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מוסר - מחשבה

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"ספיר ויהלום חנוכה מתוך שיעוריו ושיחותיו של הגאון רבי מנחם מנדל פומרנץ שליט"א, בתוספת משלים סיפורי הוד מצדיקי הדורות, הנהגות ופנינים מאירים  עמודים מלאים זיו ומפיקים נוגה להרבות בסיפורי הנסים והנפלאות בימים ההם בזמן הזה..
Ohr Yisroel Mesalant  /  אור ישראל מסלנט
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Model: OHMESA-1
ספר תולדותיו של אור עולם גאון הדורותאבי עולם הישיבות ותנועת המוסררבן של ישראל מרן הגאון..
Model: 1422632318
Discover a Classic Work - And Watch Your Own Tefillos Soar!Of course, we daven. Of course, we say the words.But have you ever wanted to bring authentic passion and fire to your tefillos?Have you ever wanted to truly feel connected to Hashem through your mitzvos, and even through your day-to-day acti..
Model: 1422640272
Discover a Classic Work - And Watch Your Own Tefillos Soar!Of course, we daven. Of course, we say the words.But have you ever wanted to bring authentic passion and fire to your tefillos?Have you ever wanted to truly feel connected to Hashem through your mitzvos, and even through your day-to-day acti..
Model: HAMUC-1
The Big Picture. The Big Questions. Ultimate Issues. This book addresses them all!Here it is, the essence of Judaism, at your fingertips, in one convenient volume. The Indisputable Truth is an ideal starting point for all things Jewish. For those in the know, as well as for those who may n..
Model: 1422641724
Tap Into the Power of Hashem’s 13 MiddosWe know that Hashem has Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, and He guarantees that if we “do” these, He will grant us forgiveness.In the first chapter of Tomer Devorah, the great Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Cordevero – a student of Rabbi Yosef Karo and a teacher of the Ar..
Model: 1422642178
A Vital Classic, Translated and ElucidatedPele Yoeitz is an encyclopedia of Jewish ethics, prayer, behavior, guidance, and thought authored by the renowned 19th-century halachic authority, ethicist, and kabbalist Rav Eliezer Papo. Pele Yoeitz was written two hundred years ago, bu..
Model: 1422642151
According to tradition, after his exile from Spain for his defense of Judaism, the great Ramban (Nachmanides) sent this letter to his son. The letter which many recite weekly gives a blueprint for an ethical life as timely today as it was then. This book presents it as the basis for a beautiful coll..
Showing 101 to 182 of 182 (2 Pages)