATN-1
What happens when you take a Chassidic rabbi and make him director of psychiatry at a Catholic hospital, treating nuns who have problems adjusting to the Vatican II reforms?You get a unique and utterly fascinating read!The Rabbi and the Nuns: The Inside Story of a Rabbi’s Therapeutic Work with the S..
Model: 1422614999
In Effective Living, Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., shares with us two of the most important truths he has learned in his many decades of cutting-edge work, both as a psychiatrist and as a rav.Change is hard. And change is possible.Drawing upon his years of experience with thousands of pe..
Model: HFIM-1
A pandemic is spreading across our communities, and there’s no vaccine for it.It’s an issue no one wants to address. It’s the issue that’s breaking up families and destroying souls. It’s the issue that’s causing people to drown in despair.Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski’s final mission was to save people f..
Model: TTRY-1
Experience the transformative power of the twelve stepsConfused.Desperate.Trapped, with no way out.HEAR THE VOICES OF THOSE MOST VULNERABLE:Those addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, exposure to inappropriate material, and other destructive plagues of our times. Promising yeshivah bachurim, ko..
Model: GROU-1
“When I was a kid, I wanted to be the center of attention. I’m still that way.”In Growing Up, renowned author, talmid chacham, and psychiatrist Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski presents an insightful perspective on how many of us, at the core, are still young children at heart. Through inspiring stories..
Model: ATSW-1
Nearly 2000 years ago, the Zohar, the classic text of the Kabbalah, predicted that in our day and age - "beginning in the six-hundredth year of the sixth millenium" - revolutionary advances in secular knowledge would burst forth and flood the world. The Kabbalah predicted the resulting upheaval that..
Model: 1422627489
Based on Chovos Halevavos Shaar HaBechinah and the teachings of Rabbi Avigdor MillerOpen your eyes to Hashem’s goodness and presence in your life!Look. Watch. Think. Reflect. Consider. Praise. Thank.OPEN YOUR EYES.To Hashem's magnificent world. To your blessed, blessed world.And prepare to reap the ..
Model: ALBL-1
Freidy. A regular woman (or maybe not) who takes up more than double the regular amount of space. Her excess weight sends her on a years-long search for svelte serenity, described in this book with pain, honesty, tears and humor. You are invited to shoulder some of the burde..
Model: OTCP-1
Real people, real problems.A newlywed’s bizarre stringencies are worrying his kallah.A bachur must pursue treatment, but his father disagrees.A mother wants to hide her daughter’s mental illness and find her a shidduch.A young man’s nightmares are taking over his life.An angry ER doctor is a te..
Model: MIST-1
It's a total disaster! My eyeliner isn't coming off!”“In our very tight-knit Moroccan community all everyone was talking about was how dangerous it was. How would women be able to use the mikvah?”“I counted three times. No way could this coincide with mikvah night.”Here are modern-day Mikvah stories..
Model: MARG-1
Hundreds of families rely on him to guide them through the shoals and rapids of life. Now, let him enhance your marriage. A wise and sensitive guide to making any marriage even better! Lots of the happy children and adults in the Holy City and lots of rejuvenated marriages are living testimony to Ra..
Model: IAIYM-1
It's All In Your Mind Volume 2 by Rebbetzin Sara Yosef The potential power of our thoughts is tremendous. In fact, the secret to success lies in the power of thought. How can we realize our life's dreams and aspirations? Can we change our destiny? How do we avail ourselves of the Almighty's boundles..
Model: NJOY-1
The world is chaotic and unpredictable. How shall we respond? We’ve tried protest, panic and despair. Let’s rise above our fixation with the daily crises to discover what joy can achieve – especially now, when the joy of the imminent Redemption already casts its glow on the world.Discussions about h..
Model: 1422615189
When Hashem created the world, He would not send the rains until there was a person on this earth who would appreciate this gift and and be grateful for it. Adam prayed for rain. It fell. Trees and vegetation grew. And Adam thanked Hashem. It was necessary, as soon as man was created, to teach him t..
Model: SPAP-1
In a masterful synergy, Dr. Dovid Lieberman blends Torah wisdom with psychological principles, and offers a proven system to reduce friction and enhance the most challenging of relationships. If you are tired of all the anxiety, stress, and turmoil that result from a family feud, workplace disagreem..
Model: 1422618668
My 16-year-old son texted me to say hello. Is that disrespectful? Or his way of showing love?"Everyone else's parents let." Is that a valid argument, or an opening to unacceptable behavior?How do I deal with jealousy between siblings? A 7-year-old who lies? A nice boy who doesn't want to make troubl..
Model: CHOIC-1
An assortment of delicious stories about life's challengesEvery single day of our lives we are confronted with choices.Big ones, little ones and medium-sized ones.Many times we don t even realize we re making them.Other times we need help making the right ones.This collection of short stories by pop..
Model: IQNA-1
Model: 1422615987
Shanah Rishonah: Build Your DreamMazel tov! The engagement was glorious, the wedding was a joy. Now comes that magical, mysterious, and crucial time, shanah rishonah, the first year of marriage, when two separate people learn to become one beautiful new entity, to create the strong, enduring an..
Model: PQAA-1
Peek Inside!Topics Included:EmotionsDisciplineMitzvos, Shabbos and Yom TovSchool and CampParenting Q&A is a valuable toolbox filled with down-to-earth advice on parenting, drawn from the weekly columns and talks of renown children and relationship expert Rabbi Shimon Gruen, author of&n..
Model: DATD-1
Peek Inside!A daily companion, Day to Day offers readers Torah messages that include:A provoking thoughtWords of chizuk and encouragement to brighten your dayA takeaway idea to apply to your daily lifeA story or parable to illustrate the ideaAlso includes an index of parshiyos, so that div..
Model: TAGJ-1
The concept of teshuvah (return) occupies a central place in Judaism. More than a shift to a life of greater religious observance, teshuvah is a spiritual re-awakening, a desire to strengthen the connection between oneself and God; it is a life-long process.Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's Teshuvah ..
Model: MMLB-1
Peek Inside!Do you want your child to develop critical thinking skills, the skills that will help them learn and solve real problems?If you do, the Mastermind workbook is for you!Boys and girls, ages 7-12 (5 -6 with guidance) can use the workbook to build their critical thinking skill set...
Model: LFDW-1
Tragedy strikes... and the sufferer is plunged into darkness and despair. Feelings of loneliness, anguish, and dejection weigh heavily. What can be done to lighten the burden? How can the suffering be lessened? When will the long night end? And how can happiness and joy return? This compilation of t..
Model: OUAI-1
DID YOU…Ever walk around with silverware hanging from your clothes? Why not? Don’t you like to keep the latest inventions handy?Ever receive a pair of shoelaces as a present? No? Can you really think of a better gift?Oh, you were hoping for a tube that magically removes liquid from cups? That’..
Model: TTJG-1
A book especially for young Jewish adults-- written by internationally acclaimed author and lecturer on Jewish Philosophy and Medical Ethics Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz of the JLE, London. There's no "talking down" here, there's just straight inspiration and answers to some of life's deepest and most comple..
Model: AFITD-1
From the Warsaw Ghetto, the Piaseczner Rebbe foresaw the burning questions of our time, his words offering guidance for a future generation he would never know.Aish Kodesh has become a classic, demonstrating that there is nothing people go through that they can’t grow from. Addressing..
Model: MTM-1
In a world with instant and unlimited access to almost all human knowledge, with more distractions and less time than ever before, Torah mastery and truly focused learning is becoming increasingly rare and difficult to obtain. As we venture into a new age of AI and advanced information processing, t..
Model: HBIW-1
Peek Inside!Live More. Worry LessDiscover how to feel Hashem's love and rely on Him completely, both in everyday moments and during challenging times.Gain a deep understanding of bitachon and unlock its power to transform and optimize every area of our lives and relationships.How Bitachon ..
Model: SOTY-1
We all want to live with joy, vitality, and connection, but so often anger, pain, shame, and fear disrupt our goals and relationships. In this paradigm-shifting work, psychologist Joanne Zagnoev draws from the rich wellsprings of Jewish mysticism and her twenty-five years of experience in psychother..
Model: GSBO-1
Aleinu, which concludes each of the three daily prayers in Judaism, describes the aspiration of all of humanity acknowledging God and calling in His name, fulfilling the verse, “God shall be One and his Name One” (Zechariah 14:9). The theology behind this prophetic vision is the subject of this book..
Model: TSAS-1
The challenges that most of us face in our day-to-day lives are often a product of our own character flaws and lack of personal growth. G-d created the world utilizing the Sefiros, a perfectly integrated system of intellectual, emotional and expressive attributes. The lessons of the S..
Model: TTEF-1
Click Here To See Inside!On Simchas Torah 5784, October 7 2023, a day that will forever be etched in memory, everything changed. A murderous pogrom struck our very own land, shaking the foundations of our lives. In the aftermath of such tragedy and during the relentless storm of hatred and misinform..
Model: TALT-1
Appearing in the pages of Ami Magazine for over seven years, “Ask Rabbi Shais Taub” has gained a wide and dedicated following who return weekly seeking his astute guidance, clarity, inspiration, and deep faith. Rabbi Taub’s trademark style of answering the questioner and not just the question has be..
Model: WGW-1
Rabbi Gershon Schusterman knew all the textbook answers when comforting bereaved community members who asked him, “Where is God? If God is loving, how could this happen?” But when the rabbi’s young wife died suddenly, leaving him a 38-year-old widower with eleven children to raise, he found himself ..
Model: IGHB-1
In Good Hands is a unique collection of translated letters and talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on matters of faith and trust and how these connect to many aspects of our lives, including challenges, anxiety, depression and joy. Exploring the notions of Bitachon, a concept that combines the value..
Model: CIBS-1
Beginning from early in his leadership, the Rebbe strongly advocated for married Jewish women to cover their hair, particularly with a sheitel, resulting in the norm it has become today. Translated and printed here are dozens of the Rebbe's letters and talks on the subject, offering insight, encoura..
Model: CATM-1
Contemplating &Transcending MindThis book explores and explains the concept of Hisbonenusand how is it actually practiced.Derived from the word Binah, meaning understanding andcomprehension, Hisbonenus involves engaging the entirespectrum and capabilities of the mind, encompassing thewhole of Ch..
Model: TGRP-1
Impassioned, erudite, thoroughly researched, and beautifully reasoned, The Great Partnership argues not only that science and religion are compatible, but that they complement each other—and that the world needs both. “Atheism deserves better than the new atheists,” states Rabbi Jonat..