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Siddur Illuminated by Chassidus - Shabbos Kodesh
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Model: SPHS-1
Climb the ladder of passionate davening with the first English Siddur to feature insights of Chassidus into the meanings of the words on every page...
Model: STO-1
Author: Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe Publisher: Kehot Publication Society Language: Hebrew ISBN: 9780826653475 Format: 6" x 9" Padded hardcover, 538 pagesThe Alter Rebbe arranged this Siddur`s text after careful study and comparison of 60 differ..
Model: MFSA-1
THIS FANTASTIC ITEM fills a need in Jewish children's literature: a photo-illustrated prayer book for pre-schoolers with a professionally produced music CD offering 41 tracks of sing-along songs that will keep children occupied for hours, while teaching them the morning prayers and various dail..
Model: SDS-1
A clear easy-to-use Siddur. ·          The Hebrew text has been completely reset in large and clear type.·           He adings have been added before the major sections o..
Model: SRAG-1
סדר תפילות וברכות של כל השנה, ששלח רב עמרם בר ששנא גאון, אל רבי יצחק ב”ר שמעון, ערוך ומוגה על פי כתבי יד ודפוסים עם השלמות ומבוא בידי דניאל גולדשמידט...
Model: SIRA-1
סדר התפילה לימות החול, שבת ומועדים, נוסח אשכנזעם ביאורים ופירושים, יוצא לאור ע"פ כתבי יד ודפוס ראשון..
Showing 101 to 200 of 249 (3 Pages)